

After a long torturous day of being trapped in the dark, our protagonist finally got the chance of getting away from her nightmare. That is by becoming the host of too much of a "reliable system" that always gives her weird roles which almost got her failed in every world she goes. Viollete: "System... what is my main mission?" System : [Save The Villainess] Viollete: "Then why can't you give me better roles so I can help the Villainess, better!!??" ------- System: [Hey, Do you remember your main mission?] Viollete: "Save The Villainess" System: [Then why are you acting like a matchmaker and make other people do your works!!!???] This is the story of Violette, as she is working hard to save the villainess in each mission worlds, meeting new friends, and somehow making changes in the systemic worlds. This story has GL or Shoujo ai. It's pretty light so no R-18 or R-16. Also, the Main character has no love interest. [WE DON'T TALK ABOUT FIRST WORLD. THAT WAS TWO YEARS AGO] Also!!!! I draw the cover myself!!!!!! I did my best for a whole night!!! praise me!!

Carciphones_02 · Fantasy
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57 Chs

(Extra story+Author's Note)






(Alex x Alice)

This event happened before Viollete entered the mission world.

Alex POV

"Alright, looking good!" Alex checked out her clothes in the mirror as she fixed a few crumpled parts.

It's not that long after she enters this world. Her instinct and natural habit make her easily get used to the new environment which is a good thing.

After fixing her clothes, and hair, and making sure the binding on her chest is in perfect condition, only then did she walk out of her room.

Right at this moment, Alice, the female lead of her mission also appeared. There's no expression on Alice's face, which is not unusual for Alex.

She knows that Alice has always looked unfazed, serious, and expressionless from the original owner's memories.

Alice didn't spare Alex any extra glance and walked past her and treat her like air.

Alex just glanced at her with the same expressionless face. Despite that, her heart is screaming in awkwardness.

Alex's room is between the stairs and Alice's room. So, it's normal for them to see each other right after walking out of the room.

But, the thing is, the original Alex always woke up early. Even though Alex now has the original owner's memories, there are some habits she can't fix such as waking up late.

Alice also always wakes up late. So, normally, they both rarely crossed paths with each other in the morning. Only today.

Alex watches as Alice walks down the stairs. Alex let out a soft sigh while rubbing her cheek. She wanted to wait until Alice is a little bit farther before she walks behind her as she doesn't want to go to school together.

This family only have three personal drivers. For the dad, the mom and the original owner. Alice is clearly mistreated in this family which is sad.

Alex looks at Alice again as she walks down the stairs when suddenly, Alice loses her footing.

Alice was about to fall and there is a visible panic expression on her face when she can't stabilise her body and her hand can't seem to reach the handrails.

She closed her eyes when suddenly, she feels like someone is hugging her from behind.

Alice paused for a few seconds before opening her eyes slowly. She can feel someone breathing near her neck. Her pupils are dilated when she sees the familiar-looking arm around her waist.

She looks behind slowly to see the panicked expression on Alex's face. At this time, Alice almost loses her usual temperament as she has never seen that look on Alex's face.

Alex of course looks a little bit shrivelled as she runs as fast as she can to catch Alice.

She feels her blood runs cold when she remembers this is one of the first events that turn Alice into a crazy, emotionless monster.

This mansion doesn't have a lot of maids or butlers. Only cookers and cleaners come during the fixed time to do their job.

The mom always spends time outside and the dad is always busy with work. Most of the time, only Alice and Alex are inside the mansion.

Alice falls down the stairs and broke all the fingers on her left hand and fractured both of her legs. She can't get up and walk to call for help.

The first person to find her is Alex. But, the first thing she did is not help but humiliate her. She forced Alice to beg and crawl toward Alex if she wants her to call the ambulance.

In pain, Alice was forced to follow Alex's torturous commands. In the end, after great humiliation, Alex finally calls the ambulance.

When Alice was brought to the hospital, It was noted that she can never play the piano.

The thing is, Alice likes to play the Piano during her spare time. Playing the piano is the only thing that makes her feel genuinely happy as the one who taught her to play the Piano is her mother who is no longer alive.

What makes Alice fall into depression was that she has the chance to save her left hand but because the injuries were aggravated when she was forced to crawl, and the help that comes late, she can no longer play the piano.

Alex of course doesn't care about Alice's state at that time. The only thing she cared about at that time is the video of Alice crying in pain and the expression Alice made when she began for help.

When the current Alex remembers that scene, she quickly runs to catch Alice. She hugged her tightly and pull her behind till both of them are sitting on the stairs. Alice who is trapped inside Alex's embraces this time doesn't know what goes on inside Alex's mind.

But, what she realised now is that Alex is acting abnormal. She frowns and tries to break free but Alex doesn't seem to cooperate.

"Let. Go," Alice speaks calmly, but she is holding her uneasiness inside.

"Wait a few seconds..." Alex whispered but accidentally do it close to Alice's ear.

Alice shivered and her ears feels hot. She never knows that her ears are very sensitive. She wants to struggle stronger but, Alex didn't let go and rest her head on her shoulder.

Alice paused in confusion. She stares at the top of Alex's jet black hair. She can't understand why Alex suddenly acts like this.

"You know how dangerous that was?" Alex suddenly spoke.

"what?" Alice replied with a frown. "Since when do you care so much about me?" Alice continues to struggle again.

Alice stops moving when she hears Alex chuckling.

"Probably starting today?" Alex lifted her head and look at Alice's face with a smile.

Alice's heart almost skipped a beat when she looks at Alex's face. She has never seen Alex smile so genuine like this since the first time they met.

They both stares at each other eyes not realising that their face is close.

No one speaks at this moment and just looks at each other in silence.

Today, both of them don't know that their life will face drastic changes that they have never expected to happen in their past life, nor their current life.