
Chapter 298 - Treat the Other as He Would Treat You

Lu Xuan pondered, called Song Yu aside, and laid a soundproof spiritual barrier.

  "Master Song, there is one thing I must make clear to you."

  "This phaseless algae usually only grows in the deep sea. Even if there are sea fish and sea beasts brought to this water area, it is impossible for a large number of phaseless algae spiritual plants to appear."

  "So, this time the spiritual plant parasitized the Kongming spiritual fish, it was not a natural disaster, but a man-made disaster."

  Lu Xuan said with a firm tone.

  "Uncle Lu means that someone deliberately harmed the Song family?"

  Song Yu's face changed.

  "The main purpose of going to great lengths to get this rare spiritual plant may be to harm these captive Kongming spiritual fish, change the environment of this water area, and make them find other places to live and reproduce."

  "Of course, it is not ruled out that the enemies who have a grudge against your Song family will take this method to take revenge."

  "Master Song, how many islands in the surrounding archipelagoes, similar to this water area, can raise Kongming spiritual fish?"

  Lu Xuan asked with a serious expression.

  "There are two other islands that can raise Kongming Spirit Fish, namely Chongning Island and Lingbie Island. However, the water quality and special terrain of those two waters are not as good as Kongming Island, so the output is far lower than ours. They are not well-known in the cultivation world, and outsiders only know Kongming Spirit Fish."

  Song Yu replied.

  "Don't tell others about the origin of Wuxiang Algae, including the two Song family cultivators who are with us now."

  "After returning to the island, you will secretly investigate and find out the person behind the scenes. At the same time, temporarily block this area of ​​water. I will stay here to treat those parasitic Kongming Spirit Fish and completely clean up the Wuxiang Algae hidden in the waters."

  Lu Xuan's tone was unquestionable, and he ordered the elegant cultivator.

  "Yes, I will find out the cultivator or force that spread this Wuxiang Algae spiritual plant as soon as possible. Please rest assured, Uncle Lu."

  Song Yu nodded heavily and said resolutely.

  The move by the person behind the scenes almost destroyed the Song family's years of hard work. If a large number of phaseless algae were to breed in the waters, dispersing the Kongming Spirit Fish would be a dig at the roots of the Song family. At this moment, he was filled with anger and only wanted to find out the mastermind behind the scenes and cut him into pieces.

  He told the two Song family monks who were guarding the spirit fish a few words and left quickly.

  "You two, find those Kongming Spirit Fish with violent behavior and self-mutilation tendencies in the waters, and leave the rest to me."

  Lu Xuan instructed the two.

  "Yes! Senior!"

  The two responded in unison, each wearing a water-walking robe and jumping into the waters.

  One after another, huge Kongming Spirit Fish were sent up and handed over to Lu Xuan.

  Lu Xuan couldn't find a more suitable method for a while, so he still used the method of roasting to force out the phaseless algae that merged with the Kongming Spirit Fish. The Kongming Spirit

  Fish was placed in front of him, and a huge water mass condensed to cover its head, and its body was slowly roasted with hot flames.

  Once is new, twice is familiar. After learning the origin of the phaseless algae, the flames don't need to be as strong as the first time.

  Although the phaseless algae looks like a water ball, it is a spiritual plant after all, and has the instinct to seek benefits and avoid harm. Under the burning of the flames, subtle changes occur in the body of the spiritual fish.

  Lu Xuan keenly noticed this change, traced the source, and pulled out the phaseless algae.

  The Kongming spiritual fish suffered a little burn due to the burning of the flames. Apply the ointment provided by the Song family and rest for a few days before it can return to normal.

  After treating dozens of Kongming spiritual fish in this way, Lu Xuan gave the remaining spiritual fish a thorough inspection to ensure that there were no phaseless algae spiritual plants lurking in their bodies.

  Then, he dived into the deep waters and used the Qingmu source energy to form a fine giant net, sweeping across the bottom of the water piece by piece.

  If an abnormal reaction is found somewhere, the phaseless algae that has not yet parasitized the spiritual fish can be found.   


  On the huge island, there is a magnificent and magnificent building.

  The building is located at the highest point of the island. From the house, you can see the boundless sea, which makes people feel heroic.

  A beautiful woman is lying on a mahogany chair.

  The woman still has charm, her eyebrows and eyes are full of charm, and her figure is exquisite, like a ripe peach, which makes people want to take a bite, even if the juice splashes on their face, they are willing to do it.

  However, the few people below did not dare to offend in the slightest, and all stared at their toes, as if they were fixed.

  "How is the situation on Kongming Island going?"

  The beautiful woman picked up a red spiritual fruit with her white fingers, held it with her rosy lips, and bit it gently.

  "According to the news sent back by the insider, many of the Kongming spiritual fish living in the waters of the island have been parasitized, and there are many spiritual fish that have self-harmed. The waters have been blocked at present, and it is estimated that it has reached an extremely serious level."

  A middle-aged cultivator with a high level of Qi training stepped forward and reported to the beautiful woman.


  A trace of joy flashed across the woman's face, and she stretched lazily, highlighting her beautiful figure.

  "This time, thanks to Brother Sun, you have presented such a strange spiritual plant. We can easily get rid of the spiritual fish in Kongming Island without any soldiers."

  The beautiful woman looked at a one-eyed monk not far away. The monk was a high-level Qi training cultivator. One eye was exposed, and the other was wrapped in black cloth. From time to time, gray-black air slowly seeped out. The

  one-eyed monk felt dry in the mouth when the beautiful woman looked at him. He moistened his lips and teeth and said.

  "Congratulations, Madam Ning!"

  "As the phaseless algae enters its mature stage, the spiritual fish on Kongming Island will continue to be sucked of their vitality and spiritual power, and more and more of them will fall into madness."

  "The waters of that area are occupied by the phaseless algae, and the water quality has changed. The Kongming spiritual fish will naturally escape from there and find a new habitat. By then, we will solve the waters of Lingbie Island, and Chongning Island will become a new habitat for spiritual fish."

  "In the future, the Kongming spiritual fish will disappear from the cultivation world, and will be replaced by the Chongning spiritual fish."

  "Hehe, if you can really do that, Brother Sun will have made a great contribution. I will naturally reward you well."

  The beautiful woman covered her rosy mouth with her white and soft hair, and chuckled.

  In the spiritual field, Song Yu came to visit.

  It can be seen that he has spent countless efforts and energy during this period of time. Even with a high-level Qi training physique, it can be clearly seen that he is exhausted.

  "Uncle Lu, I have found the mastermind behind the scenes."

  "I set a trap and found that a cultivator of the Song family had been turned. Under torture, he finally confessed that the Wuxiang algae were instigated by the Ning family of Chongning Island."

  "It is said that an overseas cultivator took refuge with the Ning family and offered the special spiritual plant Wuxiang algae. The Ning family then found an opportunity to spread it to the waters of Kongming Island, thereby transferring the habitat of spiritual fish to the waters of Chongning Island."

  Song Yu said solemnly.

  "The Ning family of Chongning Island? What is their background?"

  "A local family, there is an old cultivator of the foundation building who is about to die and is in seclusion. He has a lot of business in the endless sea."

  Song Yu explained.

  "Old cultivator in the early stage of foundation building? Then we can give him back in his own way."

  Lu Xuan looked at a huge wooden basin in the yard that refracted light from multiple angles and thought secretly.

  (End of this chapter)

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