
Chapter 424 - Pure Glass Tea

  As for whether he could cultivate the fifth-grade spiritual plant, Lu Xuan had no worries in this regard.

  He could learn the cultivation method and detailed status of the spiritual plant. As long as the cultivation conditions were not particularly difficult to meet, there would be no problem for Lu Xuan.

  In addition to the light ball reward that only he knew about, the uncle of the master of the Jindan would naturally give him a certain reward for cultivating the fifth-grade spiritual plant on behalf of the Jindan Zhenren. At the same time, he could also make friends with the Jindan Zhenren, killing two birds with one stone.

  The risk was very small and the benefits were great. How could Lu Xuan not agree?

  "I was right about you, Junior Brother. I will take you to Uncle Master Qingxu now."

  Seeing this, Ge Pu nodded with satisfaction and briefly introduced the situation of the Jindan Zhenren to Lu Xuan.

  From him, he learned that the uncle of the master of the Jindan was named Li Qingxu, also known as the Qingxu Zhenren. He had entered the middle stage of the Jindan realm for decades and was good at the way of elixir and talisman.

  During the brief introduction, the two came to the foot of the mountain. A black and white Tai Chi pattern suddenly appeared behind Ge Pu's head. The pattern rotated rapidly and grew rapidly. A yin and yang spiritual light shot out from it, wrapping the two and merging them into the Tai Chi pattern.

  "Junior Brother Lu, we're here."

  After a few breaths, the two came to a huge cave full of fairy spirit.

  The cave stretched for hundreds of miles, suspended in the air, surrounded by thick and pure spiritual energy like clouds, and cranes flew out from time to time.

  After Ge Pu explained his intention to a strange beast guarding the bronze gate, he took Lu Xuan into the cave.

  The two entered a quiet and elegant room. The elegant room was simply decorated with only a green jade cushion, on which an old man with a long beard sat cross-legged.

  The old man took a long breath, as if he could turn into a breeze and float away at any time.

  He opened his eyes, a hazy light flashed by, and looking at Lu Xuan and the others, a kind smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

  "Junior Brother Ge Pu, you are here. I haven't seen you for a while. You have improved your cultivation a lot. Perhaps it won't be long before you and I can call each other brothers."

  "This is Junior Brother Lu Xuan, right? I have heard more than once about your attainments in spiritual plants."

  "Disciple greets Uncle Li."

  Lu Xuan hurriedly stepped forward and bowed respectfully to the old man, that is, True Man Qingxu.

  "Not bad, not bad."

  The old man with a long beard nodded slightly.

  "I have already briefly introduced you to Ge Pu. I wonder if Junior Brother Lu is willing to cultivate a fifth-grade spiritual seed for me?"

  "It is my honor to serve you, but please tell me about the spiritual seeds."

  Although Lu Xuan could understand the relevant information about the spiritual plants, in order not to make the True Man of Jindan suspicious, he still had to go through the necessary procedures.

  "My cultivation has been stuck in a bottleneck for a long time. Recently, I accidentally got a good magical method, but I couldn't get into it after studying it for a long time, so I tried to get this fifth-grade spiritual seed."

  "The spiritual seed is called Pure Glazed Tea. After it matures, it will be of great use to me in comprehending the cultivation method. The growth environment is extremely harsh and needs to be nurtured with pure spiritual energy at all times."

  "But as far as I know, Junior Brother Lu has a broken secret realm of the sect. The spiritual energy in the secret realm is pure, so it shouldn't be difficult to cultivate it."

  "I rarely have experience in cultivating spiritual plants. My life span is limited, and I can't spend extra time and energy on cultivating fifth-grade spiritual plants. I heard that Junior Brother Lu is famous in this area, so I had the idea of ​​letting Junior Brother you cultivate it on my behalf."

  The clear-headed old man slowly introduced the origin of the spiritual seed and the reason for the invitation.

  "Excuse me, Junior Brother, I wonder if my uncle has considered this."

  Lu Xuan paused and continued.

  "It takes at least ten years for a fifth-grade spirit seed to grow from root to full maturity, and dozens or even hundreds of years are also common. With such a long cultivation period, I'm afraid that my nephew will delay your progress in practicing the technique."

  "Hahaha, my nephew is thoughtful."   

  The old man with a long beard laughed heartily.

  "But don't worry, I just learned that magical skill not long ago. The conditions for practicing the skill are very complicated. It takes a long time to prepare in the early stage, and the difficulty of practicing is extremely high. Even if I wait until the pure glass tea matures, I can only practice to the entry level at most."

  Lu Xuan nodded, showing his understanding, and was secretly shocked in his heart.

  "What kind of magical skill requires a Jindan Zhenren to prepare for ten years? And he specially got the fifth-grade pure glass tea to improve his understanding?"

  "Could it be a Yuanying-level skill?"

  His thoughts flew in his mind, but he made a solemn promise to the old man.

  "Junior nephew, I will do my best to cultivate the spiritual plant and solve the problems for my uncle."

  "More importantly, for the light ball reward."

  He added secretly.

  "Okay, then I'm relieved, and I'll leave everything to you, Junior nephew Lu."

  "When the spiritual plant matures, I will reward you well."

  Zhenren Qingxu said with a smile.

  A pale green spirit seed quietly emerged in his hand. The spirit seed was oval in shape, with a brilliant spiritual light. Inside, a thin tea leaf could be vaguely seen floating and sinking, revealing a hint of the meaning of one leaf, one world.

  When Lu Xuan took the spirit seed, a wisp of clear air spread from the part that was in contact with the spirit seed all the way to the depths of his sea of ​​consciousness. His

  sea of ​​consciousness suddenly became clear and his thoughts were extremely active.

  "It is worthy of being a fifth-grade spirit seed that my uncle in the middle stage of the Jindan stage specially got. The aura spread by the spirit seed alone is almost as effective as the Purification Mantra."

  Lu Xuan sighed secretly.

  The two of them took the initiative to say goodbye, quite tactfully.

  Back in the cave, Lu Xuan came to the spirit field and couldn't wait to take out the Pure Glazed Tea Spirit Seed.

  The Earth Attraction Technique was naturally performed, and the spirit seed was placed in the spirit soil.

  Then his mind was focused on the spirit seed in the shallow layer of the spirit soil, and suddenly a thought emerged from his mind.

  [Pure Glazed Tea, a fifth-grade spiritual plant, needs to be nurtured and nourished with a pure and spiritual breath during its growth. Ordinary spiritual soil and spiritual energy have almost no positive effect on tea trees, and can even delay the growth of spiritual plants. ]

  [After the mature tea leaves are consumed by the cultivators, they can greatly improve their understanding and last for a long time until they slowly disappear. At the same time, they will also form a pure and spiritual aura on the surface of the cultivators' bodies, which has a purifying effect on evil spirits and filthy things, and all evil cannot invade. ]

  "Five-grade spiritual tea that can greatly improve understanding!"

  Although Lu Xuan had already learned the general use of the spiritual plant from True Man Qingxu, he couldn't help but exclaimed after learning about its effects in detail.

  "No wonder a cultivator in the middle stage of Jindan came here specially. Such effects are worth spending so much money."

  "Well, there is a high probability that relevant light ball rewards will be opened in the future?"

  Lu Xuan thought of this, and joy surged in his heart.

  All along, his understanding and bones were extremely mediocre, which made his cultivation level improve slowly. The time and energy required to practice various exercises was far more than that of other inner sect disciples. He relied on various light ball rewards to get to where he is today.

  If we can get the relevant light group rewards, we can make up for this shortcoming.

  (End of this chapter)

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