
Chapter 522 - Black Gold Rock

  "A treasure containing Yuanci spiritual power? As far as I know, this kind of treasure is extremely rare, and because of the special spiritual power, the grade is basically not lower than the fifth grade, and only occasionally a fourth-grade treasure will appear."

  The short and fat old man glanced at Lu Xuan, as if reminding him that it was difficult to obtain a Yuanci spiritual power treasure with his cultivation in the middle stage of foundation building.

  "As for the Jinxing Lingtu, although this kind of treasure is also rare, it is still more common than the former."

  "However, this building does not have such treasures."

  "Daoyou, wait a moment, I will go to ask other branch buildings to see if they have any."

  Lu Xuan heard this and nodded.

  After the short and fat old man went out for more than a quarter of an hour, he hurried back to the elegant room and drank the spiritual tea in the cup in one gulp.

  "Daoyou, I have carefully inquired about the other branches through a secret treasure of Wanbao Building, and I have good news about the two types of treasures you need."

  "The treasure of Yuanci spiritual power has not been found, but in the treasure house of Wanbao Building headquarters, there is a fifth-grade technique that can cultivate a little Yuanci spiritual power. I wonder if you are interested?"

  "Fifth-grade technique?"

  Lu Xuan frowned slightly. He searched for treasures containing Yuanci spiritual power to meet the early growth needs of the sixth-grade Yuanci spiritual wood. If he wanted to exchange for a fifth-grade technique, he would have to go a lot further.

  "It seems that I still have to look for those secret realms and blessed places that may have Yuanci spiritual power."

  He thought in his heart and shook his head to reject the fifth-grade technique mentioned by the short and fat old man.

  "As for the gold spiritual soil, there is a piece of black gold rock in a branch building more than 3,000 miles away. A cultivator once found a black gold concentrate and dug out a large number of fourth-grade black gold essence stones from it."

  "There are still a lot of broken black gold essence stones in that black gold rock, but it is not easy to filter them out, so they are still in that black gold rock."

  Seeing that Lu Xuan had no interest in the fifth-grade Yuanci technique, the short and fat old man changed the subject.

  "Black gold rock? I am interested in buying it. Can you transfer it from the branch building?"

  Lu Xuan's heart moved and asked the short and fat old man.

  "Daoyou's request will naturally be met, but the treasure ship between the branch building and the lower branch building needs to operate at a fixed time. The next time it comes should be five days later. Please be patient."

  Although the distance of more than 3,000 miles is not far, the treasure ship carrying cultivators and goods in Wanbao Building will not accommodate only one person and will not easily change its operating rules.

  "No problem for me."

  "Does it cost an extra amount of spiritual stones to transport it?"

  He asked the old man.

  "We have a treasure ship to ship it, so you don't need to pay extra spirit stones."

  The short and fat old man said with a smile.

  Although the foundation-building cultivator in front of him was not good-looking, he could take out five foundation-building pills at once, so he must be of great origin. He wanted to befriend Lu Xuan.

  "Then I will come over to get the black gold rock."

  Lu Xuan did not stay for long, leaving a word and floating away.

  A few breaths after he left, a thin woman wrapped in a mask walked in silently.

  "Brother, do you want to follow the cultivator who took out the foundation-building pill and try? Maybe you can get the foundation-building pill recipe from him."

  The woman's lips moved and sent a voice message to the short and fat old man.

  The old man shook his head with a firm tone.

  "There's no need to do such a despicable thing."

  "Besides, he must be someone important if he can break through the numerous restrictions of the sect and take out five Foundation Establishment Pills at a time."

  "He may be the alchemy master of the Tianjian Sect, who embezzled the money and swallowed all the refined Foundation Establishment Pills for himself."

  "Or he may be a cultivator from other sects who deliberately came to Jianmen Town to confuse others."

  "But in any case, five Foundation Establishment Pills are not something an ordinary cultivator can get, so it's better to avoid making small moves."

  "If you make enemies with him, you may lose a big client."

  The short and fat old man said solemnly.   

  "Brother, what you said makes sense."

  The thin woman nodded gently, blended into a shadow, and disappeared.

  Lu Xuan paced on the bluestone street of Jianmen Town, looking at his palm from time to time.

  In the center of his curled palm, there was an extremely hidden pale pupil, and various scenes appeared in the pupil, which were the scenes around Lu Xuan.

  In the sky, the Void Nightmare Eyes appeared and disappeared, swimming around Lu Xuan.

  After seeing that there was nothing unusual, Lu Xuan retracted the Void Nightmare Eyes and returned to the underworld courtyard.

  He stayed in the courtyard and never went out, cultivating the spiritual plants of the underworld every day.

  Five days passed in a blink of an eye, and he came to the vicinity of Wanbao Building again.

  The short and fat old man stood at the gate and waited eagerly. When he saw Lu Xuan, his smile became even bigger, and he came out from afar to greet him.

  "Daoyou, I haven't seen you for a few days. You are still as elegant as ever."

  He said politely, and the two entered the third floor of Wanbao Building.

  "Fortunately, you have fulfilled your mission and brought the piece of black gold rock from other branches."

  After Lu Xuan sat down, the short and fat old man smiled and said to Lu Xuan.

  "Please take it out for me to see, fellow Daoist Li."

  Lu Xuan was very interested in the gold rock.


  The short and fat old man waved his hand, and with a bang, a huge rock fell in the middle of the house, causing the house to shake twice.

  The rock was about two feet long, one foot wide, and two feet thick. It was dark yellow, and it was shining with golden light everywhere, as if it was inlaid with countless tiny and dazzling gems.

  Lu Xuan's spiritual consciousness penetrated into it and immediately felt a strong gold power.

  "It is indeed the gold spiritual soil."

  A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

  With this black gold rock, the spiritual soil of the fifth-grade white bone killing sword grass has at least been solved, and it can take root and sprout.

  "Fellow Daoist Li, how many spiritual stones does this black gold rock need?"

  "There are still a lot of broken black gold essence stones in the black gold rock. If you carefully select them, you can use them to refine a fourth-grade magic weapon. If you want it, three thousand five hundred spiritual stones will be enough."

  The old man thought for a while and said.

  "Daoyou Li, you are not being very kind. There are indeed a lot of Xuanjin Jingshi in Xuanjin Rock, but if it could be easily selected, it would not fall into my hands."

  Lu Xuan said calmly.

  "As for the magic weapon that can be forged, according to the spiritual ore inside, it may only be used to forge a dagger or some golden needles."

  "Three thousand spiritual stones, still because Daoyou Li brought it here specially."

  Hearing this, the short and fat old man smiled helplessly.

  "Daoyou has a very tricky vision. Three thousand spiritual stones are three thousand spiritual stones. Just treat it as making friends with Daoyou."

  "If there are any good treasures in the future, you can come to Wanbao Tower to trade. The price is fair and there is no deception."

  He handed the huge dark yellow rock to Lu Xuan.

  Lu Xuan was already quite satisfied with the price, and then took out thirty medium-grade spiritual stones. After the old man confirmed it, he accepted the extremely heavy Xuanjin Rock.

  He left Wanbao Tower and returned to the underworld courtyard.

  After the careful feeding in the past few days, the Flesh Spirit God, which had eaten enough monster meat, was about to be bred.

  (End of this chapter)

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