
[QT.BL] Phoenix Interrupted

18+ Quick Transmigration BL/LGBT, M-Preg MC/Phoenix/Bottom/Shou/Switch, ML/Top/Gong/Switch-only for MC Both MC & ML are complex characters, and each arc will highlight the different sides to their personalities so some arcs MC maybe a power bottom and in some ML takes charge. But mostly MC is bottom, and ML is top. Join us as we follow a young anti-hero named Phoenix, as he tries to free himself from the clutches of whom ever kidnapped him and imprisoned him, gain power & knowledge in order to take them down & regain his memory that's been locked away from him. It seems that someone else was after Phoenix too but for what and why would they help him escape? Solaris the sentient A.I. system that hacked into The Jailer System that had been forcibly bound to Phoenix's soul and helped to spring Nix from his prison but for what reason and at what cost? No good deed goes unpunished and nothing absolutely nothing in the multiverse is ever completely free. But what choice does Nix have? Surely following Solaris' missions cannot be worse than what he left behind right? Is this just another way for his captors to abuse him more? Can he ever be truly free when he just spent the last 32 thousand years being forced to live one horrific abusive life after the other. Can he even dream of healing when he cannot forget even a single moment, he spent in that hell hole? This story begins at the end of his imprisonment from "hell" and follows his journey to discovering himself, regaining his lost memory and discover who and what was and is behind all this. But can he handle the truth? What happens if he were to learn that he was being punished for crimes against the celestial Dragon Emperor and heaven itself? Could he truly be capable of such a thing and if so, what will he do then? One could definitely say that Nix is an anti-hero, since he is not benevolent but would not stand for injustice happen to the innocent or those, he deems worthy enough to care for and about. Nix is cold, apathetic & keeps everyone & everything at arm's length. Despite his cold, arrogant, apathetic & aloof exterior, Nix surprisingly has a big soft heart for animals & children, as well as all things cute & adorable but he would never admit it. ML: Hey what about me? Nix: What about you? Who are you again anyways? ML: ...? Solaris & Author: eating popcorn & booked peanuts (I know they aren't for everyone, don't come for me) ML: Nix how can you say that? Mrs_TNT do something he's being hateful again for no reason! Why must he always push me away? What did I ever do to him? Author Mrs_TNT: Is that a serious question right now? Well, I guess you'll have to read to find out. This story begins at the end of his first imprisonment and follows Phoenix as he tries to recover his memories from before he was imprisoned and bound to the Jailer System as well as gain power and complete the missions given by Solaris until he can finally be free and exact his revenge before he has his soul annihilated so that he never reincarnates again. I may do flashbacks or even write a prequel after this novel is finished depicting his long, long journey just to get to the beginning of this novel. Be Warned! There will be several triggering topics addressed in this novel, though it is not a dark romance it does touch on abuse: neglect, mental, verbal, physical and sexual. This is a Boy Love, LGBT or gay romance novel that will have explicit scenes. I will not be putting warnings up as I go along. I am working through some of my own trauma through writing this novel, so I understand it is not for everyone. That said this is very loosely based off some of my own experiences and any coincidences between names, places or events is just that a coincidence and have nothing in common unless I state other wise and will credit it if I do as well. Cover art was made by me using A.I. image generator and editing it myself. I hold all rights to this novel.

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44 Chs

The New Nursery: 1

Phoenix's P.O.V.:

Phoenix could not help but stand there, he was taken aback for a moment but never showed anything and before he could speak the little dragon spoke, "Welcome back Master Phoenix." "Wait, hold on a second, are you… Solaris?"

Phoenix asked with a bit of astonishment and skepticism. The little dragon floated up and did a spin in the air with a proud and triumphant look on his face. He blew a little bubble the size of a muscadine and once it was formed, he gently blew it to Phoenix where it stopped and hung in the air in front of him. When Phoenix reached out and gently poked it, it burst into mist and gently floated down and away without causing a mess. Phoenix had a look of awe on his face and when he looked back at the little dragon, he had a genuine smile on his face.

Solaris – "Master Phoenix allow me to formally introduce myself to you, my name is Solaris, and this is my true form. Do you like it? This is not all that has changed! Since you have been asleep, I have been working very hard and I have been waiting for Ma... Master Phoenix to wake so that you can see for yourself. Master was asleep for a few hundred years this time, so I managed to get a lot done in that time frame. Please take a look around dear Master and let me know what you think. If you do not like anything just let me know and I can and will change it for you!"

Solaris was so excited and animated that Phoenix had to wonder if he really was awake or not. Could it be he was still asleep and dreaming about a cute physical form of Solaris? 'But wait didn't I daydream of him as a three- or four-year-old boy? How did he turn into a dragon? Oh, I know this must be a dream, and I am definitely still asleep, right?'' He discreetly pinched himself just to make sure that he was indeed still dreaming; however, the result was not what he was expecting. Sure, enough he was very much wide awake.

 Phoenix who was still reeling from the fact that Solaris is a dragon and not just a dragon, but he now has a physical form. 'Hold up, is his physical form or is it that I can just see him now? I will ask him in a moment. He said to look around, so the nursery must have changed somehow.' Phoenix thought to himself while Solaris kept floating in place with a smile on his face as he just watched his silly master.

 Phoenix just gently shook his head to help him clear his mind, and then finally looked around at the space around him. The more he slowly looked around taking in the updated nursery the more he felt speechless and captivated in awe but its splendor, beauty and wealth that was on a level he could never have even dreamed of.

The nursery was now filled with the most beautiful plants and flowers. There were now furnishings that could only be described as opulent and yet familiar. There was everything one would need and use to furnish a house. He looked around and then walked over to the kitchen while running his hand along the state-of-the-art appliances.

Phoenix could not keep the cheshire cat smile off his face. How is it possible that everything he stored with Solaris is now here? There are even fountains with running water. How, just how was this possible? Is soul power truly that powerful?

He walked up to the intricately carved jade bed and sat on the cloud like mattress; all while, he continued to take in and marvel at his surroundings. The bed alone was work of pure artist mastery the likes of which he has never seen even throughout all his years world hopping after he initially broke free. Laying back he was again pleasantly surprised to see that this carved jade bed had a rather large canopy, and it was just as breath taking as was everything else, he saw thus far. There was even a massive motif that depicted a massive and finely detailed dragon that was dancing and intertwining with an equally stunning and detailed Phoenix.

'Seriously, how in the actual multiverse is this even possible? I feel like this is all befitting of a god, not me... well maybe it is even too great for a god. Am I really deserving of all this?' Setting his own negative thoughts aside before his mental demons reared their ugly heads too much Phoenix decided to focus on continuing to take everything. 'Well, I don't think I could be in awe anymore then I already am but let's see if anything could beat it.'

Solaris who heard his master's thoughts could only chuckle lightly as he watched Phoenix take in the changes, he had made to The Nursery with eyes just as enamored as Phoenix's.

The floor was made of the finest lapis mosaic with gold, rose gold, platinum and holographic metal he had never seen before were used as the mortar and grout to hold it in place. If that weren't opulent enough there were even precious gems of all kinds intricately laid throughout the mosaic. With all the elements used to create the floor it ended up looking like a magnificent piece of fine jewelry that mimicked the cosmos, leaving one mesmerized by its sheer beauty and gander as they were at a loss for words.

As he continued to allow his greedy eyes to roam, he had to remind himself to close his open mouth, as one would think we was uncouth. There was a breathtakingly beautiful scene of the dancing great dragon and phoenix constellations made from the most precious and stunning gems. It looked like actual shing stars.

There were yards and yards of flowing silk with stars embroidered with silver and gold thread. Everywhere he looked there were dragon and phoenix motifs. He was starting to see the theme Solaris was going for but why... could it be because Solaris is a dragon while he his name was Phoenix? Well, he can ponder on that later as for not it was not so important. He needed to finish gawking at everything so that he could focus and ask Solaris some pressing questions he has.

Just when Phoenix thought that the grander could not increase any more his eyes landed upon a throne like chair, scratch that it was a throne, no question about it. 'What, in the actual... that's a throne. A fucking throne! Who has a throne? What was Solaris thinking adding a throne and not just any ole throne, nope it just has to be the most exquisite and breathtaking opulent throne I have ever seen! How much is something like that even worth? How can Solaris afford something like that? Wait, no this is not important right now! Focus, Nix, focus! Stop getting distracted there is far more to see, and you have a lot of questions for Solaris. Hopefully he will finally give me some answers.'  Phoenix sighed to himself while regaining his attention and resuming his inspection of The Nursery, no, The New Nursery because it is nothing like it was before. 

Why had he even liked it to a chair to begin with he was no certain. The throne was made of the finest jade he had ever seen that had phoenixes in varying states carved throughout it while diamonds, rubies, sapphires and amethyst, along with other precious gems that he had never encountered before were embedded throughout. It was both masculine and feminine at the same time. The throne overlooked what seemed to be a floating orb with the vast expanse of space in the background.

Phoenix was not sure where all the extra items came from, but he will ask Solaris about it later as for now he did not want to stop gazing at the ethereal and magnificent sight before him. He slowly walked toward the throne before looking at Solaris who nodded at him and sat down on it.

He could not help but think that this sight alone made the last 365 lives worth it! From where he was sitting, he could see thousands of galaxies and stars and planets, each a different color and size. The orb in front of him was glowing and he could not help but think of a blank slate ready to be sculpted into the finest work of art.

Looking down Phoenix realized he was wearing the most magnificent robes he had ever seen. The silklike material was so ethereal that he did not even register he was wearing robes 'Where did the fabric come from? It flows like water, breathes like cotton, yet is warm and comfortable like wool! It is as soft to touch as silk, no it is somehow even softer it is almost like touching air, but how... Wait, can robes be made out of this material? I really want more robes made out of this! Oh, My, Galaxies, is this what the bedding is made of? I hope so, heavens I really hope so!', he could not help but to say his inner thoughts outload earning giggles from the little dragon still flying in the air to his right, all the while never taking his eyes off Phoenix. 

Phoenix gently shook his head and continued to inspect his new robes. They fit him to perfection, and they too had stars and phoenixes depicted throughout them in gold and silver with purple jade and amethyst embroidered throughout making it look as if he was wearing the actual night sky. His belt was platinum and inlayed with jade of varying greens, blues, purple, yellow and red in the shape of a flying phoenix with its long a beautiful tail feathers wrapping around his sling waist. The eye of the phoenix was black jade with a small white jade stone for its beak. The pin and crown in his hair matched his belt.

Phoenix had long midnight black hair with blue undertones and streaks of dark purple that only appeared when the light hit it just right. His full and silky locks were half up, and the rest was flowing down his back like a cascading waterfall it made his amethyst eyes shine even brighter. His moonlight pale and supple skin seemed to glow making his red full and lush lips even more eye catching. His amethyst eyes with their streaks of varying shades of violet and flecks of gold resembled the galaxies that were the backdrop of The Nursery.

 It took Phoenix a bit to realize that the vast expanse of space before him had also changed.

With a raised eyebrow and a quizzical look at Solaris he asked, "did we finally make it back to your, our home dimension"? He felt that he already knew the answer but still had to ask.

His heart was racing because if it were true then it would mean that he was finally free from his imprisoners' grasp, and they could no longer control him or look into him at any moment. He knew he would not be completely free yet as there was a reason Solaris was sent to find and rescue him, he just did not know the reason… yet.

-Solaris – "Yes Master Phoenix, we are back home in our own dimension but not quite to our own plane. You will have to complete the task set out for you in order for you to go back to your home plane but when you do you will still have the knowledge and power you have gained thus far. As of now that is the most I can tell you, but I promise it should not be long before I can give your more information on what is going on."

-Phoenix – "Aw, ok then." He was choked up by the knot that formed in his throat so after clearing it he asked "Solaris did you do all this for me? Did you use all your soul power on this?"

-Solaris – "Yes Master Phoenix I did all this for you. Do you like it? Did Solaris do a good job, Master?

Phoenix watched as the little dragon began to fly around in little circles and even did a few loop-de-loops. He could not keep the corners of his lips from twitching as he did his best to restrain himself from smiling brightly, grabbing up this little cutie pie and cooing to him as if he were a hatchling opening his eyes for the first time. Phoenix was just barely able to restrain himself while concealing his emotions and inner thoughts.

He simply stared at the adorable little dragon and nodded his head in response to Solaris' excited questions. He was in trouble if Solaris ever found out his effect on him.

-Solaris - "As for my soul power..."