
Chapter 503 - The Five Organs Treasure Plant, the Ink Bone Tree

  He returned to the house, and after confirming that no one was paying attention, he took out a small pile of Wu Lingtu from the gluttonous insect sac.

  There was no spiritual soil in Duobao Tower. If you want to plant spiritual plants, you must leave Duobao Tower. Lu Xuan always carried some spiritual soil with him, which was just right for planting spiritual seeds and obtaining detailed information about spiritual plants.

  He piled the dark yellow spiritual soil into a ball, took out the spiritual seed shaped like five organs, planted it, and concentrated his mind on the spiritual seed.

  In an instant, a thought emerged from his mind.

  [Five Organs Treasure Plant, a fifth-grade spiritual plant, requires fresh organs to be sacrificed and nourished during its growth process to provide nutrition to the spiritual plant. After maturity, it can greatly enhance the cultivator's physical body, qi and blood, and is an excellent material for practicing body-refining magic. ]

  [Give away your five organs! Let you have a powerful body! ]

  "Fifth-grade spiritual plants require organ sacrifices and nourishment, and the way they grow is worthy of the underworld appearance of spiritual seeds."

  After Lu Xuan obtained detailed information about the spiritual plants, he took out the spiritual seeds and planned to plant them in the underworld courtyard after returning.

  "The evil spirit plants in the underworld courtyard are all high-quality. The lowest grade is the third-grade Thousand Dragon Hand, and there is only this one."

  "The fifth-grade evil spirit plants are the most numerous."

  He sighed in his heart and put the spirit seeds and spirit soil back into the gluttonous insect bag.

  In the next two days, he came to the lower floor of Duobao Building on time, wanting to continue to pick up unknown spirit seeds.

  Unfortunately, the number of spirit seeds was too small, and his luck was average for several consecutive days, and he did not encounter the desired treasure.

  On this day, he took off the Thousand Dragons Weird Mask covering his face, returned to his original appearance, and found Ge Pu through the communication talisman.

  "Brother Ge, how have you gained these days? Have you found an opportunity to break through the Jindan?"

  Lu Xuan came to Ge Pu's room and asked him.

  There are many rooms in Duobao Building for entertaining guests, and there are many complex mechanisms between them, so it is difficult to know the information of the other party's residence without permission.

  "Not bad, I got two good quality magic tools, and also received several pills with powerful purification ability."

  "Unfortunately, I still haven't encountered any pills that can increase the probability of forming a pill, a natural treasure." Ge Pu

  said lightly.

  Treasures that can have such effects are often not lower than the fifth grade, and are extremely rare in the cultivation world. Therefore, he was not surprised and kept a calm mind.

  Lu Xuan talked with him for a while, hesitated in his heart, and finally said to Ge Pu:

  "Brother Ge, I have a little news, I don't know if it is reliable or not, it is said to be related to treasures that increase the probability of forming a pill." "

  Oh? Junior Brother Lu, please tell me."

  Ge Pu's black and white eyes were filled with black and white spiritual light, and he was somewhat interested in the news from Lu Xuan.

  "I heard that a Holy Infant Pill is likely to appear in the middle-level area in the next few days. Although the refining process will damage the harmony of heaven, it can slightly increase the probability of advancing to the stage of forming a pill."

  "The Holy Infant Pill... I have heard of it. It can indeed help break through the stage of forming a pill. However, Junior Brother, is your source of information true and reliable?"

  Ge Pu's expression became a little serious.

  "A few days ago, I had a big deal with a top-level Hehuan Sect cultivator, and she told me about it."

  "The Hehuan Sect is one of the major forces that jointly organized the Tianyuan Treasure Fair, so it must be quite reliable."

  Lu Xuan said half-truthfully.

  "A deal with the female cultivator of the Hehuan Sect?"

  Ge Pu had an ambiguous smile on his face, as if he had misunderstood the content of the deal mentioned by Lu Xuan.

  "The female cultivator of the Hehuan Sect tastes pretty good."

  He smiled mischievously and changed the subject.

  "Thank you, Junior Brother Lu, for telling me such an important news. I will make more preparations and try my best to get the Holy Infant Pill."

  Ge Pu said solemnly.   

  As long as he could increase the possibility of advancing to the Jindan stage, he would do everything he could to get it, and he would not care how the Holy Infant Pill was refined.

  "I hope Brother can get it smoothly."

  Lu Xuan agreed with a smile.

  The Holy Infant Pill came from the light ball, and it was a pill refined by an evil method. Lu Xuan could not exchange it directly with Ge Pu.

  Being able to tell Ge Pu the information about the sale of the Holy Infant Pill in a roundabout way was already his greatest help, so that Ge Pu could make full preparations in advance. As for whether he could get it, it depended on his own luck.

  The two chatted for a while, and Lu Xuan said goodbye and left.

  "When we go to deal with that skinny old man, we can use Brother Ge Pu as a backup to prevent unexpected situations."

  "Brother Ge Pu is a true disciple of the Tianjian Sect. He has stepped half a foot into the Jindan realm a long time ago. It is naturally not a problem to deal with that person."

  Lu Xuan returned to the house and thought secretly in his heart.

  The next day, he did not continue to wander around the lower floor of Duobao Building, but chose the middle floor area.

  The lower level is mostly filled with strange little things, many of which even the stall owners don't know their origins and functions, so there is a lot of room for bargains.

  But the middle level is different. The treasures on the stalls here are clear and distinct, unlike the complex and changeable ones on the lower level.

  He carefully observed the treasures on the stalls. He

  directly skipped the magic tools, skills, and talismans.

  Although these things are of good quality, they are still far from the treasures that came out of his light group, and they can't attract Lu Xuan's interest.

  "I came here this time for three things, to buy spirit seeds, to buy spirit seeds, or to buy spirit seeds!"

  Lu Xuan chuckled in his heart and paid close attention to the spirit seeds that appeared on the stalls.

  The number of spirit seeds in the middle level area is much more than that in the lower level. After all, there are still a few spirit seeds that have not been identified in the cultivation world, and most of them are still common species.

  Most of the spirit seeds found are not as good in quality and rarity as those in the Sinong Hall, let alone those in Lu Xuan's own spiritual fields.

  This made Lu Xuan uninterested and wandered aimlessly.

  "Hmm? I don't think I've seen this spiritual seed before."

  Suddenly, he stopped and his attention was attracted by a stall in front of him on the left.

  When he arrived in front of the stall, Lu Xuan found a dark green spiritual seed, which was full of light and very eye-catching.

  "Daoyou, what kind of spiritual plant is this? Please forgive my poor eyesight. I have never seen any information about this kind of spiritual plant."

  Lu Xuan asked the stall owner. With his attainments in spiritual plants, there were indeed not many spiritual plants he had not seen.

  "Daoyou, you have good eyes. This black bone tree is extremely rare in this realm. It is spread from other realms."

  The stall owner was a kind-looking cultivator. When he saw Lu Xuan, a warm smile appeared on his face.

  "The grade is fourth grade, and fifth grade varieties occasionally appear. After being cultivated to maturity, it can be used to refine and integrate into one's own bones, making it have a hardness and toughness close to that of a fourth-grade magic weapon."

  "Black bone tree, or is it spread from the outside world?"

  Lu Xuan's heart surged with interest. He wondered what kind of rewards the light ball could offer for spiritual plants from the outside world.

  "How many spirit stones does this black bone tree spiritual seed cost?"

  He asked the stall owner.

  "I see that you look kind, so you should be interested in cultivating spiritual plants like me. How about this, you take 2,400 spiritual stones?"

  the stall owner said with a smile.

  (End of this chapter)

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