
[Bounty Hunters]

[AN: Not gonna explain any guns or appearance for canon characters or from Destiny 2. Just looked it up. OC or custom things however I will.

Also, the whole chapter will be in the third person to test.]

=-= Time Skip 9 Years | Age 15 | Two Weeks Before Start of Beacon =-=

Currently, Zero Two and Quail were in the streets on their sparrows, Zero Two's SV-112 Predator, and Quail's Hastilude.

Zero Two's SV-112 Predator was colored mainly red with light pink accents. Quail's was colored a dark grey with gold accents.

With both of them dodging and weaving through the cars like there was no tomorrow, they chased after their most recent target.

The target had a bounty of 2000 Lein.

[US dollars to Lein 1:1]

Although they had enough money to last them for a decade or so comfortably, the target was to easy to simply not pass the free money.

But the main reason was that Quail was a loot goblin.

If there was loot, there was Quail.

And because of Quail's 'loot goblin' side, he would VERY occasionally go for loot in the middle of a battle, potentially costing him his life.

Because of this, Zero Two was forced to basically act as a babysitter for Quail whenever he was fighting in order to make sure he loots afterward and not during the fight.

The target was just a simply killer who had killed his best friend the and parents of the dead guy wanted the killer dead.

And because rarely any Huntsman or Huntresses would accept a kill request, they would usually leave those to the bounty hunters.

Bounty hunters do the dirty job while Huntsman gets the glory. That's the way the public views it at least.

And that's also where UZ comes in.

[UZ: Q(u)ail and (Z)ero Two]

They are mystery bounty hunters who wear masks. They are considered a couple as they have shown public affection while on missions.

Although the genders of which is which, is unknown as they both wear cloaks that cover both their entire body and head.

Right now, UZ had a copy of Speaker's mask after some permission from Speaker himself. The mask was too cool to pass up anyways.

The cloaks they wore were simple in design with Quail's following his theme of dark grey and sometimes gold and Zero Two's cloak followed her theme of a rose red with light flamingo pink.

Of course, this wasn't their main attire for fighting, this was just a cover for when they were bounty hunters as their other armor was too unique and the dots would connect too easily, even if they were to use a different set of armor.

Anyway's it wasn't long before they caught the killer who was in a simply stolen car. And when UZ appeared and knocked on the window to get the killer's attention, he practically shit his pants.

And while Quail took the killer to the employers, Zero Two took the car and returned it to the owner for some extra cash.

And while they couldn't dematerialize their sparrow-like in the game, Quail was able to figure out how to make the sparrows compact and fold like a briefcase.

Exactly like the briefcase suit/Mark 5 in Iron Man.

Since the employer's/parents of dead guy wanted the killer dead, Quail simply assured them that the killer would die and took him away.

Afterwards, Quail took the killer to the cops and earned the extra rewards.

And while Quail and Zero Two were at a rented place in a very popular and nice hotel, the killer 'hung himself' and died.

Totally, Quail had nothing to do with it.

After putting away their clothes and showering WITHOUT any sex, since their not rabbits who fuck 24/7.

They decided to play a game of blackjack with REALLY FUCKING HIGH stakes.

Quail: "I bet Ace of Spades."

Zero Two: "Hoo~? Right of the bat I see. Then I bet Chaperone."

When Quail was replicating all the exotic weapons, he promised to only make a single copy of each exotic weapon unless necessary. Armor, however, two copies were only allowed for each were allowed.

After all, the couples wanted to have some fun after all.

At this point, Quail was on the point of busting a nut. CHAPERONE. A shotgun with a range higher than you after spending all your payday on drugs.

Quail didn't even need the Ace of Spades, he had the last word.

He, however, didn't even have a single shotgun in his inventory.

Quail had most of the exotic hand cannons save for Sunshot and Thorn which Zero Two had.

Zero Two had the most exotics because Quail had a gambling addiction and sucked while Zero Two was practically a god at gambling.

Even then the Sunshot and Thorn were god-tier weapons in dealing with lots of Grimms. Even the Thorn was amazing as it was a poisoning hand cannon and was amazing at dealing with a high endurance opponent.

Quail: "Show cards on, 3, 2, 1."

Quail had 18.

Zero Two had 21.

Quail: "FUCK" He silently shouted before looking at a smug Zero Two with puppy eyes and throwing himself onto her and latching on like a koala.

This made Zero Two even smugger before gently (read forcefully) kissing Quail on the lips.

And while Quail tried to squirm his way out, his strength was nothing compared to Zero Twos.

Not to mention that after Zero Two slipped her tongue into Quail he practically melted and gave up the struggle.

With the end of the struggle, he just gently wrapped his hand around Zero Two's waist and continued the kiss.

While Zero Two, on the other hand, was more aggressive and started to fondle Quail's butt.

Which made him want to die inside of embarrassment.

After all with his partner/lover have much more strength then him and on top of her being a sadist, she was the dominant one in the relationship regardless of if Quail wanted it or not.

If also didn't help that Quail didn't struggle much in her aggressive advances as he had really no reason to.

He wasn't like some asshole who treated women like toys and only wanted to be dominant.

No, he was the type of person to be whatever his lover wanted him to be.


*knock knock*

Zero Two: "Lucky boy~," She said before giving Quail another kiss and a boop on the nose before walking up and answering the door.

Quail on the meantime tried to freshen himself up to be presentable in case of someone needing to enter the room.

=-= At the Door =-=

After opening it, Zero Two was slight, I mean slightly, surprised to see the headmaster of Beacon, and Glynda Goodwitch at their door.

"Hello." Zero Two answered in a cold tone, that matched her cold looking face.

She usually acted cold in front of everyone, but her Darling.

The headmaster, Ozpin, ignored the tone and introduced himself. "Hello, I'm Ozpin, headmaster of Beacon, and this is Glynda Goodwitch a staff member at Beacon Academy. May we come in to discuss something?"

"Of course." Zero Two answered once again in her cold tone.

Zero Two stepped to the side in order to let the two members of Beacon Academy walk into their hotel room.

The first thing that both Ozpin and Glynda noticed was the odd-looking shotgun and REALLY big revolver? sitting on top of a table with what seemed to be playing cards underneath.

With this sight, they both tensed up, before looking around the room and what they saw made their jaw drop.

What filled their sight was an ordinary looking teenager with black hair and red eyes. The teenager had two white horns that were identical to Zero Twos and even the same location. While the teenager looked ordinary to other people, to Ozpin and Glynda, what they saw was a matching resemblance to an old friend of theirs who they knew as, Raven Branwen.

Old as in Raven threatened to slaughter everyone in her sight no matter who or where if they didn't find her son within his age of 15. Or at least bring evidence of him being alive or dead.

Although when Quail turned to the two and his eyes landed on theirs, all they saw were eyes that seemed shattered with scars littering his eye.

"Ozpin *nod* Glynda *nod*. To what do we owe the pleasure of two people who should belong on another continent."

At this Zero Two was back and was sitting next to Quail. The guns on the table seemingly disappeared into nothingness.

And after Ozpin and Glynda were seated on the couch while Quail and Zero Two sat across from them on another couch they began talking.

"You are Quail Branwen are you not?" Ozpin asked in his normal tone after composing himself. After all, he wasn't 'immortal' for a reason.

"Yes, what about it?" Quail asked in his normal monotone. Seemingly unaffected by the statement.

Ozpin: "Your mother has been looking for you for years, but you keep disappearing. And for some reason, her portal semblance won't work on you."

After hearing about his Mother looking for him, Quail almost jumped out of his seat and would've crippled both of Ozpin and Glynda's legs had it not been for Zero Two who immediately, grabbed onto Quail and restrained him with both her arms and gently whispered into his ears, making him fall asleep like some magic trick.

Glynda: "What was that?" She asked in a weird tone looking at the sleeping Quail.

Zero Two: "*sigh* Whenever he hears about his Mother in any way shape or form, he loses his shit and tends to heavily overreact. And if I hadn't restrained him, both of you wouldn't have left his eyes until you give him information on his Mother." She responded in a tired cold voice

Ozpin had seen the look in his eyes and analyzing various things he was able to come to one conclusion.

This was also something almost that was almost non-existent in his entire 'immortality' cycle.

Ozpin: "*even worst sigh then Zero Two* He's a mom-con isn't he."

A flinch from Zero Two was all he needed to know.

Ozpin: "Moving on, my request was for you too to accompany us to Beacon and study there as a student. With your skills already, you are as strong or stronger than a professional Huntsmen.

And by analyzing a few things, I was able to tell that both of you lack professional teachings, but have self-taught yourselves. This is where Beacon Academy comes in handy."

Zero Two looked at her lover who was now sleeping softly in her lap and came to a conclusion that Quail would either have to hate or love.

Zero Two: Several conditions: We are to be exempted from rules stating no combat against fellow students. We are to be a team by ourselves, we are to have a room to ourselves, we will be able to leave school on weekdays after school, and we MUST get information on Raven Branwen or this is a no deal. Also, other conditions may be added at a later date."

Ozpin: "We can't allow you to fight other students on a mere whim, I'm sorry, but no. Other than that, everything is ok."

Zero Two: "Not what I meant. It's just that in case someone stares at Darling inappropriately, I want to be able to slaug- teach them a lesson without any troublesome punishment. And in case I'm stared at leachously, I don't want Darling to get kicked out before he accidentally mentally tortured and killed a student, accidentally of course." She said that before smiling creepily at the end.

Ozpin: "As long as you don't kill or do any lasting damages then it's ok. Also, the Bullhead leaves tomorrow morning at 8 a.m so be ready by then if you're coming with us."

To that Zero Two gave a hmm before gazing softly at her Darling.

=-= Outside UZ Hotel Room =-=

Ozpin: "You've been awfully quiet Glynda. Usually, you would've said something by now."

Glynda: "The kid's eyes been scared for over about 9 years or so."

Ozpin: "Hmmm."

Glynda: "That's nine years of living blind. And not to mention that they're the Unequaled bounty hunters. This kid's been fighting and killing while BLIND."

Ozpin: "Hmmm." Ozpin once again hummed while in thought.

Glynda: "Anyway's let's rent two rooms and take a rest."

Ozpin's thoughts were his thoughts and no one knew what was going on.

Other than Author of course.

And a little sneak peek at Ozpin's thoughts.

'Horns. Grimm. They both feel human and Grimm. The girl more so then Quail. Not to mention Quail was of human origin. So how did Quail gain horns and become part, Grimm? What's the girl's story?'


AN: Many are probably gonna drop cause of Zero Two being the dominant one in the relationship and I could care less. I'm not the type of edge or asshole authors who always make MC dominant and sadistic over the women. Their people, not toys.

And to be honest I originally had no intention of the relationship going this way with dominant and sub and stuff like that.

It's just after working out their personality more and more, I realized that MC is the type guy to adapt to what the women want. Whether is sadistic or a masochist or stuff like that. MC is the type of guy to become whatever in order to make his partner happy.

Not like Zero Two cares. She just likes Quail the way he is.

Also finally finished school and finals so chapters should come daily or at least 1 every two days.