
[QT] Marrying My Master in Another World

Feared by the world for their unrivalled strength, Bai Liang finally lost his beloved master under the 'justice' of the self-proclaimed righteous sects. As he sought blood and revenge, heaven secured him and locked him up before he caused irreparable destruction to his world and caused it to collapse. It was then he was told that his all-powerful master has escaped the abyss of the underworld and scattered his soul to multiple worlds in the lower realm. But just as he thought that his master could live a carefree life, heaven didn't let him rest. His master who forcefully reincarnated himself to the worlds where he wasn't fated to exist had tangled the thread of fate and created instability in the world's trajectory. To prevent the collapse of these worlds, Bai Liang agreed to help maintain them, determined to let his master enjoy his life until he dies of old age without any regret. Bai Liang: Let's focus. Xue 'sword spirit system' Liang: [Yes, Master!] A certain master: Baby, I'm here~ Bai Liang: Master! °˖ \ (///▽///) / ˖° Xue Liang: [Master, stop climbing Grandmaster's bed QAQ!!]

Jira_Kamitsuki · Fantasy
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40 Chs

The Marshal’s Little Fairy 6

Bai Liang made the minutes of the meeting as he listened to the 4 people's discussions. Unfortunately, matching it with the scenes in the original trajectory, the corps evaluation would be entirely different. But he was only an assistant, so he couldn't really change their decision.

In the original trajectory, the corps evaluation should be done on a numbered planet which had thick wilderness terrain. Although it was a forest, it had an entirely different species of plants and beasts than the ones they knew.

Now, it was decided that it would be held in space to test their respective mechs' aerial technology and their soldiers' skills and techniques in aerial manoeuvre. This was because of the increasing emergence of Ether Parasites in space.

While regular Parasites crawled on land, Ether Parasites plagued outer space. Both had bodies like that of a black octopus with whip-like tentacles of a jellyfish. The only difference was that Ether Parasites could teleport over a short distance depending on their strength.

These creatures used their tentacles for both defence and offence. They would then latch onto their prey to suck away their spiritual energy until all their life essence was drained. Their thin tentacles could tear through metals while their thicker tentacles could crush a boulder.

Ether Parasites were relatively larger than regular Parasites. While regular Parasites were twice bigger than an adult at most, Ether Parasites were as big as a 10 meters mech at least. The biggest one the empire had ever encountered was the one which attacked the Starling's commercial spacecraft which was 1.5 times bigger than it.

The increase of Ether Parasites was also not within the trajectory.

'Xiao Xue, can you investigate what is the cause for the Ether Parasites' increase?' Bai Liang asked while keep listening to the meeting.

Xue Liang: [The restriction in this world is much lighter than the previous two worlds, so Xiao Xue can try. But if Xiao Xue must travel to outer space, Xiao Xue must detach itself from Master and will not be able to provide surveillance over Aiden and Noah.]

Bai Liang thought for a moment, 'What if you enter the Star Network system? It's not only connected to our entire galaxy, but it's also connected to other galaxies as well. You should be able to travel through its network.'

Xue Liang: [Xiao Xue will try. Please wait a moment, Master.]

While Bai Liang waited for Xue Liang's result, the meeting came to an end after 2 full hours. The 2 other marshals dismissed themselves while Dantalion and the grand marshal remained.

"Castor, when you said that you will take guardianship of the unclassified fairy, I did not think that you meant it that way," the grand marshal commented. "But with your constitution, Cain Starling might be the only fairy that can heal you. You should report it to His Majesty with the result of your compatibility test."

"No, Grand Marshal. Earlier was just…a misunderstanding," Dantalion inexplicably felt a dull stab in his heart denying it, but he didn't want to make Bai Liang uncomfortable. His fingers silently clenched on his armrest as he repressed his emotion, "I employed him as Tempest Corps' chief assistant as I reported and he has been performing excellently."

"Is that so? In truth, His Majesty is thinking of introducing Cain Starling to His Highness the first prince with the intention of future marriage. I planned to inform this to you for you to set a schedule," the grand marshal interlaced his fingers and raised his eyebrows inquiringly. "Are you sure this is only a misunderstanding?"

The desk screen suddenly glitched and the grand marshal's projection distorted. Dantalion's purple eyes darkened and crackled. His mouth parted and the low voice that came out of it seemed to belong to an unknown devil.

"No, Grand Marshal. He's mine. I'll report it to His Majesty soon."

Bai Liang's heart thumped. He discreetly glanced down at Dantalion to see the unconcealable possessiveness in his eyes and his heart quickened.

When Dantalion denied what happened earlier as a misunderstanding, it would be a lie if he said he wasn't disappointed. Still, he understood Dantalion's character in this world and guessed that he probably denied it for his sake.

This possessive declaration was more like something his master would do…

The grand marshal looked at his glitching screen and could feel the thick hostility even through Dantalion's projection. He knew he had pulled a trigger and said a short sentence before ending their meeting completely.

Once the projector turned off, the room fell into a cold silence. Bai Liang could feel the dark turbulence brewing in the air and placed his tablet down.

"Sir Dante," Bai Liang softly touched Dantalion's clenched hand.

Dantalion slowly looked up at him and watched him stand in front of him, between him and his desk. Bai Liang saw that Dantalion's purple eyes becoming closer to black and crackled with dark lightning while his black eyes became a pool of abyss.

It was filled with love so deep that it seemed like both his heart and mind were consumed by it.

Bai Liang held Dantalion's face and slowly sat down on his lap. He pressed their foreheads together, his voice trembled as he breathed out, "Master…"

His wings bloomed out of his back as he enveloped Dantalion's body with his spirit, covering him in a soft, iridescent white light. The cold, dim space was illuminated by his wings and the turbulent air was gently cleared by the slow swirling of light.

He bathed Dantalion's spirit with his own and both of them trembled from the comfort and pleasure it brought. Dantalion captured his waist and brought their hips together before he started loving his lips with passionate kisses.

"My little jade…" Dantalion whispered with bated breath.

He lifted Bai Liang up and slowly rested him on the desk before continuing. He kissed away the tears of grief in guilt, pain, and regret. He had vowed to only give the best things the world could ever give to his most precious and never let him grieve or suffer, but he failed.

Each drop of tears ripped his heart inside out, but he didn't have any right to coax him to not cry. His most precious's every tear, every sob, every grievance, he must bear it.

If only he believed in him more. If only he didn't let his rationality be consumed by lies.

Feeling he was about to be blocked by the law of the world, he kissed Bai Liang one last time, "I'm sorry."

Bai Liang looked at Dantalion's pained eyes and shook his head, "It was my fault."

Dantalion wanted to refute when his purple eye swiftly regained its light and his black eye became clear. His mind was foggy for a moment as he supported his dizzy head.

In his confusion, he inadvertently looked down and his blood chilled. Under him, the little fairy's visage was stained with tears that hadn't yet stopped. His lips were swollen red along with the rims of his eyes.

Anybody who saw him would have their heart broken. It was as if he had just gone through undeserved suffering and injustice.

The taste of tears still lingered on his lips and Dantalion knew he had lost his mind. Horrified by himself, he swiftly straightened up and backed away, knocking his chair back with a crash. On his taut face was immense shame and condemnation.

"Cain, forgive me. You may sue me for assault and harassment. I will arrange for you to work with Ambrose starting tomorrow and also arrange a new house for you if you–"

"Sir Dante, please calm down," Bai Liang slowly propped himself up as he wiped the tears on his eyes that finally stopped from seeing Dantalion's panic. He smiled reassuringly at him, "I'm fine. I was crying from pleasure."


Dantalion's mind exploded from Bai Liang's words. His throat became dry, not knowing what to say to such a claim, while he tried suppressing the indecent flame burning in the pit of his abdomen.

Once Dantalion's spirit and the surrounding air stabilized, Bai Liang's wings slowly dispersed from their tips to their roots.

"Sir Dante, do you remember what you said to the grand marshal before the meeting ended?"

Dantalion furrowed his eyebrows, trying to recall it, but his memory blanked after the grand marshal told him that the emperor wanted to marry Bai Liang to the first prince. The next thing he knew, he was already on top of Bai Liang who was crying.

"I do not, but I promise to take responsibility for it," he solemnly said. "What did I say to the grand marshal?"

Bai Liang faintly smiled and slid off the desk to take Dantelion's hands, "You said that you will report to His Majesty the emperor that I am yours."

"!?" Dantalion's ears flushed red until his cheeks.

"Let's take the compatibility test, Sir Dante," Bai Liang chuckled and smiled wider.