
Chapter 28 - New Neighbors

  Inside the house.

  Lu Xuan sat cross-legged on the wooden bed, practicing his skills, and his spiritual power flowed through his body.

  After a cycle, he slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air.

  Although his hard work for many days could not equal the cultivation reward brought by a spiritual firefly grass, Lu Xuan still practiced diligently.

  It was just that his energy was mainly focused on caring for and cultivating spiritual plants and beasts, and practicing skills and magic laws was secondary.

  It had been more than half a month since he moved to the new courtyard. During this period, he rarely went out and cultivated spiritual plants wholeheartedly.

  Everything in the spiritual field had changed a lot.

  The three red-bearded carp in the spiritual spring had grown about two inches, and the thin red long whiskers had grown more than half a foot. When shooting fishing worms out of the water, they could instantly stretch to more than half a foot.

  The branches and leaves of the one hundred spiritual fireflies had grown a lot taller, and dots of fluorescence gradually began to appear on the emerald green and slender leaves. In the middle of the night, countless fluorescent lights flickered like tiny stars in the sky. A section of the

  blood jade ginseng emerged from the spiritual soil, like a jade stone that had just been excavated, crystal clear.

  After the spiritual ginseng grew out, their movement speed increased a lot. If you don't pay attention, they will either get together or run to the area where the spiritual firefly grass is, so Lu Xuan has to keep an eye on it all the time.

  The red cloud pine quietly grew five small pine nuts, which were looming in the thin red pine leaves, revealing a sharp corner.

  The sword grass has grown to the size of a silver blade, and its demand for sword energy is even greater. Lu Xuan has to release a Gengjin sword technique to it every hour.

  Occasionally, you can see tiny cracks in the spiritual soil beside you, which is the result of the sword intent escaping from the sword grass.

  As for the dark marrow mushroom, countless dark red hyphae have tightly wrapped the rotten spiritual wood, leaving almost no gaps.

  "The rotten wood has been almost absorbed by the dark red hyphae. It seems that I have to find a few more, otherwise, the growth of the dark marrow mushroom will be affected."

  Lu Xuan said to himself.

  "It's just right. Take this opportunity to go out and visit the market to see if I can find any interesting spiritual beasts or unknown spiritual species."

  He walked out of the courtyard and squinted his eyes in discomfort under the strong light.

  "Daoyou Lu Xuan, you finally came out of the yard today. It's really rare to see you."

  A voice came from the opposite yard.

  Lu Xuan looked over and saw a middle-aged monk lying on a wooden chair. When he saw Lu Xuan coming out, he stood up and walked over.

  "Hello, Daoyou Wang."

  Lu Xuan greeted him.

  The middle-aged monk was named Wang Shan, and he lived next door to Lu Xuan. After he moved in, he came to visit the yard once.

  Wang Shan has the fifth level of Qi training and is a small patrol leader in the market. In his spare time, he likes to relax in the brothels.

  "Daoyou Lu Xuan, it's not good to stay at home like this. Go out with your uncle Wang one day and I'll take you to see the world."

  Wang Shan teased Lu Xuan.

  Lu Xuan showed a hint of embarrassment at the right time and waved his hand to refuse.

  "Thank you for your kindness, friend Wang Dao. With my low level of Qi training, if I enter a brothel, I will be eaten alive, without even a bone left."

  Not long after Lu Xuan moved in, he controlled the breath-retaining method, and his cultivation showed that he was at the third level of Qi training.

  After all, there were many mid-level Qi training cultivators living nearby, and if he remained at the second level of Qi training, it would attract attention.

  Although the third level of Qi training was still low, it at least looked more normal.

  As for the brothels, what he said was not wrong. The female cultivators in them all practiced various seductive techniques and knew how to please customers, but it was very likely that their spiritual power and blood essence would be sucked away without knowing it.   

  More importantly, it's okay to just listen to the music, but if you want to have a deep exchange, the spiritual stones you spend are not a small amount.

  "You are so boring. We practice to gain greater power, isn't it for pleasure?"

  Wang Shan smacked his lips, and his interest suddenly disappeared.

  "Daoyou has a deep cultivation, and it's naturally good that you can deal with those demon women."

  "But I don't like romance, I prefer to be with spiritual plants and spiritual beasts, everyone has their own aspirations!"

  "That's right, I won't force you. When you change your mind one day, tell me, I will take you to see it again, and I will pay for the spiritual stones."

  The two said goodbye, and Wang Shan staggered back to his own yard.

  Lu Xuan continued to move forward, and when he passed a separate courtyard, a strong aroma of wine came from it.

  The owner of the courtyard, Lu Xuan, had also met him. He was a fourth-level Qi training cultivator. He couldn't do without wine for three meals a day, and he also trained himself to brew spiritual wine.

  After knowing Lu Xuan's identity as a spiritual plant master, he also chased and asked Lu Xuan if he had planted spiritual plants that could be used to brew spiritual wine. He stopped only after Lu Xuan denied it.

  When Lu Xuan just moved into the courtyard, he attracted the curiosity and prying of some surrounding cultivators. After seeing Lu Xuan's low-level cultivation and knowing that he was just an ordinary spiritual plant master, these prying gradually disappeared. The casual

  cultivator market is not far from the new courtyard. In less than a moment, Lu Xuan arrived at the market.

  Inside the market, people came and went, and from time to time, the shouts of various stall owners could be heard.

  "Don't miss it if you pass by. There are all kinds of top-grade magic tools. There is nothing you can't find, only what you can't think of."

  "Fresh monster meat, just hunted in the wilderness, the blood is not dry yet, buy one or two kilograms, it is worth half a month of cultivation!"

  "High-priced repurchase of second-hand magic tools, second-hand formations, and residual talismans, and also purchase various strange treasures and unknown materials."

  Lu Xuan walked slowly in the market, shaking his head left and right, paying attention to the goods on the stalls.

  Most of the stalls were filled with the main cultivation resources of the cultivation world, such as magic tools, monster materials, spiritual medicines and herbs, talismans and elixirs, etc.

  Unknown spiritual species, monster eggs or young beasts like the ones Lu Xuan needed were extremely rare. Occasionally, they were only sold as a side dish, and they were rarely sold exclusively at stalls.

  Suddenly, he stopped and came to a stall.

  The stall owner was a girl at the second level of Qi training. She had an ordinary appearance and healthy oatmeal skin. Seeing Lu Xuan scanning the goods in her stall, she hurried over to greet him.

  "Hello, fellow Taoist, I have all kinds of monster bird feathers and special monster bird eggs here. They contain rich spiritual power and taste great. Would you like some?"

  Lu Xuan shook his head and pointed to a black cage in the corner of the stall.

  "How do you sell the young monster birds here?"

  In the cage, there were several colorful young birds with bright, dense feathers, revealing only a pair of black and white bird claws.

  "Oh, these are some brocade chickens? I found them in a bird's nest in the mountains. You can tame and raise them. They may lay magical eggs when they mature. If not, you can just eat them. The meat is delicious."

  The girl introduced them to Lu Xuan.

  "If you raise brocade chickens, how long will it take for them to reach maturity?"

  "Two and a half years."


  (End of this chapter)