
Chapter 306 - The Abilities of the Spiritual Plant Master

  Seeing Shi Zhong being so cautious and wanting to learn fishing from him, Lu Xuan could not help but be stunned.

  "Fellow Daoist Shi, you don't have to be so generous. I'm just lucky."

  "I have no experience fishing for sea fish and sea beasts before. This time I caught several bony swordfish in a row. Maybe it's the rumored beginner's halo."

  Lu Xuan lifted Shi Zhong and said gently.


  Shi Zhong was half-believing and half-doubting. Lu Xuan's behavior of fishing for bony swordfish in a row was indeed difficult to explain with common sense. It could only be attributed to good fortune, luck and the like.


  "Fellow Daoist Lu, the wind is a bit strong at my place. It's a bit uncomfortable after being blown for a long time. Can I change fishing positions with you?"

  He coughed lightly and said shamelessly.

  "Okay, then follow Fellow Daoist Shi."

  Lu Xuan didn't care and agreed readily.

  The two exchanged positions.

  Shi Zhong sat down excitedly and brought four fishing rods with different monster insects on each hook.

  Lu Xuan came to the wooden building where Shi Zhong was before, picked up a ball of bait, wrapped it around the hook, and threw it into the deep sea.

  About half a minute later, he was very sensitive and noticed the fish hook moving. He pulled it hard and saw a hideous sea fish falling on the sea with a snap. It instantly dived into the deep water and disappeared without a trace.

  Lu Xuan didn't care. From the moment the sea fish bit the bait, he already knew the detailed state of the sea fish. He

  carefully observed the bait in the box, pinched it casually, and a new ball of bait took shape. He swung the fishing rod and it fell into the sea water in the distance.

  After a while, the sea fish was attracted by the bait specially prepared by Lu Xuan again. Unable to resist the strong temptation of the bait, after several attempts, it bit the bait deeply.

  Lu Xuan was already prepared. In an instant, his arm turned into crystal white jade. He grabbed the fishing rod and lifted it up suddenly, and a hideous sea fish quickly drilled out.

  "Daoyou Lu is really good. After changing positions, he caught another second-grade sea fish in less than a moment."

  The sharp female cultivator who had been practicing opened her eyes and smiled.

  "Haha, luck, luck."

  Lu Xuan laughed and put the strange fish into the rune pool and continued to go back to the wooden building to fish.

  During the fishing process, he was not worried about the bait being eaten by sea fish and sea beasts.

  Instead, he was more worried that no sea fish and sea beasts would take the bait.

  As long as they eat the bait he put down, he can get detailed information about them, including their habits, preferences, etc.

  Then, according to the information obtained, he made subtle adjustments to the bait, greatly enhancing the bait's appeal to various sea fish and sea beasts.

  The more sea fish and sea beasts attracted, the more they would naturally take the bait.

  In this way, he caught sea fish and sea beasts more and more frequently. Later, even as soon as he put down the fishing rod, a sea fish would take the bait.

  In order to save time for releasing fish, Lu Xuan even ordered a Qi training cultivator to bring sea fish into the pool.

  Although the frequency of catching fish is slightly lower than that of fishing for bony swordfish, compared with Shi Zhong in the distance, it can be said to be a high yield.

  On the other side, after switching to Lu Xuan's position, Shi Zhong finally caught a bony swordfish after half a day of hard work.

  Compared with Lu Xuan's previous efficiency, Shi Zhong was even more excited after noticing that Lu Xuan kept catching fish.

  "Daoyou Lu, I have been fishing for half my life, but I have never met a master. After meeting him today, I am willing to admit that I am inferior. Please teach me!"

  "It's not teaching, but we can communicate with each other."

  Lu Xuan said with a smile.

  "It's a coincidence that the reason why I can catch sea fish and sea beasts so quickly has a lot to do with my experience as a spiritual plant master."

  "In the sect, I have studied a lot of information about monsters, and I know their living habits, preferences, etc., including some sea fish and sea beasts."

  Lu Xuan said casually. He couldn't leak his special ability, so he made up a reason with a similar principle and told Shi Zhong.   

  "Spiritual plant masters have such skills?"

  Lu Xuan's words made Shi Zhong have a new view of the spiritual plant masters that he usually looked down upon, and even gave him an impulse to study monsters after returning to the sect.

  "It's difficult for ordinary spiritual plant masters to do this."

  Lu Xuan replied.

  "But I have a cheat."

  He added in his heart.

  Seeing that Shi Zhong still couldn't believe it, Lu Xuan pointed at the half-dead monster insect in the wooden box.

  "Fellow Daoist Shi has been fishing for many years and has rich experience. I believe he knows how to catch the bony swordfish in the sea."

  "I know a thing or two."

  "Bony swordfish likes to eat all kinds of monster insects, and has the habit of hunting monster insects in a moving state. Therefore, the faster the monster insect bait moves in the water, the more likely it is to catch a bony swordfish."

  Speaking of this, Shi Zhong said confidently.

  "Fellow Daoist Shi is indeed knowledgeable, but there is one thing you may not know. In addition to liking monster insects in a fast-moving state, bony swordfish have another characteristic."

  "That is, they particularly prefer those monster insects that are fresh and full of vitality."

  Lu Xuan generously imparted the information he had learned.

  "The monster insects in Daoist Fellow Shi's wooden box have been captured for a long time, and they are more or less injured, so even if they are alive, they are only half alive and half dead."

  "I will use healing magic to restore their vitality, and then use these lively monster insects to fish for bony swordfish, then naturally it will be twice the result with half the effort."

  "I see... It is indeed very easy to overlook this point." Shi Zhong muttered to himself.

  Lu Xuan cleared the fog in his heart with just a few words, and he felt a sense of openness as if the clouds had cleared and the moon was revealed.

  "In addition, there are subtle differences in the baits that various sea fish like. What anglers have to do is to use the bait according to the symptoms."

  Lu Xuan introduced in detail the types of baits that different sea fish and sea beasts prefer.

  "Thank you Daoist Fellow Lu for your teaching and answering my questions."

  Shi Zhong thanked him solemnly. Lu Xuan's words were no less than a high-grade skill in his heart.

  "Brother Lu has been so kind, Shi must repay him."

  "Brother Lu, please feel free to ask me anything. As long as it does not involve the secrets of the sect and does not endanger the safety of me and the sect, I will try my best to meet it."

  "Then I will not be polite."

  Lu Xuan said with a smile.

  "I just want to ask Brother Shi about something."

  "Brother Shi came to this archipelago before me. I wonder if you have heard of the news of the third-grade or higher spiritual liquid?"

  "Third-grade spiritual liquid? Didn't Brother Lu just bid for a bottle of Xuanyuan heavy water from the Aurora Chamber of Commerce? Is there still less?"

  "I have been trying to cultivate and improve some spiritual plants recently, and I need to use different spiritual liquids for experimental comparison, so I want to collect as many high-grade spiritual liquids as possible."

  Lu Xuan naturally would not tell Shi Zhong that he was using it to cultivate the fifth-grade dragon skeleton grass.

  "Third-grade or higher spiritual liquid... I don't have such treasures, but I have heard of it. I will confirm it again after returning to the island and give you a reply next time."

  Shi Zhong said after a pause.

  "Okay, thank you, Fellow Daoist Shi."

  Lu Xuan said gratefully. It was quite good for him to be able to exchange some information about sea fish of little value for information about high-grade spiritual liquid.

  (End of this chapter)

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