
Chapter 500 - Disaster-level evil flesh and blood

  The female cultivator bargained in every possible way, but Lu Xuan saw her urgent need for the Desire Pill and the Misty Sound Pearl and insisted on the price.

  "Daoyou, then let's take the price you set. I'll take 20 Desire Pills and two Misty Sound Pearls."

  Finally, the beautiful female cultivator said helplessly.

  "Thank you, Daoyou Fan."

  Lu Xuan smiled and waited quietly for the cultivators of the Hehuan Sect to fetch the spirit stones.

  This Tianyuan Treasure Meeting was jointly organized by several major forces in the cultivation world, and the Hehuan Sect was one of them. Needless to say, its reputation was very good.

  After a while, the female cultivator came over with a gray-black storage bag in her hand.

  "Daoyou, here are a total of 38,400 low-grade spirit stones. In order to make it easier for you to carry, there are 300 medium-grade spirit stones, and the rest are low-grade spirit stones. Please take a look."

  One medium-grade spirit stone is equivalent to one hundred low-grade spirit stones, and it has a wider range of uses. Some high-level puppets must use medium-grade and above spirit stones in the formation.

  Lu Xuan naturally had no objection. He probed his spiritual sense into the storage bag, scanned it casually, and nodded.

  "Yes, here are twenty Desire Pills and two Mi Yin Pearls. Please check them for me, Fellow Daoist Fan. If there are any problems after handling them, it will have nothing to do with me."

  The female cultivator took a small white jade bottle, took out the Desire Pills one by one, checked them carefully, and tested the Mi Yin Pearls. After being completely relieved, she nodded gently to Lu Xuan.

  "Fellow Daoist, please stay. I have another unwelcome request."

  Just as Lu Xuan was about to leave, the female cultivator called him.

  "I wonder if you are willing to become a guest of our sect? If you join our sect, you can enjoy a lot of cultivation resources, and the many disciples in the sect can also be picked by you."

  The female cultivator waved the exciting paper fan in her hand, opened her red lips, and invited Lu Xuan.

  Lu Xuan took out twenty Desire Pills at once, which made her guess that the ordinary-looking cultivator in front of her might be an alchemist who was good at refining Desire Pills, so she wanted to invite Lu Xuan to join the Hehuan Sect and become a guest of the sect.

  Due to the special skills and wide connections of the Hehuan Sect, there are many monks who become guest officials. There are even Jindan Zhenren who join the sect for pleasure.

  "Sorry, Fellow Daoist Fan, I am used to being alone and don't like being constrained."

  Lu Xuan politely refused.

  No matter how good the female cultivators of the Hehuan Sect are at the art of yin and yang, don't think of disturbing my farming!

  He tightly grasped the storage bag and left the top floor of Duobao Building.

  "38,400 spirit stones! I can't spend them all, I can't spend them all!"

  "Farming makes me rich!"

  Walking on the spacious streets, Lu Xuan couldn't help but feel light and his steps were much lighter.

  He didn't expect that the light ball rewards accumulated from the two batches of Mi Xian Tao would bring him so many spirit stones, making his wealth reach an unprecedented level of abundance.

  "I will be angry with anyone who says that the spirit plant master is poor and can't earn spirit stones in the future."

  Lu Xuan thought proudly.

  Back in the house, after sending the girl with a long white fur tail out, he rested at ease and waited quietly for the official start of the Tianyuan Treasure Meeting.

  The next day, early in the morning.

  A clear bell rang throughout the Duobao Tower, echoing in the building, instantly sobering people up.

  "Fellow Taoists, welcome to Duobao Tower to exchange treasures. I'm sure you are all aware of the relevant matters, so I won't go into details."

  "I wish every Taoist can get the treasure they want and return with a full load."

  "The treasure meeting officially begins!"

  An old voice passed through the simple restrictions of the house and rang in Lu Xuan's ears.   

  "Such a powerful spiritual consciousness must be a Jindan Zhenren."

  Lu Xuan thought to himself, and continued to change his appearance, becoming an ordinary young man, and came to the lower floor of the tall building.

  There were already many stalls on the lower floor, and the stall owners were all foundation-building cultivators. Lu Xuan's spiritual consciousness swept through them and found that the things on the stalls were not ordinary treasures.

  He was not in a hurry to set up a stall to sell, and planned to go shopping first to see if he could find spiritual seeds from these strange things.

  There were not many restrictions on setting up a stall. You only need to pay a certain amount of spiritual stones to Duobao Building. Transactions between cultivators also require a certain fee, but the amount is not large, and even Lu Xuan, who has always been frugal, has no objection.

  Duobao Building provides such a large platform for all cultivators. At the same time, there are also security guarantees for Jindan cultivators, etc., so it is understandable to collect some spiritual stones.

  There are hundreds of foundation-building cultivators entering Duobao Building to participate in the treasure meeting. At the same time, there are many maids and stewards in the building to serve the cultivators. There are thousands of cultivators in the entire Duobao Building.

  Among them, there were many people like Lu Xuan who wanted to find a bargain. They wandered around the stalls, hoping to get rare treasures at a low price with their own vision.

  There were many exquisite and wonderful things on the stalls, which opened Lu Xuan's eyes and amazed him.

  However, he was self-aware and knew that he would not make mistakes only when he encountered spiritual plants and spiritual beasts, so he did not make a move casually.

  Suddenly, he stopped and was attracted by something on a stall.

  The stall owner was a middle-aged monk with a sinister temperament. The goods on the stall were all full of yin energy, not like normal treasures.

  Lu Xuan noticed a piece of gray-black meat. There were light black buds on the surface of the meat, which swayed gently. When he looked over, his skin unconsciously felt a slight itch, as if something was about to pierce the skin and grow wildly. The

  Yunshan Jade Scroll on Lu Xuan's waist flashed with a spiritual light, instantly absorbing the slight itch.

  "Excuse me, fellow Daoist, is this piece of meat from an evil spirit?"

  He asked the sinister middle-aged man tentatively.

  "Fellow Daoist, you have a good eye. It is indeed from a disaster-level evil spirit. If you need it, you can take it for 5,000 spirit stones."

  The middle-aged man glanced at Lu Xuan and said slowly.

  "Five thousand spirit stones? That's too expensive."

  Lu Xuan shook his head immediately.

  "Although this piece of flesh and blood comes from a disaster-level evil spirit, judging from the characteristics it shows, the evil spirit should be flesh and blood, which can continuously breed and reproduce flesh and blood."

  "About thirty pounds of flesh and blood, it is probably just a tiny part of the body of the disaster-level evil spirit."

  "In addition, the flesh and blood of the evil spirit has extremely powerful and terrible pollution. If you buy it, you will also be at great risk." "

  How about this, I'll give you a discount, how about 2,500 spirit stones?"

  Lu Xuan suddenly returned to the time when he was in the Qi training realm and fought fiercely for one or two spirit stones. He was full of fighting spirit and cut the price in half.

  "What Daoyou said does make some sense, but such a low price is unworthy of the identity of the evil flesh and blood."

  "Four thousand two hundred spirit stones, this piece of evil flesh and blood belongs to Daoyou."

  The sinister middle-aged man said in a deep voice.

  The two of them fought back and forth, and finally, Lu Xuan took it with three thousand five hundred low-grade spirit stones.

  "Daoyou is really ruthless, I admit defeat."

  The sinister middle-aged man took the spirit stones and handed the evil flesh and blood to Lu Xuan.

  "There is no other way. The evil flesh and blood is extremely risky. I have to take over this scourge and bear the risks."

  Lu Xuan pretended to suffer a great loss and sighed.

   There will be another update later. The updates in the past few days have been pretty good. I would like to ask for your guaranteed monthly tickets. I will try my best to maintain this update rhythm this month. I would like to ask for your encouragement with monthly tickets!

  (End of this chapter)

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