
Chapter 507 - Magnetic Spirit Wood

  Lu Xuan ignored the monks who came because of the Holy Infant Pill, leaving them time to prepare and went back to the rest area.

  Along the way, he, whose spiritual awareness was far stronger than that of ordinary late-stage foundation-building monks, was keenly aware of the various auras that fell on him.

  Fortunately, there was a fifth-grade magic weapon, Qingqiu Feather Cloth, which concealed the aura and isolated the detection of spiritual awareness, so no clues were discovered.

  Considering the privacy of the guests who came to participate in the treasure meeting, there were many restrictions in the rest area. After entering it, all prying disappeared without a trace.

  "It's still a bit risky to sell the fifth-grade Holy Infant Pill with my current cultivation."

  Lu Xuan thought secretly in his heart when he returned to the house.

  However, he was willing to take this little risk to get a high-grade spiritual seed.

  Moreover, he had great trust in the major forces that held the Tianyuan Treasure Meeting and believed that they could ensure the safety of customers and would not kill people to rob treasures.

  At the same time, he also has a lot of confidence in his own strength. With many fifth-grade treasures and dozens of powerful fourth-grade sword talismans, even a Jindan Zhenren can fight, at least he can retreat unscathed.

  Finally, although the Holy Infant Pill is a fifth-grade pill, it is mainly for cultivators in the late stage of foundation building or the perfect realm. For Jindan Zhenren, it is no longer useful, so there is no need to worry about the Jindan Zhenren of Duobao Tower interfering.

  The only uncertain factor is that it may arouse Ge Pu's suspicion.

  After all, I revealed the news of the Holy Infant Pill to him and put forward the request for high-grade spirit seeds first, but Lu Xuan can't consider these.

  The request for spirit seeds is quite common, and I concealed my cultivation and changed my appearance, so there is not much room for suspicion.

  In addition, on weekdays in the sect, I have always created a spiritual plant master with average cultivation, not good at fighting, and rarely going out to explore the secret realm. I would never think that I can have a treasure like the fifth-grade Holy Infant Pill. Given

  Lu Xuan's friendship with Ge Pu in helping him solve his ancient Yin-Yang Kun fish, even if he suspected, it would not affect anything.

  Lu Xuan thought about it carefully and rested in the house.

  Less than half an hour later, Ge Pu flew over with a communication talisman.

  Lu Xuan had already secretly changed back to his original appearance after entering the rest area, so he was not worried about being exposed.

  He pulled the talisman over and activated it with spiritual power.

  "Junior Brother Lu, the inside information you got is indeed correct. There is indeed a fifth-grade Holy Infant Pill."

  "However, the cultivators who have the pill require high-grade spiritual seeds. I don't have any. I don't know if you have any high-grade spiritual seeds. If you do, please lend them to me first, and I will reward you later."

  Lu Xuan's mouth curled up slightly.

  "Come and borrow seeds from me."

  He shook his head, took out a communication talisman, and typed into it:

  "Brother Ge, I have heard about the Holy Infant Pill, but unfortunately, I don't have any rare spiritual seeds on me. Once I got them before, I couldn't help but plant them.

  So, I, the junior brother, can't do anything. I can only say sorry to you, senior brother."

  After perfunctorily dealing with Ge Pu, Lu Xuan had a good rest for a night. The next day, he came to the middle area of ​​Duobao Tower.

  There were already more than a dozen cultivators waiting for a long time, the lowest of whom was in the late stage of foundation building, and more than half of them were in the perfect stage of foundation building.

  "Daoyou, you are finally here."

  "I have been waiting for you for a long time."

  Lu Xuan smiled and nodded to everyone, and put out the Holy Infant Pill and the White Bone Demon Puppet.

  The moment they saw the Holy Infant Pill, everyone's eyes lit up and they all stepped forward.

  With a swoosh sound.

  A series of cultivators came quickly and surrounded Lu Xuan's booth.

  "Daoyou, don't be anxious."

  Lu Xuan said in a deep voice.   

  "I'll reiterate the trading method for the Holy Infant Pill. High-grade spiritual seeds are preferred, and fifth-grade and above are the best."

  "Of course, if there are really no spiritual seeds, I don't mind using spiritual stones or magic tools and treasures of the same grade."

  "You can send me a voice message to bid. After I consider it, I will trade with the one who is most satisfied with the bid."

  Lu Xuan briefly introduced himself and stood in front of the stall, waiting for everyone to bid.

  "Daoyou, I have three fourth-grade spiritual seeds in my hand, all of which are rare species in the cultivation world. How about adding 15,000 low-grade spiritual stones to exchange for your Holy Infant Pill?"

  "Daoyou, I have two fourth-grade spiritual seeds here, and I also have a method to condense the seeds of one of the spiritual plants. Daoyou, please consider me."


  A series of subtle voices came into Lu Xuan's ears.

  Lu Xuan judged the bids of each cultivator in his heart.

  High-grade spiritual seeds are indeed rare. Among the cultivators who bid, most of them are fourth-grade spiritual seeds.

  Among them, the fourth-grade condensation method mentioned by a cultivator aroused Lu Xuan's interest and he took it into consideration.

  "Daoyou, I have a spirit seed of unknown origin in my hand. Judging from its vitality, it should be no less than the fifth grade. Do you want to take a look?"

  A cold female voice came into Lu Xuan's ears.

  Lu Xuan's heart moved and looked in the direction of the voice.

  A pale female cultivator stood quietly in a corner. She was in the perfect state of foundation building. A blood-red cloth covered her pupils. Lu Xuan noticed that there was a faint red light shining from the cloth.

  Seeing Lu Xuan looking over, the female cultivator nodded gently, spread her palm, and revealed the spirit seed inside.

  The spirit seed was dark black, with countless invisible lights on it. Looking closely, the light was like irregular pieces of soul fragments, rotating and swimming, as if to absorb Lu Xuan's soul.

  Lu Xuan learned the lesson from buying fake seeds last time, so he asked the demon ghost vine to shrink its body and put it in his sleeve.

  The demon ghost vine gently tapped Lu Xuan's arm, and the thoughts conveyed to Lu Xuan revealed its desire for the spirit seed.

  "It is indeed a high-grade spiritual seed."

  After receiving confirmation from the demon vine, Lu Xuan became somewhat interested.


  Just as he was hesitant, a familiar voice came into Lu Xuan's ears.

  "I have a sixth-grade spiritual seed here, which is a Yuanci spiritual wood. After it is planted and mature, it can be used to refine a magic weapon with Yuanci spiritual light, and it can also be used to assist in the cultivation of Yuanci divine light supernatural powers."

  The voice came from Ge Pu, who got a sixth-grade spiritual seed from nowhere and showed his determination to get the Holy Infant Pill as soon as he made a move.

  "Yuanci spiritual wood? Sixth-grade spiritual plant."

  Lu Xuan was delighted and calmed down his excitement.

  "Daoyou, a sixth-grade spiritual seed in exchange for my fifth-grade elixir?"

  "Yes, I hope you can help me."

  Ge Pu said calmly, with a trace of pain in his eyes.

  He searched for high-grade spiritual seeds in vain, so he had to find the Jindan Zhenren of Duobao Tower. In the end, he bought it from one of them at a high price. Even with his wealth as a disciple of a great sect, he was heartbroken.

  However, among the same tier, the price of spirit seeds is much lower than that of elixirs, and coupled with the rarity of the Holy Infant Pill and his own urgent need, he did not care about the slight premium.

  (End of this chapter)

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