
Chapter 42 One year time skip

It had been a year since Naruto had come to Primal Chaos with Hinata and Hanabi.

They lived happily in Xiao Clan along with Xiao Ying's family.

They were treated like they were their children. Things that both Hinata and Hanabi had never experienced before.

The wounds on their hearts were completely healed by them.

Hinata and Hanabi's cultivation progressed very quickly when they cultivated with Naruto.

They were at the 10th level of the Nascent Profound Realm.

Their cultivation might not be as fast as Naruto. But as he always said to everyone. 

He was the special case and no one in the whole primal chaos could compare to him in cultivation speed.

"You three cultivate together again, It's not fair."

Xia Qingyue walked toward them. Ever since that her mother left this planet. Xia Qingyue would often come to Xiao Clan to visit Naruto.

She took the role of his fiancee seriously. It was like he was the only thing that kept her going.

Hinata saw her and then her personality became completely different from normal.

"You can cultivate with us but unfortunately you can't stay for too long as you have to go back home, Zan'nen."

Zan'nen = Unfortunately

Hinata became quite fierce after Daji decided to teach her something.

She wanted her daughter-in-law to not be trampled on by someone.

Xia Qingyue looked at Hinata and sighed.

"Na'er Gege, She is going at it again."

"Be nice to her, will you, Hinata-chan."


Hinata shook her head and then she said sorry to her.

"Gomen, I think she came out again."

"It's okay, Hinata Jiejie. Everyone has someone like that in them."

Xia Qingyue felt relieved that the cute and shy Hinata came back and took control of herself again.

Naruto saw that Hinata had come back from the darkside and he said to everyone.

"Let's cultivate together. I heard that someone from the Xiao Sect would come to pick someone from the clan as a disciple today. We should keep quiet until they go away okay."

Naruto wasn't afraid of anyone but he didn't like annoying things.

He thought about annoying things. He couldn't help but think of Xiao Clan's patriarch and his funny band.

Xiao Lie had become a patriarch after Naruto told him that Xiao Hongyi wanted to mess up with his little daughter.

Xiao Lie who came out from close door cultivation became angry and will not tolerate Xiao Yunhai bullsh*t anymore.

He asked for a duel for the patriarch position in his face in front of everyone in the clan.

Xiao Yunhai was very cunning. He knew that he could not win against Xiao Lie.

So there was no need for the duel.

He acted like he was willing to give him the position because of fairness.

"The strongest should become the patriarch. And I am willing to step down and live my life quitely."

He wasn't punished as Xiao Lie knew that he would never do something like that if the first elder hadn't persuaded him in doing so.

The first elders were punished by demotion as for the other two. He cut off their resources in half for the next three years.

"Dare to plan to do something bad to my beloved daughter. Seeking death."

The first elder wanted to protest but Xiao Lie told him that if he didn't want to keep the position he gave him.

He would just exiled him for treason.

"You are too much Xiao Lie! You will one day face justice!"

"Justice my a*s. Get lost before I change my mind!"

The first elder was very afraid and he left without saying anything again.

Daji told Naruto that in this kind of situation. He should not spare those who had malice toward him.

"Let's put a seal on him. If he thought of betraying anyone here. He will die a painful death."

Naruto absorbed her teaching and did what he was told to.

In the cultivation world. He must not be too soft.

Xia Qingyue heard Naruto and she nodded with a smile.

"Yes, I will cultivate quietly with Na'er Gege. So you don't have to worry about anything"

Xia Qingyue smiled cutely and then she joined them in cultivating.

Her progress was a little slower than Hinata and Hanabi. 

Her cultivation was at 9th level of the Nascent Profound Realm.

"You don't need to hide, If you are already here. Yueli-san."

Naruto looked at the sky.

Snow fell down a little bit and then a beautiful woman appeared.

She slowly descended from the sky and looked at Naruto with her beautiful and captivating eyes.

She is Chu Yueli. She hadn't go back to her sect yet.

As for why she was still around Naruto. That because she found out that the culprit of the rumor was Naruto.

He was accepted by someone extremely beautiful. They mistook her as someone from the Frozen Cloud Asgard.


'She is much more beautiful than even my big sister!'

Daji in her true form captivated Chu Yueli and told her to be with Naruto and she would teach her the real version of the Frozen Cloud Arts.

She promised her that and here she was at the 1st level of Emperor Profound Realm.

But even with this kind of power. She was still bi*ch slapped by Naruto.

'His domain is ridiculous!'

Infinite void? How could her frozen domain be compared to him?

"You also cultivate quietly in the same spot. I don't want anyone to see you lest they would bother us."

"Alright, I understand."

Chu Yueli also cultivate with them. Naruto also gave her seal and his mutated Chakra.

Chu Yueli couldn't live without him anymore as she had tasted how tasty his Primordial Chakra was.

And that was Daji's plan. She would try to rope in many beautiful women for her precious kit.

(Dizzme: It still up to me to pick who Naruto will be paired with in the end hehe)

Time passed by. It was almost in the evening.

Naruto, Hinata, Hanabi and Xia Qingyue was still cultivating. 

As for Chu Yueli, she was hiding somewhere right now.

"Hey, look at them. Should we go and mess up with them?"

A group of kids around the age of twelve could be seen passing by where Naruto and everyone was cultivating.

They didn't care where they were. To them this place was like a playground they could mess around whenever they wanted to.

Near them there was an oldman whose cultivation base was at the 10th level of the Earth Profound Realm.

He was their caretaker so they didn't feel the need to be afraid of anyone.

"Should we? But why do we have to do that?"

One of the kids asked his friends. He was curious why they had to do that.

"Xiao Yan, Don't you know that those from the lowly clan would always think that themselves are something? We should teach them so they won't be arrogant and die somewhere."

"I–Is it really the case?"

"Yes! We must make them know the truth before it is too late. You are the most genius person in our group so you should take the lead!"

Xiao Yan wasn't sure about that.

He was a genius among the young generation.

He was ten years old but already at the 1st level of Nascent Profound Realm.

To them his achievement was great. And they tried to suck up to him.

www.p@treon.com/dizzme for more chapters!