
Chapter 465 - Dao Soldiers

  There are not many fierce beasts and evil beasts in the transformation state at the bottom of the forbidden area.

  Lu Xuan raised them one by one, and learned detailed information about each evil beast.

  He blurred the information he got and recorded it in the form of guesses and estimates.

  From entering the Tianjian Sect to the present, Lu Xuan did not mind showing his talent in spiritual plants and spiritual beasts. He

  was able to reach such a powerful position in a short period of time, relying on his attainments in spiritual plants and spiritual beasts, and the entire Tianjian Sect saw it.

  A cultivator with profound attainments in spiritual plants and spiritual beasts will not pose much threat to other cultivators, but will be able to cooperate with them and gain many benefits.

  Ge Pu, Huo Lin'er, and Zhong Jingshan all met Lu Xuan because of this, and gave him the opportunity to obtain higher-grade spiritual plants and spiritual beasts.

  Therefore, appropriately showing one's talent in spiritual plants and spiritual beasts will be beneficial and harmless. The possibility of obtaining high-grade spiritual plants and spiritual beasts will increase a lot, and the rewards of the light balls will also increase.

  As long as others don't know the existence of the light ball, it will be fine.

  That was his biggest secret, which could quickly improve his cultivation and obtain various rare treasures, so that an ordinary spiritual plant master like him could have a foundation for his livelihood.

  Sure enough, after he handed over his evil beast records and conjectures to the Qingqiu fox spirit beast, it came to him.

  "Do you have any basis for your conjectures about those evil beasts?"

  It went straight to the point and asked Lu Xuan directly.

  The tumors on his back shrank and expanded rapidly, and it could be seen that he was extremely uneasy at the moment.

  "If you think my conjecture is problematic, you can try it, or wait for time to prove it."


  The old fox left a word and turned into a black light and disappeared in front of Lu Xuan.

  After a few breaths, it appeared in front of Lu Xuan carrying a strange beast.

  The beast retained the general characteristics of the toad monster, but its limbs were like pieces of green wood, and the skin texture on its back and chest was like a dry dark green bark, full of deep and shallow gullies.

  Lu Xuan had some impression of this beast, and in his perception, only this beast had the greatest chance of survival.

  "This beast is a mixture of two kinds of monsters, the Green Wood Demon and the Blood Yin Toad. It barely survived after being stitched together, but a special toxin has been growing in its body. According to your guess, you seem to know something about this toxin?"

  The old fox said hurriedly.

  This Green Wood Toad was considered a relatively successful evil beast transplant, but it still had adverse reactions, making the beast in a worrying state.

  Unexpectedly, Lu Xuan only took care of it for a period of time and roughly figured out the root of the problem.

  "Replying to you, senior, when I was raising this evil beast, I did some research and found that the toxins in its body were somewhat special."

  "The toad beast itself is highly poisonous. In addition to the integration of the characteristics of the green wood demon beast, the toxicity is further enhanced, and some unknown changes have also occurred."

  "The toxins now seem to have vigorous vitality and can be continuously generated in the body of the beast. The toxins themselves exceed the limit of their own physique. Coupled with this characteristic, it is even more difficult to deal with."

  "Therefore, this stitched beast has been in a process of toxin release and suppression, which causes a vicious reaction in the body and makes it difficult to raise normally."

  "Then do you have a solution?"

  The old fox's tone unconsciously became a little hurried.

  "I have a fourth-grade poisonous insect that has some knowledge of various poisons. You can try it."

  "There are two problems with the beast now. First, we need to get rid of the life-giving toxins that have merged with its body. Second, we need to find a way to suppress the production of toxins in its body until it fully adapts to this body."

  "The life-giving toxins are indeed novel in their angle. I never expected that it was actually the one causing the trouble."

  A gleam of light flashed in the old fox's cloudy eyes. Lu Xuan's unique suggestion made it suddenly enlightened, and it immediately had a way to deal with it.

  A layer of black light emerged from its body. The black light seemed to be able to isolate everything in the world and slowly merged into the body of the toad beast.

  After a moment, the black light wrapped in a trace of green liquid slowly seeped out of the beast's body.   

  The condition of the toad beast improved visibly.

  After initially solving the problem in the beast's body, the old fox's chest flashed with a spiritual light, and a stone lock appeared in front of it.

  There were countless dense runes drawn on the stone lock, and a strong breath of death came out.

  It directly embedded the stone lock into the neck of the toad beast. In an instant, a layer of light gray light appeared on the whole body of the beast, and it looked lifeless. The

  gray light tried to penetrate into the beast's body, but was blocked by a layer of faint light green spiritual light, and the two reached a delicate balance.


  The toad beast chirped, and there was a sense of relief in the voice, even the Qingqiu fox spirit beast next to it could clearly detect it.

  "Is this a new demon beast?"

  The old fox stayed in place in a daze. It didn't expect that the transplant rejection problem that had been bothering it could be solved so easily.

  Even if it was just a new demon beast, it was not known how much easier it was compared to before.

  "At present, only solving this problem does not mean that there will be no new rejection problems."

  Lu Xuan said very seriously.

  "That's right."

  The old fox grinned, as if he hadn't smiled for a long time and was a little uncomfortable for a while.

  "Lu... little friend, why don't you name this new monster?"

  Its tone was unfamiliar but also somewhat intimate.

  "Looking at its morphological characteristics, why not call it the Green Wood Toad?"


  The old fox nodded gently.

  "I didn't expect that you, little friend Lu, actually have such a terrifying talent."

  The old fox's tone was a little sad.

  It was really Lu Xuan's efficiency that was too amazing. In a short time, he was able to find a way to sew up the problem of the beast.

  "When I get along with spiritual plants and spiritual beasts, I can vaguely perceive their status, so occasionally I can find some weird methods."

  "However, this is mainly because you, the senior, did a good experiment and used all kinds of methods to get a new monster. I was just lucky and made a little discovery on this basis."

  Lu Xuan said modestly.

  "No wonder you can become the most famous spiritual plant master in the sect at this age and achieve such great achievements."

  The old fox sighed.

  Suddenly, his expression became extremely solemn, and his messy hair flew wantonly.

  "I wonder if you have ever heard of a special spiritual beast, the Dao Soldier?"

  "Dao Soldier? I have never heard of it."

  Lu Xuan recalled in his mind. He had read so many books in the Sutra Library, but this was the first time he heard the word Dao Soldier.

  "Dao Soldier is a special spiritual beast. The purpose of my current experiment is to create them."

  The old fox said solemnly.

  (End of this chapter)

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