
Chapter 146 - The female crane we chased together in those years

  "Will these cranes be affected?"

  Lu Xuan asked worriedly.

  "Of course they will be affected. Judging from their condition, there is no guarantee that there will be extreme situations like this."

  Xu Yi looked at the remaining two hundred cranes with a serious expression.

  Lu Xuan followed his line of sight and saw that the cranes were staying obediently in the area surrounded by the fence, but their condition did not look as calm as it seemed.

  Many cranes had red eyes, and if you looked carefully, you could occasionally detect a sense of tyranny.

  "It seems that these cranes are on the verge of exploding under Zhou Zhengqing's violent birth."

  "It's just that because they are domesticated, they have not yet developed the consciousness of fighting back."

  "Plus, the spirit beast card contains the essence of the crane, and life and death are all in the hands of the cultivator who controls the spirit beast card."

  "So, the crane just now would rather hurt itself than have the courage to attack Zhou Zhengqing. After all, self-harm only damages the body. If it attacks a cultivator, the nature is completely different, and it is almost impossible to save its life."

  Lu Xuan looked at the many anxious cranes and thought secretly in his heart.

  Not far away, Zhou Zhengqing, who was full of pride not long ago, was now in a panic and stood aside helplessly.

  Not long after, a cultivator who was good at healing magic came to the camp.

  A holy white light fell on the crane's abdomen, and the wound that was originally bleeding slowly healed. The crane wailed softly, and its head was still held high.

  "Junior Brother Zhou, the self-mutilation of the cranes today has shown that your breeding method is not appropriate and is a bit extreme. I hope you can treat these cranes in a relatively gentle way in the future. If similar incidents occur again, it will be difficult for both you and me to end it."

  Xu Yi said to Zhou Zhengqing with a dark face.

  Although the sudden decrease in the number of cranes is a big problem, if large-scale self-mutilation of cranes breaks out, the fertility problem will not be a big deal.

  "Yes, Senior Brother Xu, I remember it."

  Zhou Zhengqing said with pursed lips. He was very scared when such a thing happened. He had no opinion on Xu Yi's half-warning and half-reminder suggestion, and secretly decided to change his breeding method immediately.

  "Junior Brother Lu, are the current conditions of the 100 cranes you are raising okay?"

  "You have to pay more attention. If there are similar incidents again, it is very likely that the uncle of the Beast Taming Hall will come forward to solve it."

  Xu Yi walked to Lu Xuan's side, his face slightly relieved, and asked him in a low voice.

  "Brother Xu, I have been adjusting the physical and mental state of the 100 spiritual cranes these days, and the effect is quite good so far."

  "That's good. I look forward to good results from Junior Brother Lu."

  Xu Yi felt much more relaxed after hearing this.

  When Lu Xuan returned to his camp, many spiritual cranes saw him and flew slowly over, chirping softly at him with a hint of intimacy in their voices.

  In the past few days, Lu Xuan made them feel a long-lost sense of ease and comfort. They didn't have to work hard every day to transport monks, nor did they have to worry about not having enough to eat.

  They played freely every day, frolicking in the water, and flying low in the sky, which was a different kind of comfort and pleasure.

  Lu Xuan looked at the heads of several small spiritual cranes that came over, chuckled, and reached out to fiddle with their heads.

  The white feathers on the top of the spiritual cranes' heads suddenly became messy.

  "Tsk, tsk!"

  The spiritual cranes tilted their heads, dodged Lu Xuan's clutches, and chirped in dissatisfaction.

  "Oh, you're afraid that I'll mess up your hairstyle, are you in love? Do you have a crush on someone and want to pay attention to your image?"

  Lu Xuan laughed and put his arm around the crane's slender neck.

  The crane struggled to break free, flapping its large wings at Lu Xuan a few times, and suddenly a strong wind blew, causing Lu Xuan's hair to flutter wildly in the wind.

  Lu Xuan walked around the camp and greeted each crane.   

  Among the one hundred spiritual cranes, some were friendly, some were indifferent, and there were a few naughty cranes teasing Lu Xuan.

  "It's time to eat, it's time to eat!"

  After the spiritual cranes had played for a while, Lu Xuan came to the middle of the camp and shouted. As soon

  as he finished speaking, more than a hundred spiritual cranes quickly flew towards him.

  On the ground, there were many spiritual clams and spiritual snails that Lu Xuan had processed, as well as some spiritual fish and spiritual shrimps that he had caught from the water, which was considered to improve the food for these spiritual cranes.

  What he had done in the past few days was only for one purpose, to make these spiritual cranes relax.

  Forget the duty of carrying monks, don't have to think about being busy from sunrise to moonrise, return to nature, and live in the most natural way.

  Among them, eating is a relatively important part. In the past, most spiritual cranes looked for spiritual plant roots and tender leaves in the water. After a busy day, they often couldn't fill their stomachs, not to mention being able to enjoy all kinds of delicious food.

  In the past few days, Lu Xuan adjusted the spiritual cranes' diet according to their detailed conditions, and evenly matched meat and vegetables to ensure their physical needs while also letting them satisfy their appetite.

  The effect is quite good. The eyes of the 100 spiritual cranes have become more energetic, and their feathers have a faint glow, which is more lustrous and brighter than before.

  "After eating, we should exercise together to digest the food."

  He pointed to the blue sky, raised the corners of his mouth, and said loudly:

  "Forget all the troubles in your heart and fly freely!"

  "Ready... Go!"

  As the order fell, the 100 spiritual cranes flapped their wings vigorously, like arrows from a string, and flew rapidly towards the sky.

  With a refreshing and crisp cry from their mouths, the spiritual cranes flew faster and faster, higher and higher, and became small white dots in the blink of an eye.

  In the afterglow of the setting sun, a layer of golden light poured on the spiritual cranes, and the scene was very harmonious and natural.

  "The female cranes that we chased together in those years..."

  Lu Xuan said in a low voice as he looked at the spiritual cranes that were free and unrestrained and playing together.

  After a long time, many cranes returned to the camp one by one.

  "Huh? Aren't you regretting your youth? You really caught up with me

  , kid?" When the two cranes finally landed together, their slender necks intertwined, looking like they were in love with each other.

  Seeing Lu Xuan's figure, the two cranes reluctantly separated, their eyes lingering, as if they were holding a thread.

  "There are many cranes now, and they will probably drill into the water grass at night."

  Seeing this, Lu Xuan sighed secretly.

  He called the male crane over and carefully arranged its feathers.

  "It's almost an important moment in the life of a crane. I have to dress you up so that you will never forget this night."

  "Comb your hair into the shape of a big crane..."

  Lu Xuan hummed softly, and separated the feathers on the male crane's head from the middle.

  "It seems like an old friend is coming."

  He looked at the crane with a middle-parted hairstyle, and couldn't help but smile.

  The crane moved one side of its body and broke free from Lu Xuan's clutches.

  (End of this chapter)