
Chapter 463 - Rich Experience

  The several spirit beasts he had obtained before were all hatched normally and then raised normally, which was a very normal route.

  However, the experimental methods in the forbidden land can be described as "strange", and various high-grade monsters were obtained in an unconventional way.

  Although the process was stained with the essence and blood of various monsters and fierce beasts, the possibility of obtaining high-grade monsters was much higher.

  The special abilities he mastered can also play an effective role in these experimental methods.

  For example, in the transplantation and suturing of monsters, Lu Xuan can get the status feedback of the monsters in the first time through the method of raising them after suturing, thus saving a lot of time.

  Thinking of this, he gradually became excited and soon had the idea of ​​joining the forbidden land beast experiment.

  "Find a few people, and talk to the Qingqiu fox spirit beast through the old dragon turtle or the white ape to see if they can help it during the experiment."

  Lu Xuan thought to himself and returned to the cloud house.

  He is now in charge of the entire blessed land, and he must be aware of any disturbances in the blessed land. He can only come here when he is free to deal with the monster scraps.

  After he left, an old voice sounded in the blood-colored stone hall.

  "How is it?"

  The old fox entered the stone hall again, with several corpses of monsters floating behind him.

  "On the surface, he looks like a spiritual plant master with spiritual plant talent, who is keen on cultivating spiritual plants and has a great interest in monsters. He is cautious."

  "But after I told him the specific methods of the forbidden beast experiment, his expression did not change, but I could not hide the eagerness in his heart."

  "It seems that even if he is not the same kind as us, he is not much different. We can try to develop it."

  "Being able to face this kind of monster experiment calmly has already surpassed most of the monks in the sect."

  The old fox said expressionlessly.

  "I decided to pull him in."

  There was a strong sense of determination in its old tone.

  "So soon? Don't you investigate more?"

  The bald monk was stunned when he heard the old fox's words.

  "After all, our current understanding of him is superficial, and we can't figure out his specific character and thoughts."

  He suggested to the Qingqiu fox spirit beast.

  "Xue Tu, my time is running out."

  The old fox said calmly.

  The bald monk who had been with it in the forbidden area for hundreds of years could hear the fatigue behind its voice.

  "Then it's up to you. I hope this junior brother won't let you down."

  He said helplessly.


  After listening to Sun Yun's report on the situation of the Wan Yao Cave Blessed Land, Lu Xuan went to the old dragon turtle to tell a fortune as usual.

  "Huh? Lu kid, your fortune is a little special today."

  The old dragon turtle's shell spiritual pattern swam on its back, and suddenly said in surprise.

  "Why, is there a sign of great misfortune?"

  Lu Xuan asked hurriedly.

  "No, on the contrary, if it is handled well, there will be a great opportunity."

  The old dragon turtle said in an unfathomable way. Lu Xuan asked specifically, but he didn't say anything.

  Lu Xuan had no choice but to come to the forbidden area with full curiosity.

  While descending to the bottom of the pit, he glanced casually and entered the passage.

  After dealing with the corpses of several monsters, he found an opportunity to collect the blood and flesh scraps. When he returned to the stone hall, he unexpectedly saw the figure of the old fox spirit beast.


  Lu Xuan bowed respectfully and greeted.   

  The old fox nodded expressionlessly and suddenly asked.

  "I need a helper for my experiment. Are you willing to come and help me?"


  Lu Xuan was stunned for a moment, then reacted and asked.

  "I wonder what the senior needs me to do? If I can do it, I will definitely serve you."

  According to the old ape and the dragon turtle, this old fox has a quirky personality and keeps to himself, so Lu Xuan treated him with extra respect.

  "Come with me."

  The old fox said to Lu Xuan, and then slowly walked out of the stone hall.

  Lu Xuan stroked the palm demon order hanging on his waist, and without hesitation, he followed closely behind the old fox with sparse hair and gray-black tumors.

  The man and the beast came to a relatively low-level position and entered a passage.

  In the stone caves on both sides of the passage, there are many beasts of different species. What is different from other stone caves is that there are more beasts in them, two or even three or four.

  The beasts in some stone caves are in the breeding stage, and they did not stop when they saw Lu Xuan appear.

  "What you need to do is very simple, that is, to assist me in completing various experiments on monsters."

  "For example, in front of you, you need to observe the reproduction of monsters and ensure that they mate successfully. If you find any abnormalities, you must use various means to promote their reproduction."

  The old fox said slowly in an old tone.

  "This junior has no problem."

  Lu Xuan nodded gently. It was more than no problem. The reproduction of monsters was nothing in front of his beast master.

  After entering the Tianjian Sect, he had solved many monster breeding problems, from the ancient beast Yin Yang Kun fish with unlimited potential to the basic spirit beasts of the sect, the Linghe clan. All the fertility problems encountered were easily solved by him.

  What's more, he still has a lot of aphrodisiac pills with powerful aphrodisiac effects. No matter how determined the monster is, after taking the aphrodisiac pills, it will turn into a sex-hungry ghost and be a good breeding tool.

  Therefore, he has rich experience in the reproduction of monsters.

  The old fox said nothing and continued to move forward with Lu Xuan.

  Further in, the number of monsters imprisoned in the caves on both sides of the passage was much less, basically one monster, and some of the caves were even empty.

  "The blood of the beasts imprisoned here is extraordinary. What you need to do is to extract their blood essence in time and send it to me when I need it."

  The old fox said in a low voice.

  "Draw blood from the beasts?"

  Lu Xuan was stunned.

  "Don't worry, all the beasts are in a state of confinement during the blood drawing process, and they will not threaten or harm you."

  The old fox seemed to have learned about Lu Xuan's character from the bald monk, and took the initiative to explain.

  "Well, I know."

  Lu Xuan suppressed the strangeness in his heart and replied.

  "Asking me to draw blood, isn't that just returning to my old business?"

  When he was still in the Qi training stage, he drew the blood essence of hundreds and thousands of dragons and pythons in Qianlong Lake. After breaking through to the foundation building stage, he made this a fixed project and went to Qianlong Lake every once in a while.

  Under the warm welcome of fellow dragon breeders, he drew countless bottles of blood essence from the dragons under the guise of checking their bodies.

  Even if there were big blood suckers like the Blood Sin Flower and the Blood Spirit Palm Ginseng, there was no need to worry that the dragon's blood essence would be consumed in a short period of time.

  There were so many bottles and jars of dragon blood essence in the storage bag.

  "I have already had a wealth of experience in the industry before the formal experiment. Am I born to do this?"

  Lu Xuan secretly sighed.

  (End of this chapter)

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