
Chapter 477 - He has become a master of alchemy, but the elixir is just coming?

  At this point, all the jade dew fruits have been picked. It is useless to keep them in hand, so Lu Xuan decided to go to the Alchemy Hall to report.

  He first sent a talisman to Guan Wan in the Alchemy Hall, and then asked the fat bird to carry him to the mountain where the Alchemy Hall is located.

  Guan Wan had been waiting at the gate of the Alchemy Hall when she learned that the jade dew fruits were ripe.

  "Sister Guan, I have kept you waiting for a long time."

  Lu Xuan jumped off the back of the fat bird and came to Guan Wan, who was dressed in a yellow fir and was as gentle as water.

  "Junior Brother Lu, I just came out too."

  "Are the ten jade dew fruits that I entrusted to you to cultivate before fully ripe?"

  Guan Wan confirmed with Lu Xuan again with expectation in her eyes.

  "Fortunately, I have fulfilled my mission."

  Lu Xuan followed her into the hall of the Alchemy Hall and smiled indifferently.

  "Yes, your spiritual plant level is really amazing. It seems to be nearly a month shorter than the normal cultivation cycle."

  Guan Wan was satisfied with Lu Xuan's answer.

  "Perhaps it's because the inner sect's spiritual energy is too pure and rich. I just did my best to cultivate and care for those jade dew fruits."

  Lu Xuan said modestly.

  He followed Guan Wan into a quiet and elegant room and took out forty-six crystal-clear jade dew fruits from the storage bag.

  "Ten spiritual plants produced forty-six spiritual fruits. The yield is slightly higher than the average."

  Guan Wan nodded in praise.

  "Hey, there are more than one jade dew fruit of good quality."

  After a careful inspection, a hint of surprise appeared on her face.

  "Six good quality spiritual fruits, Junior Brother Lu is worthy of being one of the most powerful spiritual plant masters in this sect. The high yield and high quality are as always."

  Guan Wan checked all the jade dew fruits and praised them sincerely.

  "Sister Guan, you are too kind."

  "Junior Brother Lu, according to the previous agreement, the reward for each Jade Dew Fruit is five sword seals, and five more for good quality, and so on for top quality."

  "A total of 260 sword seals, take a look to see if the number is correct."

  Guan Wan waved her hand, and a bunch of sword seals flew in front of Lu Xuan.

  "No problem."

  Lu Xuan's spiritual sense swept over and put the sword seals in his pocket.

  260 sword seals, almost enough to exchange for a fourth-grade spirit seed, just for cultivating it, the reward is already good.

  Of course, if you add the more than 40 light balls reward, it would be a big profit.

  "Junior Brother Lu, I haven't seen you for so long, how much has your alchemy level improved now?"

  Guan Wan asked curiously.

  "I have mastered Peiyuan Pill and Yunling Pill pretty well, and now both have a success rate of about 50%. The Beast Spirit Pill is relatively worse, with a success rate of about 30%."

  Lu Xuan discounted his actual alchemy level and replied.

  "Such rapid progress?"

  He did not expect that even though he had concealed at least half of his alchemy ability, Guan Wan was still amazed.

  "I have been staying in the sect all this time, refining pills day and night, and only then have I come to this point today."

  Lu Xuan made up a reason casually.

  "Even so, it is extremely terrifying. Even the core alchemists in the Alchemy Palace, when they first started to refine pills, their improvement speed was mostly not as fast as that of Junior Brother Lu."

  Guan Wan recalled the time when Lu Xuan first started to refine pills, and was impressed by his strong talent in alchemy.

  "Junior Brother Lu, are you willing to become a core alchemist in the Alchemy Palace? As long as you pass the assessments of several alchemists, you can be promoted from an ordinary alchemist to a core alchemist, and thus enjoy more benefits in the Alchemy Palace."

  "With your current alchemy level, the success rate of passing is still not small."   

  "Then I'll give it a try."

  Lu Xuan was a little curious about the so-called core alchemist.

  Spiritual plants are closely related to alchemy, so he didn't mind showing some of his true alchemy skills and agreed readily.

  Guan Wan nodded when she heard this, and several communication talismans flew out of the elegant room.

  In less than half a minute, five core alchemists arrived one after another.

  Lu Xuan was led by them into an alchemy room, and under the gaze of several people, he refined a furnace of three kinds of elixirs respectively. There

  were not many samples, but several core alchemists were all sharp-eyed people. From the various stages of Lu Xuan's alchemy, it can be seen that he really has an extraordinary level.

  After the elixir was completed, several people asked Lu Xuan some subtle questions in the alchemy process. If you don't have a deep understanding of that kind of elixir, it is difficult to answer quickly.

  Lu Xuan did not disappoint Guan Wan and answered them correctly one by one.

  "Congratulations, Junior Brother Lu, for becoming a core alchemist in the Alchemy Palace!"

  After the review was passed, Guan Wan handed Lu Xuan a token with many elixir patterns drawn on it.

  "There are many benefits to becoming a core alchemist. You have the priority to use the high-grade alchemy furnaces, alchemy fires, and alchemy rooms in the alchemy hall."

  "More importantly, you can obtain those higher-grade alchemy recipes."

  "There are 27 third-grade and fourth-grade alchemy recipes in our sect, and three fifth-grade alchemy recipes."

  "Among them, you can choose any third-grade and fourth-grade alchemy recipes first. If you want to obtain them, you need to apply in advance."

  "As for the fifth-grade alchemy recipe, it is too precious, so you need the permission of the Dan Hall's Dan Zhenren before you can pass it on to the sect disciples."

  Guan Wan introduced Lu Xuan in detail the benefits of the core alchemist.

  "Please also introduce me to the general information of the third-grade and fourth-grade alchemy recipes in the Dan Hall."

  Although Lu Xuan has basically chosen the foundation-building pill recipe, he still needs to understand it first.


  Guan Wan agreed immediately and briefly introduced him to the information of many pill recipes.

  Among them are the foundation-building pill and dust-cleansing pill recipes that he has mastered.

  "Sister Guan, I want to choose the recipe for the foundation-building pill."

  "Okay, but there is one requirement. You, Junior Brother Lu, need to make a vow not to pass on the recipe to others in any way."

  "There are only restrictions on the recipe, not the foundation-building pill?"

  Lu Xuan couldn't help asking.

  "The foundation-building pill is difficult to define, but even if it is leaked, the quantity is extremely limited."

  "After all, the sect controls the spiritual medicine for refining the foundation-building pill, and there are strict restrictions on the amount of certain spiritual medicines that can be leaked."

  "In addition, there is the level of the alchemist himself."

  "The third-grade foundation-building pill is not that easy to refine. Only a few of the most powerful alchemists in the Alchemy Hall can have a high success rate. Even if others want to make a foundation-building pill, they don't have the ability."

  Guan Wan said confidently.

  There are not many alchemists who can master the formula of the foundation-building pill. The small amount of foundation-building pills refined by these alchemists need to be handed over to the sect, and they have almost no right to freely dispose of them.

  Therefore, the Tianjian Sect is not worried that a large number of foundation-building pills will be leaked to the outside world.

  "That being said, I have the experience package of the pill formula!"

  "By skipping the process of the alchemists in the Alchemy Palace accumulating experience again and again, I can directly raise the level of alchemy to a high level."

  Lu Xuan thought secretly in his heart.

  Soon, Guan Wan took out the jade slip containing the formula of the foundation-building pill, and after Lu Xuan made the inner demon oath, she solemnly handed it to him.

  Lu Xuan took the jade slip and couldn't help but laugh at himself in his heart:

  "I have become a master of alchemy, and the foundation-building pill has just arrived?"

  (End of this chapter)

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