
Chapter 280 - Cultivation Increases Rapidly

  After Xuantian Bailuan and Baiyu Qingtian Yuan had enough food and drink, Lu Xuan watched them leave, cleaned up the yard, and returned to the house.

  He sat cross-legged on a white jade cushion, practicing the "Great Five Elements Gong", absorbing the surrounding pure spiritual energy into his meridians like a whale sucking water.

  Liao Yufang's appearance made him realize that even in the sect, it does not necessarily mean peace and tranquility. Being strong will involve more interests, and being weak will be bullied intentionally or unintentionally.

  This time, with the help of the two young spirit beasts guarding the sect, he escaped a possible disaster, but he can't always have such good luck.

  Therefore, it is most important to have a deep enough cultivation and strong enough strength.

  About an hour later, Lu Xuan opened his eyes and exhaled a deep breath.

  "It seems to have improved a little, but it seems to have not changed."

  After an hour of hard practice, the spiritual fluid in the dantian could not feel much change.

  Lu Xuan had long accepted his mediocre qualifications on the road of cultivation, and his expression was calm, not affected at all.

  "Practice is not the point, the point is the spiritual plants in the cave."

  Lu Xuan smiled as his spiritual sense sensed the rich spiritual energy of plants and trees coming from all over the mountain.

  For the next half a month, he basically stayed on the mountain, rarely went out, and focused on cultivating spiritual plants and raising spiritual beasts. Liao Yufang

  's appearance was just a little ripple in the peaceful days, and nothing happened afterwards, which Lu Xuan was happy to see.

  In the courtyard.

  A deep purple sword light was as graceful as a startled wild goose, as graceful as a swimming dragon, and the sword energy was crisscrossed. Where the sword tip pierced seemed to have a little starlight flashing, and the dazzling light contained a strong murderous intent. There was

  a clanging sound.

  The purple lightning sword was inserted into the Yangxuan sword sheath, and the lightning on the sword body made the ancient sword sheath tremble endlessly.

  "The Starlight Sword Art is considered to be an entry point, and I can try to cultivate the third-grade Starlight Sword Grass."

  He took out the sword grass spirit seed with tiny starlight flashing on the surface and planted it in the spiritual soil, and strands of spiritual rain seeped into it.

  [Starlight Sword Grass, a third-grade spiritual plant, is cultivated with starlight sword energy. The mature sword grass plant contains slight star power, which can be used directly or refined into a corresponding third-grade flying sword. ]

  Carefully feeling the detailed state transmitted by the starlight sword grass spirit seed, he shook the flying sword in his hand, and a tiny starlight sword light penetrated the spiritual soil and sank into the sword grass spirit seed.

  "Being able to feel the subtle needs of the sword grass is my biggest advantage compared to other sword hall disciples who cultivate sword grass."

  Lu Xuan sighed in his heart.

  Due to limited talent, the more difficult fourth-grade "Thousand Owl Sword Art" has not yet been mastered, so the sword thousand owl spirit seed can only be put aside temporarily.

  He carefully inspected the spiritual field and observed the growth of each spiritual plant.

  In a remote corner of the mountain, several fairy peaches are beautiful alone.

  Small spiritual peaches have grown in the lush pink and white peach leaves.

  The peach was white with a hint of red, looming between the peach leaves, half-hidden and half-covered, looking extremely immature, but if you look at it for a second, you will feel that it has a natural charm.

  It seemed to tell Lu Xuan that it was plump and juicy, tempting him to pounce on it and bite it hard.

  Lu Xuan's spiritual consciousness sensed something was wrong, and his spiritual power surged, and a misty green light fell on his head. A cool

  breath surged into his mind, and his eyes immediately became clear, and the small peach in the peach leaf returned to its normal form.

  He looked down at the demon ghost vine at his feet. Various tentacles of different sizes grew on the gray vines, crawling towards the fairy peach not far away in a strange form.

  Lu Xuan also cast a purification spell, allowing the demon ghost vine that was submerged in the sea of ​​desire created by the fairy peach to return to normal instantly.

  As the fairy peach grew better and better, Lu Xuan clearly felt that their temptation increased. With his spiritual consciousness at the early stage of foundation building, if he was not careful, he would fall into the illusion unknowingly.   

  He took the demon vine and fled from the area where the fairy peach was.

  In the spiritual field covered with Wuling soil, if the Tibetan Yuan grass was not planted in the spiritual soil, it would probably be confused with the unknown spiritual grass not far away. Only when the spiritual consciousness captured the concentrated essence deep in the plant, could we know what kind of spiritual treasure it contained.

  Under Lu Xuan's careful care, the five elements of the Five Elements Fruit were full of power, complementing each other and transforming naturally.

  The Yunling Pines in another spiritual field felt that Lu Xuan was not far away, and their spirituality was increasing day by day. They welcomed him very warmly, and the pine waves seemed to be cheering and rejoicing.

  Lu Xuan's spiritual consciousness gently touched the Yunling Pines and felt an unprecedented ethereal nature.

  Around the Huanyin Bamboo, as the bamboo grew taller and taller, the cracks on the bamboo also increased. Hundreds and thousands of strange sounds could be heard from afar, mixed together, and impacted Lu Xuan's eardrums.

  Without saying a word, the demon vine quietly lurked over, and many light gray vines like tiny tentacles stretched out from the vines, directly blocking many cracks.

  The strange sound in his ear stopped abruptly.

  "It's true that one thing can defeat another."

  Lu Xuan sighed as he watched the demon ghost vine tentacles being pulled out from the cracks of the magic bamboo with great reluctance.

  He then came to the cave of the earth fire tributary.

  The fourth-grade earth fire heart lotus was in the hot magma, allowing it to wash and wash. At the top of the rhizome formed by irregular light red crystals, a red lotus pod was very conspicuous. There were slight protrusions on the surface of the lotus pod, and fiery red spiritual power continued to seep out from the protrusions.

  The fourth-grade earth fire heart lotus has entered the stage of forming lotus seeds.

  In the concave part of the rock wall above.

  In the center of the charred Phoenix tree, the lotus phantom formed by the red lotus flame has shrunk a lot, and the phantom petals are trembling slightly, as if they will break at any time.

  However, the pair of phoenix phantoms inside are much more solid than at the beginning, and they are still flying happily without noticing the fragility of the lotus flame.

  "It's almost time to change to a new red lotus flame."

  Lu Xuan muttered to himself. Fortunately, the white light ball of the flaming fruit bloomed several third-grade red lotus flames, which were at least enough for the early growth of the sixth-grade Phoenix tree.

  Leaving the Earth Fire Cave, Lu Xuan found that the water firefly grass he had planted earlier was gradually entering the fully mature stage.

  The azure and slender leaves filled the entire spiritual field, and the fluorescence flickered, as if forming a small piece of bright starry sky.

  [Harvest a second-grade water firefly grass, and gain one year of cultivation. ]

  [Harvest a second-grade water firefly grass, and gain a second-grade soul-enriching pill. ]


  More than 80 water fireflies have entered the fully mature stage, but there are slight differences. The translucent progress bar below the spiritual plants is slightly different.

  However, the second-grade spiritual plants have all entered the fully mature stage and do not consume much green wood source energy. Lu Xuan simply no longer waits for them to mature naturally, and directly ripens 50 water fireflies.

  The remaining more than 30 plants are used to condense spiritual seeds so that the number of water fireflies planted in the next batch can be larger.

  One after another, he picked up the light balls, and various treasures followed.

  One or two years of cultivation, a second-grade soul-enriching pill, a third-grade water dragon talisman, a second-grade soul-enriching pill recipe...

  Fifty water fireflies, sixteen of which brought cultivation rewards, instantly increasing his cultivation by twenty-eight years.

  "Years of hard cultivation are not as good as planting an acre of land."

  Lu Xuan felt the surge of spiritual fluid in his body and sighed.

  (End of this chapter)

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