
Chapter 186 - I'm the Master of the Immortal Mountain

  High in the sky, Lu Xuan rode on a tall spiritual crane, flying through the clouds and mist.

  He looked at the mountains and rivers that kept passing by below, and couldn't help but have the idea of ​​soaring into the sky.

  As he got closer to the cave, this desire became stronger and stronger. He gently patted the head of the spiritual crane, and flew down with the clear cry of the spiritual crane.

  The wind was howling, and Lu Xuan flew through the air and danced with the spiritual crane, which was a refreshing feeling.

  He gently landed on the mountain where the cave was located, waved goodbye to the spiritual crane, and his spiritual consciousness entered his dantian, and found that only a small part of the spiritual liquid in the dantian was consumed.

  Lu Xuan raised the corner of his mouth, opened the formation, and entered the courtyard.

  "Little ones, I'm back."

  The round belly of the young wind falcon fell on his head, and then bounced up again. After several rounds, it occupied Lu Xuan's head steadily.

  "This time, I can easily break through to the foundation building stage. In the future, I can better protect you and take you to eat delicious food and drink spicy food!"

  Lu Xuan rubbed the soft belly of the young wind falcon, and pulled the two tufts of gray hair on the tip of the ear of the stepping cloud lynx, and said with great pride.

  Although Erxiao didn't understand what the foundation building meant, he could still clearly sense the joy in Lu Xuan's heart. The young wind falcon kept flying around Lu Xuan, and the stepping cloud lynx occasionally let out a low roar with a lot of meaning.

  "In a few days, we will move from here to a new mountain."

  "By then, we will have an independent mountain and don't need to squeeze with other fellow disciples."

  "After moving to the new place, you don't have to be locked up in the cave like now. You can move freely, especially you, who have no chance to practice flying skills, so you are fat like this ball." The young

  wind falcon nodded hurriedly, expressing his inner grievances, and the fat on his belly trembled. .

  "So, after we get to the new home, if you get fat again, that's unacceptable. Don't blame me for using some means then."

  Lu Xuanyin said with a smile.


  Feng Falcon tilted his head, staring with his eyes, revealing a clear stupidity, as if he didn't understand what Lu Xuan said at all.

  Lu Xuan came to the spiritual field, and many spiritual plants were growing in excellent condition, especially the first planted second-grade streamer wood, which seemed to be entering the mature stage.

  "If we need to move, the other things are fine, there are not many things, and we can take them away at once in the storage bag."

  "The main problem is that there are so many spiritual plants in the spiritual field. Fortunately, there are those third-grade life bags. Even if the spiritual plants are transplanted, they will not cause the loss of vitality in a short period of time. It can be said that the activity of the spiritual plants is guaranteed to the greatest extent."

  Lu Xuan looked at the many spiritual plants growing well in the spiritual field, and sighed in his heart.

  Of course, before preparing to move, there are two long-term tasks that need to be handed over. They

  are raising dragons and pythons in Qianlong Lake and helping the foundation-building monks to care for and cultivate the burning wood.

  With his current status as a foundation-building cultivator, it was not appropriate for him to take care of those first- and second-grade dragon pythons. Moreover, the potential of the dragon pythons he raised had been basically tapped, and there had been no new dragon pythons that had broken through for quite a long time.

  Qianlong Lake, in front of the stone house.

  Lu Xuan found Huang Yuan and said with a smile:

  "Brother Huang, I need to tell you something. My breeding task is going to end now, and I would like to trouble you to help find a fellow disciple to hand over."

  Huang Yuan looked at Lu Xuan standing not far away, and clearly sensed that in his every move, there was a sense of natural coordination of the unity of man and nature. He thought of a possibility, and his spiritual consciousness carefully scanned Lu Xuan's body.

  "Master Lu... Fellow Daoist Lu, have you broken through to the foundation-building realm?"   

  "I'm lucky. I broke through by chance."

  Lu Xuan replied with a smile.

  "Then I should call you Uncle Lu."

  Hearing Lu Xuan's confirmation, Huang Yuan, who was always resolute and steady, was stunned for a moment, then came back to his senses and bowed respectfully.

  Although Lu Xuan was much younger than him, in the cultivation world, everything was based on cultivation, so it was appropriate for him to call his fellow disciple Lu Xuan Uncle.

  "Uncle Lu, I will help you find a junior brother as soon as possible, and then count and settle the remaining dragons and pythons, and convert part of the reward to you." Huang Yuan

  did what he said, and left the stone house in a swift and resolute manner.

  First, he evaluated the growth of the remaining dozens of dragons raised by Lu Xuan in Qianlong Lake, and converted them into sixty sword seals for him.

  Lu Xuan knew that this was already much higher than the normal conversion price, but he could not refuse, so he had to accept it reluctantly.

  After handing over the Qianlong Lake Dragon Task, he came to the courtyard of the gentle female cultivator who planted the Burning Yuan Wood and told her about his breakthrough to the foundation building stage.

  Naturally, Wenwan would not hire a foundation-building cultivator to cultivate and care for the Burning Yuan Wood. After a conversation between the two, the female cultivator took the initiative to propose a replacement and offered to reward Lu Xuan again.

  Lu Xuan had already obtained the third-grade poisonous shuttle wood spirit seed from her, and was satisfied. In addition, he declined politely because he had done limited work.

  After handing over the two tasks, he began to change his identity. He

  reported his breakthrough to the foundation-building to the corresponding hall of the sect, updated the identity nameplate he had been carrying with him, and then extracted a drop of blood essence, differentiated a wisp of spiritual consciousness, and handed it to the late-stage foundation-building senior brother of the Discipline Hall to refine it into a life lamp that was closely related to him. After

  everything was done, Lu Xuan packed up the spiritual plants in the spiritual field, dismantled the mist-hidden maze, looked back at the cave where he had stayed for nearly two years, and turned away.

  With his new identity nameplate, he passed through several large formations, continued to go deeper into the sect, and finally stopped in front of a beautiful mountain.

  The mountain was the new residence he chose after weighing it over and over again.

  The entire mountain is about two hundred feet high, with many exotic flowers and plants planted everywhere, and the clouds and mist are magnificent.

  According to the fellow disciples who introduced the foundation, the mountain is located on the branch of a large spiritual vein. The spiritual energy is much richer than the previous cave. At some spiritual vein nodes, the spiritual energy even turns into tangible objects.

  On the mountain, the area of ​​​​the spiritual field is not very large, and Lu Xuan needs to cultivate it separately.

  However, under the spiritual vein branch, there is an area of ​​​​spiritual soil that is quite special. According to the fellow disciples who built the foundation, it is very suitable for planting spiritual plants.

  Deep in the mountains, there is a condensation of underground fire, forming a magma river around the branch.

  On a flat area on the mountainside, there is a small bottomless lake. The faint spiritual energy rises from the lake surface to the air and gradually dissipates. Lu Xuan also saw a few fat spiritual fish and even a huge black turtle, deep in the lake.

  On the shady side of the mountain top, there was a cave entrance with howling black wind. When the wind blew on Lu Xuan, with his physique at the foundation building stage and two major body refining techniques, he could feel the chill.

  Lu Xuan's spiritual consciousness swept across the entire mountain, and he couldn't help but think of showing off his skills.

  "I'm the master of the immortal mountain."

  "This sacred mountain is under my control!"

  (End of this chapter)