
Chapter 237 - Senior Brother, You Know Me

  The dark yellow gourd is much larger than the nutrient gourd, with many faint runes on the surface, and a dark yellow rope is tied between the waist and the gourd mouth.

  When a cork is removed from the gourd mouth, a strong aroma of wine permeates and lingers for a long time.

  Lu Xuan's mind is focused on the dark yellow gourd, and he instantly learns detailed information about it.

  [The Drunken Immortal Gourd, a fourth-grade treasure, has a very large capacity. When it is refined, it is mixed with wine worm powder to purify the quality of the spiritual spring and change the taste of the spiritual spring. ]

  [According to the characteristics, spirituality and spiritual fruit type of the spiritual spring put into the Drunken Immortal Gourd, spiritual wine can be automatically brewed. ]

  [When spiritual milk and spiritual liquid treasures are put into the gourd, their quality and year can be improved. ]

  "Automatic wine gourd?"

  Lu Xuan couldn't help but sigh.

  Although the dark yellow gourd in front of him has little attack power and can only improve the quality of the spiritual spring and brew spiritual wine, it is more useful to Lu Xuan.

  He can use it to purify spiritual springs, cultivate spiritual plants, add spiritual fruits, brew fruit wine, and improve the quality of life.

  Exploring secret realms and fighting with others is only temporary. He has been in the Tianjian Sect for several years, and only had the experience of fighting with others until he entered the Langyue Blessed Land not long ago.

  For him, the Drunken Immortal Gourd purifies spiritual springs, brews fruit wine, and improves spiritual liquid, which is a long-term thing. The frequency of use is much higher than that of offensive magic weapons.

  His figure turned into a floating light, and in a flash he came to the small lake on the mountain.

  The spiritual energy on the lake surface was curling, like a faint white smoke.

  The small lake is located in the inner sect of the Tianjian Sect. The lake water is nourished by the rich and pure spiritual energy, and it can barely be called a spiritual spring.

  Lu Xuan squatted on the edge of the small lake, and his spiritual power controlled a stream of water to flow into the Drunken Immortal Gourd.

  The Drunken Immortal Gourd looks small on the outside, but the actual space is extremely wide. The lake water is continuously poured in, and thousands of pounds are only half filled.

  Lu Xuan probed into the lake with his spiritual consciousness and noticed that the lake water was moving without wind, and the waves were rippling. There was something invisible inside that was constantly washing.

  Half a day later, Lu Xuan poured out some and put it in a jade bowl.

  After sweeping it with his spiritual consciousness, both the purity and the concentration of spiritual power of the spiritual spring were better than before, but perhaps because it was left for too short a time, the change was not very obvious.

  After tasting it, the spiritual spring became extremely sweet, refreshing, and refreshing.

  "Not bad, I don't have to worry about the problem of spiritual brewing in the future. I put in spiritual fruits and spiritual springs, and it can be brewed automatically."

  Lu Xuan casually hung the Zuixian Gourd on one side of his waist, and put it together with the Yangxuan Sword Sheath.

  The scabbard was simple and mottled, and the gourd was dark yellow and deep. The combination of a sword and a gourd was quite unruly.

  Lu Xuan immediately became interested, and placed the simple scabbard across his chest and slowly pulled out the flying sword from it.

  A flying sword shaped like lightning gradually appeared. The curved blade made the scabbard tremble constantly, as if it could not bear the strange blade scratching the inner wall of the scabbard.

  From time to time, lightning arcs surged from the scabbard, making the scabbard react strongly.


  Lu Xuan looked at the unruly scabbard in his hand, and suddenly lost interest. He thrust the purple lightning sword into the scabbard fiercely.

  The lightning stimulated from the crack of the scabbard all the way to the deepest part. The scabbard shook fiercely, as if it wanted to break free from Lu Xuan's hand.

  After getting this fourth-grade drunken fairy gourd, Lu Xuan was very satisfied and continued to inspect various places in the spiritual field.

  Two two-headed armadillos drilled out of the soil, and the four heads stared at Lu Xuan.

  Lu Xuan had no choice but to take out four spiritual minerals from the storage bag and stuffed one into each head.

  For a while, the sound of clicking was endless.

  Over the past month, the two-headed armadillo monster has grown a lot, and there are already many small gray scales on its body.

  Because they had just grown, they felt slightly soft to the touch.

  These two two-headed armadillo cubs were better at digging holes than he had imagined. They dug holes all the way from the rock wall to the bottom of the Wuling soil, just to enjoy the spiritual energy of the Wuling soil.

  Lu Xuan had to order them not to modify the mountain at will, so as to avoid the underground passages dug by them everywhere. After

  the two-headed armadillo cubs had eaten and drunk their fill, they immediately went underground.   

  After a while, a thin vine covered with gray tentacles silently crawled over and went up along Lu Xuan's arm.

  Lu Xuan saw that it was covered with tentacles and slapped it down with a slap.

  The demon ghost vine seemed to be drunk, crawling crookedly.

  "This little guy ran to the fairy peach again. It is estimated that it has already tolerated the aphrodisiac effect of the fairy peach miasma."

  Lu Xuan looked at the demon ghost vine covered with tiny tentacles, sighed, and shot out a clear and misty spiritual light.

  Under the purification spell, the demon ghost vine instantly returned to normal, the tiny tentacles retracted, and crawled into Lu Xuan's sleeve intimately.

  "Junior brother Lu, are you there?"

  Lu Xuan was teasing the spirit beast room, and suddenly, a strange voice came from outside the foot of the mountain.


  Lu Xuan responded and opened the flowing light array.

  A middle-aged man with a beard was standing outside the array, looking at Lu Xuan with a smile on his face.

  "I wonder who you are, Senior Brother..."

  "My last name is Fan, and my given name is Xu. I am several decades older than you, Junior Brother Lu, you can just call me Senior Brother Fan." The

  bearded man said cheerfully.

  "So it's Senior Brother Fan. I've heard a lot about you. Please come into my cave for a chat."   Lu

  Xuan invited with a smile.

  The two followed a stone path all the way to Lu Xuan's cave halfway up the mountain. "It's really better to see once than to hear about it."   "I've heard from other brothers in the sect that Junior Brother Lu is an expert in spiritual plants. Today, I see that his reputation is well-deserved."   Although the mountain peaks are covered by mist mazes, most of the spiritual plants, especially the high-grade spiritual plants, are hidden in the thick white fog, but a small part can still be seen and the rich vitality can be felt.   "Senior Brother, you are too kind. They are just some common flowers and plants, not worth mentioning."   Lu Xuan served the spiritual fruit and spiritual tea, and said in a calm tone.   "By the way, I wonder why Senior Brother came to my cave?"   He got straight to the point and asked directly.   "I heard that Junior Brother Lu has been asking other fellow disciples about how to find third-grade or higher strange fires. Is this true?"   "Indeed."   Lu Xuan nodded gently. After getting the sixth-grade Phoenix tree, Lu Xuan would naturally not keep it without cultivating it. In order to get the light ball reward of the sixth-grade ancient spiritual plant as soon as possible, he would ask other fellow disciples if they had the corresponding treasures or the source of strange fire when they met recently.   "I know there is a secret realm with third-grade silver flame fire, which is also extremely rare among the third-grade strange fires."   "But a fellow disciple who had made an appointment with us was suddenly injured. After hearing that Junior Brother Lu was collecting strange fires, he came here as soon as possible and wanted to invite Junior Brother to join us to explore that secret realm together." The   bearded man talked freely, with a bit of bewitching in his tone.   "I'm sorry, Senior Brother Fan, I may not be able to go."   "Senior Brother, you know me well. After entering the sect, I have been obsessed with spiritual plants and spiritual beasts. As a result, I have neglected my cultivation, am not good at fighting, and don't have any decent magic weapons in my hands."   Lu Xuan sighed, his expression was sincere, and his tone was sincere.   Hearing Lu Xuan's words, the bearded man's mouth twitched imperceptibly.   The person behind him once told him that Lu Xuan had a strong body and many magic weapons in his hands. With just one talisman, he repelled two mid-stage foundation building masters and one early-stage foundation building master at the same time.   If he hadn't known this fact, he would probably have been deceived by Lu Xuan's expression and tone, and completely believed that he was just an ordinary spiritual plant master with average qualifications and average cultivation.   (End of this chapter)

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