
Chapter 165 - Burning Yuan Wood

  "This is it."

  Not long after, Wen Wan, a female cultivator, brought Lu Xuan and the others to a spiritual field.

  The spiritual field was surrounded by a tight fence. When the female cultivator approached, the fence automatically opened, leaving a narrow passage.

  In the spiritual field, dozens of spiritual plants were planted.

  The spiritual plants were as thick as a wrist, about half a person's height, and light red in color. There were many dark red lines on the tree, as if the whole spiritual tree was split into many scars.

  "This is the spiritual tree that I want my nephew to cultivate. It is called Burning Yuan Wood. It is a second-grade spiritual plant with natural lines. The bark and leaves are excellent materials for refining fire talismans."

  Wen Wan, a female cultivator, introduced to Lu Xuan.

  "Are these spiritual plants bred after the spiritual seeds are stimulated?"

  Lu Xuan asked curiously.

  "Yes, there are 36 plants in total, some of which are useless and fail to breed spiritual plants after planting."

  "A batch of spiritual seeds are eliminated during the stimulation stage, and another batch of spiritual plants that are bred have to be eliminated. The failure rate is too high."

  "No wonder there is no information about the improvement of the quality of spiritual plants in Linyang Market. Only sects with deep foundations can make such a big move."

  Lu Xuan sighed in his heart.

  Wen Wan's words were like cold water poured on his head, cooling down his desire to show off his skills.

  "At present, the most suitable spiritual plant variety to improve is Ling Ying grass. After all, it is only a spiritual plant of no grade. I have mastered the method of refining spiritual seeds, so I don't have to worry about the source of spiritual seeds."

  "What's more, Ling Ying grass also involves my own cultivation. If there is a chance, I will try it."

  He followed Wen Wan's female cultivator to observe the growth of the Burning Yuan Wood, and silently decided in his heart.

  "In the next period of time, I will trouble you, my nephew, to take care of and cultivate these Burning Yuan Wood for me."

  After walking through the spiritual field, Wen Wan's female cultivator said to Lu Xuan in a soft voice.

  "As for the reward, I think you won't be disappointed, nephew Lu."

  "Uncle Master, you are too polite. I will definitely treat these Burning Yuan Woods like cultivating my own spiritual plants."

  Lu Xuan quickly expressed his opinion.

  "Then I am relieved." Wen Wan, a female cultivator, smiled, and the faint fragrance of flowers on her body became stronger.

  "By the way, Uncle Master, I have a request. I wonder if there are normal Burning Yuan Woods in your spiritual field that were planted at a time similar to these mutant spiritual trees?

  If there are, I want to get some here and compare the two to see how each will grow under the same cultivation conditions."

  "There are some that were planted at about the same time... How many do you need?"

  Wen Wan, a female cultivator, said to him as if she was moved by Lu Xuan's proposal.

  "Ten plants are enough."

  "Okay, I will immediately order someone to transplant ten ordinary Burning Yuan Woods here."

  Wen Wan and Yao Qing left together, and Lu Xuan stayed in the spiritual field. There was a simple wooden house near the spiritual field for cultivators to practice and rest.

  Lu Xuan practiced for a while, and within an hour, a cultivator came with ten ordinary Burning Yuan Woods, and the two of them worked together to plant them in the spiritual field.

  After the cultivator left, Lu Xuan looked around and found that there were fence formations between each spiritual field, so they could not see each other clearly, so he felt relieved.   

  He pretended to circle around each of the Burning Yuan Woods and performed a round of Spirit Rain and Wood Growth Techniques on a large scale.

  The Spirit Rain Technique promotes the absorption of spiritual power by spiritual plants, while the Wood Growth Technique can accelerate the growth and development of spiritual plants. Both techniques are beneficial to most spiritual plants and there is no harm in performing a round. The

  next day, Lu Xuan came to the spiritual field early in the morning. He

  naturally had to pay more attention to the things that his uncle who was building the foundation had told him.

  He found that in the nearly half a year since he entered the sect, his ability to cultivate spiritual plants and raise spiritual beasts was increasingly valued.

  The head of the Sinong Hall left two sword grasses for him and promised to make him an inner disciple after he successfully cultivated them.

  Then, under the recommendation of Huang Yuan, he successfully helped the middle-aged Confucian scholar in the middle stage of building the foundation to solve the problem of anorexia of the black-scaled dragon under his command. Now he was introduced by Yao Qing to cultivate mutant spiritual plants on his behalf.

  He was naturally happy to see this change. The stronger the cultivators he met, the easier it would be for him to get high-grade spiritual seeds or young spiritual beasts, and naturally he would get more generous light balls as rewards.

  When he and the cultivators planted the ten transplanted Burning Yuan Wood yesterday, he already knew the relevant information about Burning Yuan Wood.

  The cultivation method is somewhat similar to the red cloud pine planted before. Both require fire-type spiritual power to warm and nourish, but the amount is much larger than that of red cloud pine.

  Lu Xuan came to a mutant Burning Yuan Wood, his spiritual consciousness spread into the spiritual soil, and he performed the Earth Attraction Technique to pull the spiritual soil to change, slowly gathering the tiny roots hidden deep in the spiritual soil together, and then wrapping all the roots with a large ball of spiritual soil, transplanting them out and replanting them.

  This unnecessary move was naturally to detect the true situation of each mutant spiritual plant.

  Under the guidance of the Earth Attraction Technique of the Great Accomplishment Realm, the roots were not damaged at all, which made the spiritual plants feel as if they had come out and not come out.

  As the Burning Yuan Wood was replanted, a piece of information flashed through his mind.

  [Fen Yuan Wood (remnant), a second-grade spiritual plant, can be used to draw second-grade fire talismans after maturity. Because the spiritual seed was damaged, the spiritual plant matured for a longer period of time, and it is difficult to obtain high-quality materials after maturity. ]

  "It is slightly different from the information of the ordinary Fen Yuan Wood I saw yesterday. It should have played a reverse role when stimulating the spiritual seed."

  Lu Xuan judged and recorded this defective Fen Yuan Wood.

  Next, he followed the same method, took it out, and planted a second Fen Yuan Wood.

  The information obtained was no different from that of the ordinary Fen Yuan Wood

  . The third plant was still the same as the ordinary Fen Yuan Wood.

  The fourth plant, new information appeared in his mind.

  [Fen Yuan Wood (different), a second-grade spiritual plant, with natural patterns. The bark and leaves after maturity are excellent materials for drawing second-grade fire talismans. The spiritual seed mutated, which slightly improved the quality of the spiritual plant after maturity. ]

  "It has mutated, but it has not completely changed? But it is good to be able to improve the quality of the spiritual plant. High-quality materials can slightly increase the success rate of drawing talismans."

  Lu Xuan continued to perceive the detailed information of each Fen Yuan Wood.

  The information that appeared divided these Burning Yuan Wood into three types: defective, ordinary, and exotic. It was not until the fourteenth plant that a Burning Yuan Wood with different information was finally seen.

  [Burning Yuan Wood, a third-grade spiritual plant, contains rich fire spiritual power and has mysterious natural patterns. It is a top-quality material for drawing third-grade fire talismans.]

  "It's not easy. I finally saw a successfully improved third-grade Burning Yuan Wood."

  Lu Xuan couldn't help but smile with relief.

  The success rate of spiritual plant variety improvement shocked him a little. Only one third-grade Burning Yuan Wood appeared in twelve plants. If it is considered an eliminated spiritual species that did not breed spiritual plants, the probability is a bit scary.

  (End of this chapter)