
Chapter 119 - Just Kids Fighting

  In the stone house by the lake.

  When Lu Xuan was about to collect the monster meat he ordered, a high-level Qi training cultivator came over.

  "Junior Brother Lu, wait a moment, I have something to bother you with."

  "It turns out to be Senior Brother Li, what's the important matter?"

  The visitor, like Lu Xuan, received the task of raising a dragon monster. He would occasionally meet him when he came to the stone house. They were just ordinary nodding acquaintances.

  "Junior Brother Lu, a dragon under my command was seriously injured yesterday. The reason for the serious injury is very simple. It was bullied by a group of dragons and pythons."

  "And this is not the first time this has happened. The group of dragons and pythons should be the dragons under Junior Brother Lu's name, so I hope Junior Brother Lu can restrain them."

  "If they are seriously injured and cannot be cured, it will not be good for both you and me."

  The high-level Qi training cultivator said with a gloomy face.

  "Really? I'm only responsible for raising them for monster meat, and I don't care what they do normally."

  "Besides, there are so many dragons and pythons in Qianlong Lake. Are you sure that it was done by the dragons and pythons I raised?"

  Lu Xuan said with a stern expression.

  "In the several fighting scenes, there was a two-headed dragon. This is a different kind of dragon, which is rarely seen. Only Brother Lu has one in the nearby waters."

  "Why does this two-headed dragon have two heads? The characteristics are too obvious, and it's hard to disguise itself."

  Lu Xuan cursed in his heart. Perhaps it was because he had been too strict in recent times. After allowing his companions to help, the fierce and aggressive two-headed dragon found a good opportunity to vent. Whenever there was a fight, it rushed to the front and abused many dragons and pythons raised by other cultivators.

  "Oh, really? As for the two-headed dragon, it should be the one I raised. I'm not sure about the others."

  "Besides, it was just a fight between children. Brother, don't take it to heart."

  Lu Xuan said with a smile.

  "Brother, what you said is wrong. Which kid would beat the other half to death?"

  The high-level Qi training cultivator said with an unhappy expression.

  "Those dragons, giant pythons, and anacondas belong to different tribes, with different strengths, and some are even natural enemies."

  "To make them join forces to deal with a dragon monster, could it be that the dragon did something too much? Brother, shouldn't you reflect on it?"

  Lu Xuan argued.

  "Yes, these dragons and giant pythons usually fight each other to the point of bloodshed when they fight for a piece of monster meat, and they fight among themselves. How could they join forces to fight against foreign enemies?"

  The high-level Qi training cultivator was stunned.

  Lu Xuan smiled and entered the stone house to receive the monster meat.

  On the high platform, he picked up pieces of monster meat that he had specially selected and threw them accurately to the area where the dragons and giant pythons were.

  These dragons and giant pythons have long been accustomed to Lu Xuan's feeding method, and they are honest, quiet and dutiful waiting in their fixed areas.


  Just after Lu Xuan threw out all the monster meat, a fiery red python attracted his attention.

  The giant python raised its head high, and the spiritual energy of its fiery red scales surged, like a group of burning flames.

  It hissed from time to time, as if it was experiencing unbearable pain.

  After a long time, the flames merged into the red scales again, and Lu Xuan noticed that the spiritual power in the fiery red python increased a lot.

  "Is this... promoted to the second grade?"

  Lu Xuan looked at the fiery red python and was overjoyed.

  The fiery red python was called the red armor python, a different species of python. It was at the first grade stage before. With his careful cultivation and quantitative supply, it was finally successfully promoted to the second grade monster.

  As far as he knew, if the grade of the dragon python he raised was promoted, he, as a breeder, would be rewarded with a lot of money.

  A first-grade giant python and an anaconda were promoted to the second grade and rewarded with ten sword seals, and a second-grade was promoted to the third grade and rewarded with fifty sword seals!   

  Lu Xuan looked at the red-armored python and other giant dragon pythons approaching him from below, as if he saw a pile of moving sword marks.

  Not only did he feed every dragon, but he also provided them with the most suitable monster meat according to their preferences and physical needs.

  Under this tailor-made breeding method, the growth rate of these giant dragon pythons he raised would definitely be faster than those raised by other fellow disciples.

  While Lu Xuan was daydreaming, a familiar voice came.

  "Junior Brother Lu, are you raising dragons?"

  Lu Xuan turned around and saw Huang Yuan, who had completed his Qi training, walking over with a smile.

  "Yes, hello, Senior Brother Huang."

  "These dragons raised by Junior Brother Lu seem to be growing very well. I must ask Junior Brother Lu for advice when I have the chance."

  Huang Yuan smiled and said loudly.

  "Brother Huang, you are too polite. What is the matter with you?"

  "It's like this. I heard that you, Brother Lu, drew blood from the dragons while raising them."

  "I personally think that these dragons belong to the sect and cannot be offended or harmed. Moreover, this is not conducive to the growth of the dragons. What do you think, Brother Lu?"

  "Reported by a fellow disciple..."

  Lu Xuan immediately thought of the fellow disciple whose dragon was seriously injured.

  He paused and organized his tone.

  "Brother, I just drew a little blood from them, which will not damage their roots."

  "Moreover, it was to give them a detailed full-body examination to find out some of their previous hidden diseases and eliminate the invasion and pollution of filthy things."

  Lu Xuan said in a high-sounding manner.

  "Really? Drawing blood is to check them?"

  Huang Yuan was half-believing and half-doubting.

  "Of course it is true, including the previous customized diet, which is also to make them grow quickly. Look, there is already a first-grade alien giant python promoted to the second grade."

  Lu Xuan pointed to the red-armored python that had not retreated below, and said confidently.

  "Junior Brother Lu has just come here to raise the dragon monster for more than a month, and a giant python of the alien species has been promoted to the second grade. The improvement effect is remarkable."

  "However, this does not mean that it is entirely your credit, Junior Brother Lu. After all, these giant pythons and alien anacondas are originally alien species, and it is a natural thing for them to be promoted to the second grade."

  Before Huang Yuan finished speaking, he saw a sudden movement in the water below, and a snow-white dragon emerged from the bottom of the lake.

  The dragon was filled with cold air, freezing the surrounding water into pieces of ice.

  A huge amount of spiritual energy surged from all parts of Qianlong Lake and was absorbed into the body of the snow-white dragon.

  "This is..."

  Huang Yuan was stunned in place, with seven parts of surprise and three parts of uncertainty in his eyes.

  "Senior Brother Huang, Junior Brother has something I don't understand."

  "May I ask, Senior Brother, if the promotion of the first grade to the second grade is a natural thing, then is the promotion of the second grade to the third grade also a natural thing?"

  Lu Xuan looked at Huang Yuan with a smile.

  "This Ice Chi is really proud of itself. It picked such a good time to advance. It's worth the time I feed you so much ice-attributed monster meat."

  In his heart, he gave a thumbs up to the Ice Chi that was promoted to the third-grade Chi Dragon.

  (End of this chapter)