
Chapter 354 - Starlight Sword Intent Selling Pills

  The mature Starlight Sword Grass in front of him was about three feet long, like a sharp sword pointing straight to the sky.

  The sword body was dark blue, with countless stars flashing on the surface. When you look closely, you can feel the sharp sword intention from every bit of starlight.

  Lu Xuan's palm turned into a glass jade color, and he slowly pulled the Starlight Sword Grass out of the spiritual soil.

  The root shape of the sword grass was like a sword handle, spotless.

  "What a natural sword weapon!"

  Lu Xuan exclaimed, his mind focused on the plant, and suddenly a piece of information emerged from his mind.

  [Starlight Sword Grass, a third-grade spiritual plant, is nourished and cultivated with starlight sword energy. When mature, the sword grass contains subtle star power, which can draw starlight to kill the enemy and win. ]

  Lu Xuan flicked the Starlight Sword Grass with his fingers, and in the clanging of the sword, countless stars flashed, and many sword energies like tiny meteors gushed out.

  He put the sword grass into the storage bag and his eyes fell on the white light ball that appeared silently.

  The ball of light flickered slightly, as if attracting him to pick it up.

  Lu Xuan reached out and gently touched the surface of the ball of light, and countless light spots exploded, with almost imperceptible slight sword intent, pouring into Lu Xuan's body.

  [Harvest a third-grade starlight sword grass, and obtain the starlight sword intent. ]

  In an instant, Lu Xuan's mind suddenly rose, as if he had entered the boundless night sky, with stars flickering around him, each operating at a mysterious and strange level.

  When he returned to his body, Lu Xuan only felt a large amount of sword intent instantly pouring into his mind. After digesting these sword intents, he seemed to have realized something, and shook the wind and thunder sword in his hand.

  Dozens of sword beams flickered, like meteors passing by, attacking an ordinary spiritual tree in the distance with different trajectories.

  The speed was so fast that the spiritual tree was shattered in the blink of an eye.

  "After absorbing the starlight sword intent, my control of the "Starlight Sword Art" has reached a new level."

  Lu Xuan secretly sighed in his heart.

  After obtaining the Starlight Sword Grass Spirit Seed, he also obtained the third-grade "Starlight Sword Art" from the Sword Hall. After studying it for a long time, he finally got started and reached a state where he could cultivate sword grass.

  For several years, although he often performed it, his sword skills did not improve much.

  After absorbing the Starlight Sword Intention in the light ball, he seemed to have practiced this sword art for dozens or hundreds of years. When he

  swung his sword, a starlight sword light would appear, and he was proficient and free. "Well, those sword monks practiced sword art hard, and I worked hard to cultivate spiritual plants. In the end, my sword art level reached the same level."

  "If I only look at the results and not the process, then I can be considered a sword genius!"

  He thought shamelessly.

  After the Starlight Sword Grass matured, the sword grass in the spiritual field was left with only the Wind and Thunder Sword Grass with different growth progress. Lu Xuan planned to try to use these ten Wind and Thunder Sword Grass to condense the Sword Grass Spirit Seed to see if the way of obtaining the spirit seed could be changed from promoting mutation by raising the Xuan Sword Sheath to mass production.

  As for the fourth-grade Jian Qianxiao, Lu Xuan got started late in the corresponding sword art, and with a higher grade, it would take a long time before it matured.

  It has been more than a month since Lu Xuan returned to the sect. He planned to go to the small courtyard of Jianmen Town to replenish nutrients for the blood evil flower, the holy infant fruit, etc.

  He quietly slipped out of the sect alone, drove an ordinary flying sword, and came to the small courtyard.

  He opened the Thousand Illusion Clouds and Smoke Array, and as soon as he entered the yard, a light red palm slapped his calf.

  Lu Xuan looked closely and saw that the blood spirit palm ginseng was circling around him, conveying his desire for blood to him.

  He quickly took out a bottle of dragon blood from the storage bag and poured it directly on the light red palm.

  After feeding the blood spirit palm ginseng some blood, Lu Xuan cultivated the other three kinds of underworld spiritual plants in the yard. The

  longevity peach needs fresh monster blood and flesh, the blood evil flower absorbs a lot of dragon blood, and as for the holy infant fruit, it squeezes out a lot of unconscious infant souls from the wooden infant. After

  feeding these three underworld fifth-grade spiritual plants well, Lu Xuan took out the shapeless resentful spirit mud from the gluttonous insect sac.

  The resentful spirit mud contains a lot of resentment, so it is not suitable for cultivating these spiritual plants. However, Lu Xuan saw that their temperaments matched, and it might be beneficial to put them together.

  After completing all this, he put on the Thousand-Chapter Strange Mask, disguised as an ordinary-looking mid-stage foundation-building cultivator, and came to the Wanbao Tower.   

  "Dao... Senior, please come."

  A young man in the middle stage of Qi training saw Lu Xuan entering the hall and greeted him with an eager smile. His spiritual sense swept over Lu Xuan and felt his bottomless spiritual power. His expression instantly became panic and he bowed respectfully.

  "Well, take me upstairs."

  Lu Xuan nodded slightly and asked the young monk to take him to a higher floor.

  Most of the things on the first floor were things needed for the Qi training realm, which were not very useful to him at the moment.

  Under the guidance of the young man, he entered an ancient room.

  A pretty maid immediately brought spiritual fruits and spiritual tea.

  Lu Xuan had just taken a sip of tea when an old man came out to greet him.

  "I'm late, please forgive me."

  "My surname is Li, the owner of the Wanbao Tower branch in Jianmen Town. If you need anything, just tell me."

  The old man was short and fat, with a kind smile on his face, and said enthusiastically.

  "Hello, fellow Daoist Li. I am a casual cultivator who occasionally passes by here and would like to sell a few treasures."

  Lu Xuan said lightly, with the Thousand Demons' Mask covering his face, as if he was born with this appearance, and his facial features changed vividly and naturally.

  "I wonder what you want to sell..."

  The old man smiled at the side.

  Lu Xuan waved his hand, and two pills the size of longan appeared in the palm of his hand. The spiritual patterns of the pills swam, and the light radiated. The rich spiritual energy could be felt from afar.

  "Foundation Building Pills! Two!"

  The moment he saw the Foundation Building Pills, the short and fat old man stood up suddenly, his tone full of surprise.

  "Not bad, two Foundation Building Pills of good quality."

  The short and fat old man was in charge of the branch building of Wanbao Building, and in Jianmen Town, which was so close to Tianjian Sect, his strength and vision should not be underestimated.

  He took another look and confirmed that it was the Foundation Building Pill.

  He couldn't help but feel a surge of heat in his heart.

  The foundation-building pills are firmly controlled by the big sects and big forces. With them, there is a possibility of promotion to the foundation-building realm. It is very attractive to those cultivators from ordinary small families and independent cultivators. The foundation-

  building pills circulating on the market are extremely rare, and once they appear, they are scrambled for by countless independent cultivators, even if it means losing everything.

  "I want to take both of these foundation-building pills. In Jianmen Town, Wanbaolou is one of the strongest in terms of reputation and financial resources. The price will definitely satisfy you, fellow Taoist."

  "I wonder if you have any special needs?"

  "I don't need spirit stones. These two foundation-building pills, plus this fourth-grade soul-guiding lamp magic weapon, can be used to exchange for high-grade spirit seeds, or monster eggs and young beasts."

  "Secondly, you can consider high-grade pill furnaces, or special spirit soil, spirit liquid and other treasures."

  Lu Xuan said slowly. Before he finished speaking, a gust of cold wind blew, and an evil lantern appeared in his hand.

  With bones as handles and human skin as covers, the dark red light spikes are like countless tentacles, gently shaking as if to attract people's three souls and seven spirits.

   Updated in advance today. The chapter updated yesterday has not been released yet. I guess I have to wait until Monday to find an editor. I summarized the general content before today's chapter. The blocked chapter was modified and released today. It is still under review. If it is released, it may be repeated. Please pay attention to it if you subscribe.

    Oh, two consecutive days of review, it really messed up my mentality. It was obviously just the behavior of two monsters, and there was no excessive description.

  (End of this chapter)

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