
Chapter 115 - Taming the Dragon

  Lu Xuan focused his mind on the giant pythons and anacondas in the outer area, sensing that they were in a very good physical and mental state after eating enough monster meat, and even vaguely sensed a bit of joy. A

  smile appeared on his lips.

  In the next two days, he learned clearly what monster meat the giant pythons and anacondas in the outer area liked and was suitable for them. When raising them, he specially selected them and threw them next to the giant pythons and anacondas.

  This abnormal situation was soon discovered by the second-grade giant pythons and dragons in the inner position.

  On this day, when Lu Xuan continued to throw monster meat to the outer area.

  The three second-grade giant pythons and anacondas no longer stared at the monster meat falling in the central area, but swam quietly to the periphery.

  Lu Xuan snorted coldly, and the golden bracelet on his wrist emerged with spiritual light, and the sound of dragon roars sounded. Three illusory dragon shadows quickly attacked in a triangular shape, tightly binding the three second-grade giant pythons and anacondas. He

  waited until the giant pythons and anacondas in the outer area were full before he drove the golden ring to loosen.

  The three second-grade giant pythons shook their heads and left the outer area unwillingly.

  Taking advantage of the gap in the breeding room,

  Lu Xuan came to the edge of the platform and looked down at the many dragon monsters swimming in the lake.

  "Before feeding, I have something to say. In order to eat well, I suggest you listen to me."

  "After that, I will gradually improve the way I feed you. According to my position allocation, you must stay in my designated area and not go beyond the limit."

  "Among you, whether it is a dragon or a python, as long as you are obedient, I will feed you enough monster blood and flesh."

  "Not only that, I will feed you the type of monster meat you like according to your taste. According to your bloodline ability, physical specificity, etc., I will also provide you with the most suitable monster meat to increase the speed of your strength enhancement, so that you can be promoted to a higher-grade dragon."

  "If you are disobedient, I will reduce the amount of food provided to you. If you repeatedly violate my orders, I will punish them severely."

  Lu Xuan said loudly. The dragons, giant pythons, and anacondas that can stay in Qianlong Lake are naturally smarter than the monsters of the same level.

  Especially the focus of his speech, the alien dragons headed by Bingchi, Lu Xuan believes that they can understand the meaning of his words very well.

  As for what he could actually do, Lu Xuan ignored it, because he had a way to deal with it anyway.

  After he finished speaking, he looked at the many dragons and pythons below that were motionless, picked out some monster meat from the bucket, and threw it in the outer area, leaving the ones in the center area first.

  Without the attraction of a large amount of monster flesh and blood in the center area, more than ten of the second-grade giant pythons and anacondas in the inner position turned around and rushed to the outer area.

  Lu Xuan looked indifferent, and the same number of illusory dragon shadows flew out from the replica of the third-grade dragon-binding ring on his wrist, tightly binding the ten or so giant pythons that disobeyed his orders.

  "If you disobey my order, you will lose your meal of monster meat."

  He said coldly.

  The dragon-binding ring is a third-grade magic weapon, one large grade higher than the second-grade Qi training-level giant python, and it has a natural restraint on dragon monsters, so even if more than ten dragon shadows are separated, they can be well controlled.

  Next, he fulfilled his promise very well, and the ten or so second-grade giant pythons and anacondas did not eat a piece of monster meat at all.

  The ice chi and two-headed dragons in the central area were still raised in the conventional way, leaving a large amount of monster meat for them to fight for.

  In this way, three days passed.

  During this period, he rewarded the giant pythons and anacondas that followed his orders with sufficient, delicious, and suitable monster meat. For those who did not follow his orders, he used some means to punish them.

  Slowly, under this training method, the second-grade giant pythons and anacondas in the outer inner position also gradually listened to Lu Xuan's instructions. When he came to feed them, they stayed in place and waited for the monster meat to fall beside them.

  They soon found that they could eat enough monster meat without fighting or grabbing, and even had the monster species they were particularly concerned about. Therefore, they became more accustomed to Lu Xuan's way of raising them.

  From the outer area, they gradually gathered towards the central area.

  At the same time, Lu Xuan was constantly reducing the amount of monster meat of the ice chi and two-headed dragons in the central area.

  When the two-headed dragons in the center wanted to compete for the food of the giant pythons in the inner area, Lu Xuan followed suit and used the control ability of the dragon-binding ring replica to bind them tightly.

  Then, he tamed them and gradually gave them a concept in their minds that only if they obeyed him could they eat enough and delicious monster meat. If they didn't obey him, they would not only not be full, but would even be punished.   

  In the most central area, the Ice Chi, which had not had to compete for the monster meat, finally responded after Lu Xuan kept reducing the amount.

  One day, Lu Xuan was on the high platform, raising other dragon monsters except the Ice Chi and several of its younger brothers.

  The younger brothers of the Ice Chi tried to snatch the monster meat that fell down again and again, but they were all well controlled by Lu Xuan. After getting nothing, they slowly gave up.

  Just when Lu Xuan's mind was focused on the bodies of many dragons and pythons, suddenly, he saw a sharp cold light rushing towards him. An

  ice spear about half a foot long struck like lightning, and the ice Chi on the lake was filled with cold air, and it still maintained an attacking posture.

  Lu Xuan was calm, and there was no fluctuation in his heart.

  Sure enough, when the ice spear was about to touch the high platform, a light shield quietly emerged, and spiritual power gathered.

  The ice spear pierced the spiritual light shield, and the spiritual light spread like ripples. The light shield was safe and sound, without any cracks.

  "You are so brave! You actually used your innate magic to attack me!"

  Lu Xuan sneered, looking at the Bing Chi who was trying to hide below. The dragon roar sounded, and the Bing Chi's body seemed to freeze, slowing down by half, watching the golden dragon shadow attack.

  On the white jade neck, a golden ring that changed from real to fake appeared in an instant.

  Under Lu Xuan's control, the ring kept rising, and the Bing Chi's body was also lifted up little by little.

  "The situation is too bad, I will punish you not to eat monster meat for three days, and hang you here for half a day as a warning."

  Bing Chi wailed hard, with a trace of begging in his eyes, as if he wanted Lu Xuan to put it down.

  Lu Xuan was unmoved and controlled the golden ring to hang it in the air.

  Seeing the boss like this, several younger brothers and dragons under Bing Chi turned against him. From then on, when Lu Xuan raised monsters, they all behaved honestly and followed Lu Xuan's orders.

  Half a day later.

  Lu Xuan looked at the Bing Chi, who was much more decadent in the air, and said softly.

  "Just ask you one question, do you obey?"

  Bing Chi heard the words, raised his dry white jade-like head, and nodded gently.

  "Okay, then I'll let you go first. If there is a next time, the punishment will not be so simple."

  "If you are really obedient, I can also find you some ice-attributed monster meat. With your bloodline talent, you will surely be able to be promoted to a third-grade Chi Long very quickly."

  Lu Xuan hit one stick and then gave another candy.

  Hearing his words, Bing Chi's eyes showed a trace of gratitude.

  Seeing it like this, Lu Xuan released the control of the golden ring on him and put it back into Qianlong Lake.

  He secretly rejoiced in his heart. The last obstacle was easily solved. These dragons and pythons would listen to his arrangements in the future, and he would be much more relaxed.

  "You, stay here."

  "You, and you, just stay here."

  He arranged the dragons and pythons in various positions in the form of a queue according to their size, eating habits, etc.

  "From now on, just come here to get food. As long as you listen, I will make sure you are well

  fed and satisfied." Lu Xuan said with a smile, looking at the neatly arranged dragons, giant pythons and other monsters below, and he felt like he had turned into a cafeteria food server.

  (End of this chapter)