
Chapter 240 - Burning Yuan Dan

  With Lu Xuan's order, the evenly divided barbecue, spiritual fruits, and spiritual juice fell in front of the children one by one.

  The children fell in love with the food, feasting on it, and making various roars and calls from time to time, with strong joy and happiness in their voices.

  In addition to their own delicious characteristics, these spiritual fruits and spiritual juices can also more or less enhance the physical fitness of the children.

  Especially the young dragon, after taking a small piece of flaming fruit, the whole body suddenly rose with red flames, burning quietly for a long time before dissipating. After the

  spiritual power flame disappeared, the scales on the body of the young dragon suddenly became bright and shiny, giving people a refreshing feeling. After

  finishing his work, Lu Xuan lay on a rattan chair, and his spiritual power turned into an invisible palm, taking a piece of cut flaming fruit from the fruit plate next to him.

  As soon as it was put into his mouth, the soft fruit flesh turned into a ball of flame, bursting in his mouth, and the strong and hot fruit fragrance spread. A warmth went all the way down from his mouth, flowing through his limbs and bones, warming Lu Xuan's whole body.

  After the flame fruit was completely digested, Lu Xuan opened his mouth and exhaled a breath of hot air.

  After the spiritual fruit whetted his appetite, he began to enjoy the roasted

  monster meat. After

  coming to this world for so long, he has made rapid progress in cooking. He does not simply absorb the spiritual power contained in the monster meat, but pays more attention to the development of taste.

  During the roasting process, there are fire magic that can be adjusted freely, plus the various seasonings he has collected with great effort, the effect is excellent.

  The golden oil dripping fragrance is overflowing, the monster meat is crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, and when it is put into the mouth, the fresh, crispy, spicy and other flavors are churning in the mouth.

  "Good meat naturally needs good wine."

  The dark yellow drunken fairy gourd on the waist broke free from its restraints and flew to the top of Lu Xuan's head, and a stream of colorful spiritual liquid poured into Lu Xuan's mouth.

  It was the hundred fruit spiritual juice he specially brewed in the drunken fairy gourd.

  After such a short time, the taste of the hundred fruit spiritual juice became more vivid and rich, and one after another spiritual fruit flavor appeared in turn, making Lu Xuan intoxicated.

  "Hey, kid, you can't drink."

  With his drunken eyes, he sensed a gray vine of the demon ghost vine sneaking over, trying to take the drunken fairy gourd in the low air.

  Lu Xuan slapped it away and scolded.

  The night was as cool as water, and a meteor passed by overhead. I wonder if the Zhoutian Xingdou Sword Formation was in operation.

  Lu Xuan lay on the rattan chair for a long time, feeling very comfortable.

  He looked at the many spiritual plants bathed in the moonlight, and recalled his experience after being promoted to an inner disciple.

  Improved the spirit firefly grass, solved the problems of the Yin-Yang Kun fish and the Qingxuan deer, and entered the Langyue blessed land to obtain many opportunities.

  After returning from the blessed land, there were several more high-grade spiritual plants in the spiritual field.

  At present, the spiritual plants of the fourth grade and above include the fourth-grade black insect vine, the earth fire heart lotus and the Yunling pine, the fifth-grade demon ghost vine, and the ancient strange tree Phoenix tree that was snatched at the cost of making enemies.

  In the courtyard of Jianmen Town, there are also the fourth-grade Baitong Weird Wood and the fifth-grade Holy Infant Fruit.

  The largest number of spiritual plants are second-grade spiritual plants, with more than 80 water fireflies, as well as many flame fruits, ice radish fruits, sword grass, annual classification of Yinhuai, experimental varieties of Nichang grass and Rixiang fruit.

  For third-grade spiritual plants, there are jade scale fruit and sword-raising gourds in the mature stage, Yuelin grass, Jiao vine, and Mixian peach in the growth stage, as well as wind and thunder sword grass that has evolved from second-grade sword grass.

  Lu Xuan is very satisfied to be able to plant so many rare and high-grade spiritual plants with the cultivation of the early stage of foundation building.

  Not to mention the rich light group rewards hidden behind these spiritual plants.

  "Such a huge fortune is not something that can be easily obtained by exploring secret realms and killing people to rob treasures."

  "What good fortune is there to seek, what treasures to rob, it is better to plant a few acres of land in peace and stability."

  Lu Xuan thought with a smile.


  Three days passed in a blink of an eye. Lu Xuan has been staying on the mountain for the past few days without leaving.

  Cultivating spiritual plants, raising and teasing spiritual beasts, and practicing skills and magic when he is interested, his life is simple and fulfilling.   

  Several spiritual plants on the mountain peaks have entered the mature stage.

  There are still a few unripe spiritual fruits hanging on the jade scale fruit plant, and three sword-raising gourds are left on the gourd vine, fully absorbing the sword intent of the second-hand flying sword.

  However, three more flaming fruits were found to be fully mature.

  Ten flaming fruit plants have a total of eighty to ninety spiritual fruits, so the possibility of mature spiritual fruits is even greater.

  The three flaming fruits are like clusters of blazing flames, bright red, and particularly conspicuous among the pale red leaves.

  Lu Xuan's palm was covered with a layer of fire spirit, and he carefully picked the three spiritual fruits.

  Three thoughts flashed through his mind.

  "All are of good quality, okay."

  Lu Xuan scanned them and confirmed the quality of the spiritual fruits, then focused his attention on the three white light balls that appeared.

  He gently touched the nearest light ball.

  With a flash of thought, a red stone bead appeared in his palm.

  "Another third-grade explosive flame bead."

  The moment the stone bead appeared, Lu Xuan recognized it.

  He carefully put away the Explosive Flame Pearl and focused his attention on the second white light ball.

  The light ball turned into countless tiny light spots and poured into his body.

  It was still a third-grade Explosive Flame Pearl.

  "Three third-grade Explosive Flame Pearls. If they are activated together, the explosive power is unimaginable."

  Lu Xuan sighed secretly.

  He came to the last white light ball. He

  reached out and gently touched the surface of the light ball. A cool breeze came, and the light ball turned into countless tiny light spots and instantly poured into his body.

  [Harvest the second-grade Fiery Fruit and obtain a third-grade pill, the Fenyuan Pill. ]

  As soon as the thought flashed through his mind, a red pill appeared in his hand.

  The pill was the size of a pigeon egg, with several different depths of danwen on the surface, emitting a strong fire spirit, and faintly exuding a sense of irritability.

  Lu Xuan's mind was focused on the pill, and he instantly learned detailed information about the pill.

  [Burning Yuan Pill, a third-grade pill, can instantly burn the essence in the body after taking it, thereby greatly improving the cultivator's strength, speed, self-healing ability, etc. The effect depends on the cultivator's cultivation level, and it takes between half an hour and two hours. ]

  [After the effect of the pill wears off, the cultivator will enter a period of weakness, and can use pills and spiritual medicines to strengthen the body and cultivate the essence to accelerate recovery. ]

  "It burns the essence in the body instantly, no wonder it is named Burning Yuan Pill."

  "However, it can have a good effect in certain specific situations."

  "It can greatly improve combat power in a short period of time, and after overdrawing, it will enter a certain period of weakness. If used well, it can achieve very good results."

  Lu Xuan took out a small white jade bottle from the storage bag, uncorked it, and put the fiery red Burning Yuan Pill into it.

  "It's another ordinary day, harvesting spiritual plants."

  Two third-grade Explosive Flame Pearls and a third-grade Burning Yuan Pill are of great use to Lu Xuan, who is currently in the early stage of foundation building.

  He stretched himself lazily, looking at the many flame-like spiritual fruits among the ten Fiery Fruit spiritual plants, and a feeling of joy for the harvest naturally arose in his heart.

  (End of this chapter)

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