
[OLD LINK] My Obsession

Here is the New Novel Link! https://www.webnovel.com/book/my-obsession_18953662306860405 [This novel link will be used as announcement only Thanks!] Yang Tian-Xu is a direct descent of the Yang Family and holds the heavy burdens to the family’s name. However, in this modern world, there is no longer any war. They are at peace, and the Yang Family had to venture their footsteps into the business world. Instead of conquering the bloody battlefield in the new era they, the Yang Family had conquered the business world and became powerful and wealthy family household in the country. In city Y, where the Yang Family dominated, Yang Tian-Xu had seen a girl he had never met before across the street and had fallen in love at first sight. His obsession grew stronger and stronger, as he longed to see her again. ------------------------------------------------ Author's Note: ------------------------------------------------ Good News! I have received a non-exclusive contract with this novel, meaning I still have my rights to this novel (only I just earn a bit less compare to exclusive contract.) So this mean you will be able to unlock chapters on webnovel now! Yay! Look forward to the new novel link, The contents of this novel will be deleted (once the new novel link gets published.) Author's Website : www.d2d-dare2dream.store I will upload more chapters whenever I want to advertise for this series. So please buy a copy of the EBook on Amazon. Volume 1: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07NQ23CZR Volume 2: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B084TCTNVK Volume 3: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08WPXNS4W Volume 4: I'm working on it! Thank you for all who are still supporting this novel. -------------------------------------------------- For more chapters become a patreon: Visit: https://d2d-dare2dream.store For novel announcement join the author's discord channel! https://discordapp.com/invite/fT9tQgh *Also posted on RRL*

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Author's Note

Hello Old and New Readers,

If this is your first time reading this novel. I would like to thank you for giving this novel your interest. I don't have a lot of time to edit, so I would have to apologised for the errors you sometimes see in here.

If you're still seeing this "Author's Note" It means that I am still currently writing this novel, and it will take me some times to complete it, because I do plan to have this series a Seven (7) Volume Long Novel.

I mostly will release chapters to promote this Novel, and I always keep a look-out for the ranking of this novel, if there's a lot of votes, I will release more chapters as a thank you to my readers.

However, please keep in mind, that I'll probably won't upload the entire novel on WebNovel.com,

Because I am selling this series on Amazon.com.

Now, most readers will wondered why I don't get this novel on premium, this is because if I become contracted, I don't get much from Webnovel.com, I heard that as a premium author, I don't get to keep my copyright, and they only pay authors 50% of paid stones.

Amazon is where I will keep all my rights to this novel, and I still get a 70% royalty for selling on Amazon. So if you are me. What would you pick? Webnovel, or Amazon?

Sure I don't get much sells on Amazon, but at least I'm getting true fans who are willing to support me, and I can't thank you enough for your purchase! So Again, Thank You Very Much for Purchasing this series on Amazon.

Maybe in the future if Webnovel doesn't take my copyright, I would sign their contract. Or when I write a new series and I don't care much about the copyright for that novel, I will sign a contract, but who really knows the future. So for now, Enjoy as much chapters as you can, because You will have to buy soon, just like unlocking any chapters on WN. But you'll get the complete series on Amazon (Once it's finished)

So Please buy a copy of the ebooks. (Whenever they are out)

They are only 2.99$ usd for each Volume. So 7 Volume x 2.99$usd = 20.93$ USD total.

So if you aren't willing to pay to finish this series, hopefully in the future I will be able to make a New Series and sell that copyright to WN.

Enjoy Reading everyone!