
Chapter 282 - Weak and Helpless

  Sutra Pavilion.

  Lu Xuan walked out slowly.

  After choosing the specific location of the garrison mission, he came to the Sutra Pavilion, wanting to collect as much information as possible.

  The location of the island, the forces on the island and its surroundings, the nearby secret realms, the frequency of appearances of monsters, evil spirits, etc.

  The island where he was going to garrison for three years was called Kongming Island. The island was rich in a kind of Kongming spiritual fish, mainly second-grade, and often appeared at the third-grade level. The meat itself was extremely delicious and contained rich spiritual power. The fish gall was the main material of many elixirs. Therefore, it was occupied by the Tianjian Sect, and the Kongming spiritual fish produced were steadily supplied to the sect.

  Kongming Island was no less than ten thousand miles away from the Tianjian Sect. The location was very remote, worthy of the description of the middle-aged cultivator as a "bitter and cold place".

  There were several small sects in the surrounding large islands, with the highest strength being the foundation-building realm. In addition, there were some small families and many independent cultivators.

  The spiritual energy on the island is much thinner than other garrison areas. In addition, there are no secret places to explore nearby, and there are no large number of demon beasts and evil cultivators to be tempered, so it has always been the last choice.

  The island is close to the boundless sea and is rich in some rare and strange spiritual herbs and spiritual beasts. In addition, it is also recorded that fellow cultivators have discovered several third-grade and fourth-grade spiritual liquids, which are the most suitable for Lu Xuan.

  After learning the detailed information about Kongming Island, Lu Xuan returned to the cave and began some preparations.

  He carefully counted his current strength.

  His cultivation is close to the middle stage of foundation building, which is considered above average in Tianjian Sect, but it can be said to be at the master level outside the sect. There were

  so many casual cultivators in Linyang Market before, but only a few were in the foundation building stage, and they were all cultivators with exhausted potential.

  Although his cultivation is mediocre, his actual combat power is quite considerable.

  Among them, the strongest ones are four and a half fourth-grade sword charms, one and a half Xiaohai sword charms, two big sun sword charms, and one star-falling sword charms. Each has its own characteristics, and at the same time

  , they all have the lethality to severely injure or even kill the cultivators in the middle and late stages of foundation building. In addition, after cultivating sword grass with the sword energy of the four seasons day and night, and obtaining sword experience packages from the light group, his control over the "Four Seasons Sword Art" has reached perfection, and he has understood the sword meaning of the four sword arts.

  In addition, there are Xunlei Sword Pills in Dantian, more than ten explosive flame beads that can instantly burst out powerful killing, Fenyuan Pills that can burn blood and greatly improve strength, and the five elements intermediate magic. There are

  also the third-grade magic weapon Purple Lightning Sword, Fengyue Jade Seal, and the third-grade talisman Water Dragon Talisman, etc.

  In terms of defense, after practicing "Liuli Bone Forging Method" and "Taixu Transformation Dragon Chapter", and continuously taking Jade Scale Fruit and Golden Marrow Jade Liquid that can enhance the strength of the physical body, the physical body has reached an extremely strong level, and most third-grade magic weapons cannot cause significant damage to it.

  In addition, there is a substitute evil infant who can block a fatal blow for him at a critical moment.

  At the same time, there is also the Qingmu source energy condensed from the life essence of the fifth-grade Qingxuan Deer. In addition to ripening spiritual plants, it has a very strong healing ability.

  For the mysterious evil spirits, Lu Xuan has the third-grade treasure Wuqi Jade that can detect the existence of evil spirits, the fourth-grade Yunshan Jade Scroll that can cause severe damage to evil spirits, and the third-grade Jingling Talisman. Most of the strange-level evil spirits can be easily controlled. In

  terms of escape, he is relatively weak. He can hide his body with the third-grade magic weapon Yinling Cloak, the Five Elements Escape Method, and the Floating Light Body Method, but it is only weak in relative terms. The Five Elements Escape Method and the Floating Light Body Method practiced by the Tianjian Sect are already extremely difficult for casual cultivators from the outside world to obtain, not to mention the Yinling Cloak that has a wonderful effect in certain specific scenes.

  "Although I have many high-grade rare magic weapons and treasures, I am still a weak and helpless spiritual plant master."

  Lu Xuan warned himself in his heart.

  Choosing to garrison on Kongming Island has avoided most possible risks, but he still remains cautious.   

  "When you are out, you must be kind to others. Don't put yourself in trouble for a few opportunities. You must be careful and careful. It is important to save your life."

  "As long as the spiritual field is there, there is no fear of no opportunities."

  "Of course, being cautious and yielding does not mean that you can be bullied at will. If you can't win, just run away. Send a message to the sect to mobilize people. If you can win, cut the Gordian knot and do your best to crush them to ashes."

  Lu Xuan thought about the rules of conduct for this trip to Kongming Island.

  "I must also take some of the spiritual plants in the spiritual field with me, so that I won't be able to pick them in time after they mature and get the light ball reward."

  Lu Xuan thought secretly.

  This time, he was stationed on Kongming Island for three years. With his duties and the distance of more than ten thousand miles, he could only go back to the sect a few times.

  There are many spiritual plants in the spiritual field with a short growth cycle or about to mature. It is not appropriate to leave them in the sect, let them mature naturally, or give them to other fellow disciples to pick on their behalf. Lu Xuan decided to take some with him.

  "I must take the Firefly Grass Spirit Seeds with me. Although I am only a hair's breadth away from breaking through the middle stage of foundation building, without them, I will be a thousand miles away."

  Lu Xuan was quite self-aware. In the pure and rich spiritual environment of the inner sect of the Heavenly Sword Sect, his cultivation progress was so slow. If he stayed on the worse Kongming Island, he might not make any progress in three years.

  "The third-grade Wind and Thunder Sword Grass, Moon Rain Grass, fourth-grade Mysterious Insect Vine, and Earth Fire Heart Lotus are not far from maturity. I must take them with me. I can't miss the light ball reward."

  Lu Xuan thought secretly, and took a look in the spiritual field. In the end, he chose to take the Demon Ghost Vine, Starlight Sword Grass, and Jian Qianxiao.

  The Demon Ghost Vine itself is a fifth-grade one. Although it is still in the growth stage, it already has a certain combat power. If it stays on the mountain, he is worried that it will lose control and eat all the spiritual plants in the spiritual field.

  As for the two high-grade sword grasses, due to the special cultivation conditions, they need to be nourished and stimulated with corresponding sword energy day and night, so it is better to keep them by your side.

  Cultivate them as soon as possible, and you can also get more cultivation resources from the sword hall.

  He hesitated for a moment about the third-grade Mi Xian peach,

  but finally left it on the mountain and used a formation to cover it. Although the Mi Xian peach has entered the mature stage, it is still a long way from being fully mature. Moreover, due to the large size of the spiritual plant and the limited space in the life bag, it can only be left on the mountain.

  Among the remaining spiritual plants, the Phoenix tree is still many years away from maturity. He left two red lotus flames, which are enough for it to grow for a while.

  In addition, the Tibetan Yuan grass, the Five Elements Fruit, the Magic Sound Bamboo, the newly planted sword-raising gourd, etc. are all in the early stages of growth. In addition, the spiritual energy of the spiritual field can ensure basic growth, so Lu Xuan left them in the cave.

  As for the spiritual beasts, he brought the Cloud-stepping Lynx and the Wind Falcon. The Fire Dragon was too young, so he stayed in the mountain, leaving enough dried monster meat for the grass puppet to take care of it. The spiritual

  energy in the small lake is rich. If the monster meat is eaten up, the spiritual spring can also be used to ensure normal growth.

  "By the way, I'll go to the courtyard in Jianmen Town."

  He decided to go to the courtyard to see the growth of the underworld spiritual plants before leaving, whether they were mature, and which ones he should take with him.

  (End of this chapter)

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