
Chapter 267 - Thunderwood Spring Rain Sword Intent

  After bidding farewell to Zhong Jingshan, Lu Xuan returned to the cave.

  Although it took a long time to help raise the strange insects this time, he was very satisfied with the harvest.

  The three hundred sword seals alone were enough for his three months of hard work.

  You know, three hundred sword seals can at least exchange for a fourth-grade spiritual seed, not to mention a piece of rare thunder-struck wood. The fact that

  it can survive under the thunder of ten thousand pounds shows that this piece of thunder-struck wood is extraordinary.

  He couldn't wait to come to the spiritual field and find a blank area covered with Wu Lingtu.

  The spiritual power surged, and the earth-drawing technique quietly changed the structure of the spiritual soil. A crack slightly larger than the root of the thunder-struck wood appeared in the spiritual field.

  Lu Xuan buried the dry wood in the crack, and with his mind focused, a thought flashed through his mind.

  [The Thunderwood, a fourth-grade spiritual plant, is a special spiritual plant that retains a trace of vitality under the thunder. It has a certain attraction to thunder. When mature, it can be used to refine wooden talismans, flying swords, seals and other magical tools. It naturally has a thunder and lightning aura and has a restraining effect on evil spirits. ]

  [Under the nourishment and stimulation of the natural thunder and lightning power, the Thunderwood can grow at an extremely fast speed. ]

  [Strike me as much as you want! What can't kill me will only make me stronger! ]

  "The Thunderwood, a fourth-grade spiritual plant... It's just a spiritual plant, but it's quite dignified."

  Lu Xuan sighed. After enduring endless thunder and lightning, the Thunderwood has instead inspired endless fighting spirit and actively attracted thunder, which made him look at it with favor.

  The gray vines of the demon ghost vine under his feet sneaked into the spiritual soil, trying to leave their own unique mark.

  As soon as the roots of the Thunderwood were touched, a slight thunder and lightning aura gushed out from the depths, causing the vines to instantly feel a strong numbness and tremble involuntarily.

  Lu Xuan ignored the demon vines that were actively provoking him. The Xunlei Sword Pill in his Dantian turned slightly, and black sword beams shot out and hit the Falling Thunderwood.

  "It's a little effective, but it's not good enough."

  He felt the real-time status from the Falling Thunderwood and muttered softly.

  There were countless sword beams in the Xunlei Sword Pill, and the sword beams were accompanied by the power of wind and thunder. He wanted to stimulate the Falling Thunderwood to see if it could be used to cultivate spiritual wood.

  The effect was average, not as good as the power of natural lightning.

  He then took off the Yangxuan Sword Sheath from his waist.

  The trembling of the ancient scabbard, he pulled out the Purple Lightning Sword that had been inserted in it. The Purple Lightning

  Sword was shaped like lightning, with a strange shape, and the power of lightning made it a little unbearable inside the scabbard.

  Lu Xuan held the dark purple flying sword and made a sword flower. Suddenly, a dark purple electric light hit the center of the Falling Thunderwood.

  "The lightning power carried by the Purple Lightning Sword is better."

  Lu Xuan nodded with satisfaction. With the Purple Lightning Sword, at least there was no need to worry about the Falling Thunderwood not being able to grow normally in the early stage.

  After planting the thunderwood, he continued to inspect the spiritual field and check the growth status of each spiritual plant in the spiritual field.

  After staying in the Zhongjing Mountain Insect Valley for a few months, the spiritual plants in the spiritual field have grown a lot.

  The fourth-grade Fantasy Sound Bamboo grew a section of Glazed Jade Bamboo. There were many cracks densely distributed on the slender green bamboo. Each crack sang its own sound. When combined together, it formed a noisy and strange sound that made people upset.

  Only when the demon ghost vine appeared, all the tiny cracks closed at the same time, and it was as quiet as a chicken.

  The surroundings suddenly became much quieter.

  The Tibetan Yuan grass sent by the Dan Palace and asked Lu Xuan to cultivate it also took root and sprouted. It looked ordinary on the outside, just like weeds in the wild. If it weren't for the spiritual consciousness to carefully detect the rich spiritual energy deep in the spiritual grass, it would probably be ignored directly.   

  The Five Elements Fruit gave birth to a hazy spiritual object, with only the vague outline of branches and leaves, and various colors of spiritual light rotating on it, giving people a sense of colorfulness and overflowing spiritual power.

  "At this time, the wood spirit is the strongest. Wood produces fire, so it should be nurtured with fire spiritual power."

  Lu Xuan's spiritual consciousness sensed the changes in the spiritual power in the seedlings of the Five Elements Fruit. He operated the "Great Five Elements Gong" and a ray of fiery red and vigorous spiritual power penetrated into the blurred branches and leaves of the Five Elements Fruit. The

  green light of the Five Elements Fruit rose, then quickly melted away, and the red spiritual power increased a lot in a short period of time.

  After using the power of the five elements to simply cultivate the Five Elements Fruit, Lu Xuan came to the nearby Yunling Pine.

  A pure wave of thoughts came from the four Yunling Pine plants, and the green pine leaves moved without wind, causing waves of pine waves.

  Feeling the dependence of the Yunling Pine on him, Lu Xuan smiled slightly and used his spiritual consciousness to communicate and comfort the four spiritual plants.

  In other spiritual fields, the first planted fourth-grade black insect vines seemed to have many strange insect limbs and bodies growing on them. Many demon insects of different shapes crawled in and out, establishing a symbiotic relationship with the black insect vines in a very harmonious way.

  In the tributaries of the earth fire, on the fiery red petals of the earth fire heart lotus, there were faint small lotus pods growing, with fingertip-sized light red lotus seeds growing inside, absorbing the hot magma that fell into the petals.

  In the sky, the red lotus rooted in the royal poinciana tree was much smaller than at the beginning, but the inside was more condensed, dancing happily among the petals.

  "After some time, I will add another red lotus flame."

  Lu Xuan sighed and came to the edge of the small lake.

  "Huh? A sword grass has matured!"

  Perhaps because the spring rain sword energy in the "Four Seasons Sword Art" contained stronger vitality, Lu Xuan found that the progress bar under a sword grass had been filled.

  Of the ten sword grass spirit seeds that Shen Ye left for him, eight were cultivated with the sword energy of the four seasons, one was cultivated with the sword energy that the Red Flame Sword nurtured in the scabbard, and the last third-grade wind and thunder sword grass was cultivated with the Xunlei sword light.

  A spring rain sword energy hit the mature sword grass, and suddenly, countless fine sword energy shot out from around the sword grass, like a drizzle, continuous and dreamlike. A

  glazed light emerged from the joints of his palms, and he tightly grasped the middle of the sword grass that was shaped like a sword blade and slowly pulled it out.

  "A natural sword weapon."

  During the process of pulling it out, the drizzle sword energy quietly merged into the sword grass. Lu Xuan looked at the plant in his hand that was as straight as a sword, and couldn't help but sigh. With

  his mind concentrated, a thought flashed through his mind.

  [Sword grass, a second-grade spirit plant, shaped like a sword blade, is nourished by the spring rain sword energy for a long time, and is a natural sword weapon. ]

  "Superior quality sword grass, not bad."

  After all, "Four Seasons Sword Art" is a foundation-building stage technique, much stronger than the first-grade Gengjin Sword Art, plus the inner sect's spiritual energy is more rich and pure, even if less energy is spent on sword grass, it can still get superior quality plants.

  Lu Xuan didn't pay too much attention, and focused on the white light ball that appeared in the spiritual soil.

  He reached out and gently touched the surface of the light ball, and suddenly, the light ball turned into countless subtle sword qi, instantly pouring into Lu Xuan's body.

  A thought emerged from his mind.

  [Harvest a second-grade sword grass, obtain the spring rain sword intent. ]

  The thought flashed through Lu Xuan's mind, and an invisible sword intent surged into Lu Xuan's sea of ​​​​consciousness, like spring rain falling, continuous and dense, gentle but hidden murderous intent.

  In an instant, his understanding of the spring rain sword technique in "Four Seasons Sword Art" reached an extremely profound level. If it was still at the level of "art" before, after absorbing this sword intent in the light ball, it can be said that he comprehended the invisible existence of "momentum".

  (End of this chapter)

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