
Chapter 260 - True Invitation

  As the thought flashed through his mind, a strange lantern appeared in Lu Xuan's hand.

  The handle of the lamp looked like a long and thin piece of white bone. When he held it in his hand, he could feel a chill.

  The lampshade was pale white, as if it was made of a dead person's skin. Under the lamp holder, there were many dark red lamp tassels, gently swaying in the air.

  The innermost candle was also pale white, and on the surface, there were many faces of resentful souls crowded together, all away from the pale candlelight that was constantly swaying at the top.

  Lu Xuan's mind was focused on this strange lantern, and he soon learned detailed information about it.

  [The Soul-Guiding Lamp, a fourth-grade magic weapon, was made from the skin, bones, and soul of a late-stage foundation-building cultivator. It can attract ghosts within a certain range. When burning the flames of resentful souls, it can disturb the minds of cultivators and monsters, causing them to be temporarily lost. ]

  "A fourth-grade magic weapon!"

  "It has the effect of gathering ghosts and disturbing the mind, but unfortunately, it is not in line with my status as a disciple of a famous family."

  "I can only use it secretly."

  The white light ball brought by the netherworld spiritual plant was not unexpected by Lu Xuan. It brought a Yin-evil magic weapon of the same style. Whether it was the appearance or the effect, it revealed an evil nature and was not suitable for being presented to others directly.

  After the Qingmu Yuanqi ripened one ghost-faced stone mushroom, there were still four left.

  Lu Xuan just had a whim to see what kind of rewards this kind of netherworld spiritual plant might have, and did not continue to ripen it.

  After all, Qingmu Yuanqi is extremely precious and needs to absorb a lot of plant spiritual energy to replenish it. A good knife should be used on the blade, and there is no need to spend all on this third-grade ghost-faced stone mushroom.

  He roughly estimated the ripening time of the ghost-faced stone mushroom and the thorn bone next to it, opened the Thousand Illusion Clouds and Smoke Array, and left the courtyard.

  In the Wanbao Building.

  As soon as Lu Xuan appeared, an old man with a ruddy face came to greet him.

  "Daoyou Lu, I haven't seen you for a long time."


  Lu Xuan had some impression of this old man. The last time he came to sell the Huanyan Luo fruit and Jiao vine, it was this old man who introduced him to the treasure exchange meeting held by the top management of Wanbao Tower, from which he obtained the fifth-grade Holy Infant Fruit Plant and the fourth-grade Six-Eyed Red Iron Scorpion Skeleton.

  "Daoyou Lu, do you need anything from Wanbao Tower this time?"

  The old man asked with a warm smile.

  Lu Xuan was young, but he had already reached the foundation-building stage. With the identity of a disciple of the Tianjian Sect, he had a bright future and must make friends with him.

  "I want to sell a piece of spiritual ore and a special treasure."

  Lu Xuan took out a piece of red Gangyu and a ball of hundred-year-old ice spirit from his storage bag.

  "Is this the fourth-grade red Gangyu?"

  Being able to manage a branch of Wanbao Tower, the old man was naturally knowledgeable and recognized the origin of the red Gangyu at a glance.

  He took it from Lu Xuan carefully and examined it carefully.

  Looking at the chalcedony-like substance slowly flowing in the uneven ore, a hint of obsession appeared in his eyes.

  "This is the best material for refining flying swords..."

  "And this hundred-year-old ice soul."

  In the crystal clear ice crystal, a ball of pure white spirit liquid seemed to solidify inside the ice crystal. Even through the thick ice crystal, one could feel a pure and extremely cold breath.

  "It is said that it is an excellent material for refining some high-grade ice-type elixirs. A small drop of it can greatly improve the success rate and quality of the elixir. In the eyes of alchemists, it is a treasure they dream of."

  The old man commented on the two things Lu Xuan took out.

  "Do you want to sell it directly to our Wanbao Tower, or wait for a while and auction these two treasures?"

  The fourth-grade red Gangyu and the third-grade hundred-year-old ice soul are both rare and precious, and can be included in the Wanbao Tower auction.

  "Sell it directly."

  Lu Xuan replied indifferently.   

  The auction was either on consignment, which charged a lot of spiritual stones, or required the person to be present, which was more troublesome for him and increased the risk. It was better to sell it directly to Wanbaolou.


  The ruddy old man pondered for a moment and made a bid.

  "Spirit ore is just a material for cultivation. Its value is generally lower than that of the same grade of cultivation techniques and instruments. Wanbaolou offers 2,800 spiritual stones."

  "As for the Hundred-Year Ice Soul, its value is equivalent to that of an ordinary third-grade instrument. Wanbaolou offers 900 spiritual stones."

  "What do you think, Fellow Daoist Lu?"


  Lu Xuan agreed happily. With his understanding of the market, the old man's bid was already very fair. Even if he went to other places, it would probably be even lower.

  He handed the red Gangyu and the Hundred-Year Ice Soul to the old man. After a while, he got a total of 3,700 spiritual stones. With the money he had saved before, he was now worth about 8,000 spiritual stones. He still

  had a lot of treasures of all kinds. He had three pieces of red Gangyu, two each of the Hundred-Year Ice Soul and the Sword Cultivation Gourd, as well as several Explosive Flame Beads, Burning Yuan Pills, and Jade Muscle Pills.

  Most of them are kept for personal use. In addition, considering that selling too many at one time may be too ostentatious and attract others' prying eyes, Lu Xuan thinks it is better to keep a low profile.

  After he had enough money, Lu Xuan wandered around under the guidance of a pretty girl to see if there was anything he needed.

  There are many varieties of spiritual seeds in Wanbao Tower, but there are not many varieties of third grade and above, and most of them are common types, which can be obtained at a more favorable price in the Sinong Hall of the sect.

  As his horizons broadened, Lu Xuan found that the probability of him finding unknown spiritual seeds was getting smaller and smaller.

  When he was in Linyang Market, because he didn't know anything, he would think that a spiritual seed he came across was a good treasure.

  After entering the sect, he made up for a lot of spiritual plant knowledge, and accumulated enough experience in cultivating spiritual plants, so he rarely felt the surprise of opening a blind box.

  "Fortunately, I still found those kinds of underworld spiritual plants."

  Lu Xuan thought optimistically.

  Other things in Wanbao Tower, such as magic tools, elixirs, talismans, etc., are generally attractive to him.

  He can be said to have no obvious shortcomings at present. He has many treasures on him, which is much better than the cultivators of the same level.

  The only ordinary spiritual consciousness is likely to be enhanced epically after the appearance of the soul-enriching pine.

  Most of the rewards in the light group are extraordinary, so Lu Xuan doesn't like those ordinary things. After strolling for a while, he left on his own and sneaked back to his own mountain.

  "It's better to go home and feel at ease."

  After entering the inner sect, Lu Xuan finally relaxed completely.

  As soon as he arrived at the foot of the mountain, he saw a black and white Tai Chi pattern floating in the air.

  As if sensing Lu Xuan's breath, the black and white Tai Chi pattern suddenly expanded ten times, and a handsome monk in a white shirt slowly walked out of it.

  The monk had white hair, a noble temperament, and a pair of magical eyes, one side was dark and deep, and the other side was pure white and indifferent.

  It was Ge Pu, who raised a pair of ancient beasts, Yin Yang Kun fish, and one of the seventeen true disciples of Tianjian Sect.

  "Junior Brother Lu, you made me wait for a long time."

  Ge Pu said to Lu Xuan with a smile, and the black and white Tai Chi pattern behind him shrank rapidly and merged into his back.

  "Hello, Senior Brother Ge. I have to go out for something. Please forgive me for taking up your time."

  "No problem. I came here to ask for a favor."

  "There is a true disciple in the sect who wants to invite you to help him raise insects."

  (End of this chapter)

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