
Chapter 31 - Cloud Lynx

  In Baicao Hall.

  Lu Xuan walked around the market and got nothing, but he was not disappointed. He took the opportunity to visit Manager He.

  "Lu boy, are you here?!"

  The thin old man was looking at the account book, glanced at Lu Xuan, and ignored him.

  Lu Xuan found a place to sit casually, watching several 13 or 14-year-old medicine boys in Baicao Hall busying around, coming in and out.

  The collected spiritual plants need to go through several processes, and the medicine boys do the most superficial processing.

  This does not require much technical content, so Baicao Hall processes it openly in the hall without fear of being seen.

  "Come, have a cup of hot tea."

  Not long after, Manager He, who had temporarily finished his work, came to Lu Xuan and handed him a cup of tea with tender green spiritual tea floating in it.

  A sip of spiritual tea went down his throat, and the refreshing fragrance floated into his mouth and nose, leaving Lu Xuan with a long aftertaste.

  "How are the spiritual plants growing? If they are not up to standard, your profits will be greatly lost!"

  the thin old man asked with concern.

  "Not bad, the quality is better than the last batch."

  Lu Xuan replied with a smile. He knew that the spiritual plants in the spiritual field not only related to his own income, but also represented the face of Manager He to a certain extent. After all, it was he who introduced him to Baicaotang.

  Hearing Lu Xuan's reply, Manager He was slightly relieved, and the two chatted casually.

  Suddenly, a woman rushed into Baicaotang with a child.

  The woman looked crying and her eyes were swollen, which showed that she had been crying for a long time.

  The child had a trace of confusion on his face, opened his mouth, and let the woman hold him tightly.

  The woman asked a few questions and entered Baicaotang. Manager He was worried about something going on, so he followed in.

  After a while, he returned to the hall with a heavy face.

  "A spiritual plant master who has established a cooperative relationship with the hall accidentally had an accident, and his family came to ask about the follow-up treatment of the spiritual plant."

  "What happened?"

  "It is said that several people invited each other to a secret place to pick spiritual herbs, but they were unlucky and encountered an injured second-grade monster beast. Two of the four people died on the spot, and the other two were also seriously injured and on the verge of death."

  "What is the name of the spiritual plant master who has established a cooperative relationship with the hall?" When

  Lu Xuan heard what Manager He said, he couldn't help but think of Lei Fei who invited him to enter the secret place some time ago.

  "His name is Lei Fei, one of the two people who died. How come you know him?"

  Sure enough, Lu Xuan got confirmation from Manager He that it was Lei Fei, the spiritual plant master who invited him at that time.

  "At that time, they tried to invite me to explore the secret place together. I was worried about the spiritual plants in the spiritual field and was afraid that they would encounter danger, so I didn't agree."

  Lu Xuan sighed.

  "Fortunately, you didn't agree, otherwise... you might be involved in the accident."

  Manager He couldn't help but say.

  "It can only be said that they have encountered this disaster. They have entered the secret realm of countless cultivators, but they can actually encounter a second-grade demon beast."

  "Then what should be done with the spiritual plants he took over?"

  "The spiritual plant master died, and his family is not very good at cultivating first-grade spiritual plants. According to the regulations, the hall should take over, transplant the spiritual plants, and give certain compensation to the family." "

  But compared with mature spiritual plants, it is much cheaper. The family came here this time to ask for mercy and let the hall give the remaining spiritual plants to her for planting."

  Manager He did not say how to deal with it, but Lu Xuan guessed about 70% by looking at his expression. Baicaotang

  must be profit-oriented. In front of profit, a little bit of affection is dispensable.

  He was more determined not to put himself in danger. After all, if he went out and couldn't come back, wouldn't the spiritual plants in the courtyard be given to others for nothing?

  After this episode, he didn't think about tasting the spiritual tea. He got up and left after swallowing it.


  "You want forty spirit stones for such a small Cloud-Walking Lynx? Are you crazy?"

  "Daoyou, this is not an ordinary Cloud-Walking Lynx. Look at its eyes. This is an exotic species of lynx. The price must not be the same as usual."   

  While strolling, a dispute on a stall not far away attracted Lu Xuan's attention.

  Lu Xuan's mind moved, and he came to the stall, and his attention was attracted by an iron cage in the corner.

  The iron cage was made of unknown material. The slender railings had fine patterns and exuded a cold feeling. There were talismans on the four corners of the cage to prevent the things inside from escaping.

  Through the gap in the railings, Lu Xuan saw a young lynx in the cage.

  The lynx's fur was black, but the four paws were like white snow. When standing, it seemed to be stepping on four white clouds. The word "Tayun" probably came from this. The

  two slender ears stood up high, with two small tufts of white hair on the tips of the ears, growing straight, like two antennas.

  A pair of emerald green eyes were extremely eye-catching, looking around coldly.

  Seeing Lu Xuan's gaze, the scarred Tayun lynx bared its teeth, leaned forward slightly, and made a posture of being about to fight.

  "Does having beautiful eyes mean you are an alien? Then does Diao Chan on my waist count as an alien cultivator?"

  A Qigong cultivator in front of the stall couldn't help but refute the stall owner. No

  wonder he was angry. If the price of this young cloud-stepping lynx was the usual price, he could easily get it for 20 spirit stones. But the stall owner, relying on the fact that the cloud-stepping lynx in front of him had heterochromatic pupils, asked for 40 spirit stones.

  "40 spirit stones, it can't be any lower!"

  The stall owner was unshakable and insisted on the original price.

  "Keep this so-called alien cloud-stepping lynx for yourself! It's so beautiful, you can look at it every day!"

  The Qigong cultivator left a sentence and walked away.

  "You don't know the goods."

  The stall owner sneered.

  "My fellow Taoist, how did you get this cloud-stepping lynx, and what's the matter with its pupils?"

  Suddenly, a gentle voice sounded next to him. The stall owner looked in the direction of the voice and saw a clear and handsome boy standing in front of the iron cage, looking at him with clear eyes.

  "My companions and I went through a lot of trouble to get this from a secret place."

  "The Cloud Lynx is a first-class spiritual beast. It moves quickly and silently, and has good attack power. The young beast in front of us is different from ordinary Cloud Lynx. When it grows up, its pupils may have some magical powers."

  "What do you think, fellow Daoist?"

  "How about thirty spiritual stones?"

  Lu Xuan habitually cut off a large piece.


  The stall owner crossed his arms in front of his chest and didn't bother to pay attention to Lu Xuan.

  "Fellow Daoist, you said it was an alien species of Cloud-Treading Lynx. I wonder what the basis is? Is it just based on its pair of emerald green eyes?"

  "You know, alien species of monsters are very rare, and it's even rarer to see an alien species among first-grade monsters."

  "It's possible that this pair of emerald green eyes was just stimulated by something during the embryo formation process, or was affected by the special spiritual environment. It's too casual for fellow Daoist to directly classify it as an alien species."

  "Besides, I see that the young Cloud-Treading Lynx in your cage is not in very good condition. It is estimated that it suffered a lot of injuries during the capture process, and it has been trapped in the cage, without good treatment and recuperation."

  "In its current condition, it is still unknown whether it can be raised successfully."

  "Thirty-six spirit stones, it can't be any lower. You know, we paid a great price to catch it."

  "Thirty-two spirit stones, I'll take it directly."

  Lu Xuan knew that the stall owner had been convinced by his reasons, and he was particularly fond of this Cloud-Treading Lynx with green eyes, so he relaxed the price a little.

  "Okay, then I'll give it to you at a bargain price."

  The stall owner gritted his teeth and finally agreed.

  He knew in his heart that the possibility of it being a different species was extremely low, and he was afraid that he wouldn't be able to keep it alive. Being able to earn more than an ordinary Cloud-Walking Lynx cub was already a pretty good result.

  (End of this chapter)