
Chapter 107 - Monkey-faced Orchid, a natural expression pack?

  On the light screen, a series of information flashed by quickly. More than a dozen outer disciples and Lu Xuan paid attention to every word that appeared.

  "For the monster hunting mission, you need to go to Luoyan Mountain to hunt first- and second-grade monsters.

  Mission reward: 50 sword seals.

  Requirements: You need to meet the minimum number of monsters to hunt. If the number is very large, you can get additional sword seal rewards."

  "For the spiritual plant picking mission, you need to go to Heiyuan to pick a third-grade alien ghost vine.

  Mission reward: 100 sword seals."

  "For the evil spirit investigation mission, there are evil spirits in Cangxing City. Their strength is not lower than that of high-level Qi training cultivators. You need to hunt down the evil spirits. The mission reward is adjusted according to the strength, number, and degree of handling of the evil spirits."

  The most frequently appearing information attracted the attention of the cultivators present.

  "Which senior sister or junior sister is willing to go with me to the Luoyan Mountains to hunt monsters? If you are compatible, I can give you more sword seals as rewards for the mission."

  "Heiyuan, one hundred sword seals, it's really exciting, but it's a pity that my strength is a little bit lacking."

  A cultivator at the eighth level of Qi training stared at the task of picking the third-grade alien ghost vine, his face kept changing, and it can be seen that he was quite entangled.

  "Are there any senior brothers and sisters who can team up with the evil spirit in Cangxing City? I am at the ninth level of Qi training, good at fire magic, and have a treasure to exorcise evil spirits. I think we can join forces to easily take down the evil spirit."

  A young cultivator with a proud look said.

  Lu Xuan glanced at the tasks with rich rewards and kept looking down.

  In similar tasks, some people see opportunities, but he sees risks.

  He has been cramming common sense in cultivation recently and learned that the Luoyan Mountains and Heiyuan that appear in the tasks are both chaotic secret realms in the cultivation world. Sect forces cannot occupy them, or the cost of occupying them is far greater than the benefits, so they just let them go.

  There are a large number of demon beasts and evil spirits, dangerous places, and of course, inexhaustible spiritual medicines and materials for demon beasts. Occasionally, someone will get a great opportunity and soar to the sky.

  In a word, opportunities and risks coexist.

  Lu Xuan already has a stable opportunity, so there is no need to risk his life. He can just stay in the Tianjian Sect and cultivate spiritual plants in peace and stability.

  The tasks below the light curtain are much easier, and of course the sword seal rewards are also reduced.

  "Postpartum care task, the raised fanged sky dolphin has just given birth to a cub, and the monks are needed to help take care of it. Due to the protective psychology of the cub, the fanged sky dolphin is extremely irritable. Those with relevant experience are preferred. The task reward is 35 sword seals."

  "Postpartum care for sows?"

  Lu Xuan hesitated for a while, but finally decided to give up.

  He chose a task to cultivate spiritual plants after choosing for a while.

  "Take care of the second-grade spiritual plant Monkey Orchid for three months, and you will be rewarded with thirty sword seals."

  Lu Xuan thought it was not a big problem to cultivate the second-grade spiritual plant. If he could not cultivate it normally, he could just find an opportunity to pull out the second-grade spiritual plant and plant it again, so as to understand the current status of the spiritual plant.

  He was full of confidence, and his spiritual consciousness extended, gently touching the line of words on the light curtain.

  Suddenly, the words disappeared, and the specific address and details of the task appeared in Lu Xuan's mind.

  He left the General Affairs Hall and found a spiritual crane nearby. He told the spiritual crane his destination, and the spiritual crane carried him to fly rapidly in the sky.

  A moment later, the spiritual crane landed in a valley.

  The valley was extremely quiet, shrouded in a white light cover, and the scene inside could not be seen.

  The spiritual crane seemed to be waiting outside the valley. If it could not pick up the monks passing by in a short time, it would fly away directly.

  Lu Xuan came to the outside of the light cover and said in a deep voice.

  "My name is Lu Xuan, and I came here to take care of the monkey-faced orchid."

  As soon as the words fell, the spiritual energy on the light shield changed rapidly, and soon, a beautiful woman in apricot-yellow clothes came out.   

  "It's Junior Brother Lu. I'm sorry for not welcoming you in person."

  "My last name is Yao. I should have joined the sect before Junior Brother. You can call me Senior Sister Yao."

  The beautiful woman said gently.

  "Hello, Senior Sister Yao."

  Lu Xuan's spiritual sense inadvertently swept over and realized that the woman was at the ninth level of Qi training.

  He entered the light shield under the guidance of the beautiful woman.

  "This valley is a medicine garden established by a foundation-building uncle. I usually manage it on his behalf."

  "Because a junior sister who takes care of the monkey-faced orchid went out for something, there was only one other person left besides me.

  The two of us are busy and can't split up, so a task was issued in the General Affairs Hall to share the pressure between the two of us."

  The beautiful woman explained with a smile.

  Lu Xuan entered the medicine garden and swept over it casually. There were many varieties of spiritual plants planted in the medicine garden, one or two of which were hidden with formations and prohibitions. He guessed that they were most likely third-grade spiritual plants.

  "Sister Yao, I already know the specific content of the task, but I just have a little doubt."

  "Please tell me, Junior Brother."

  "After taking care of the monkey-faced orchid, can I return to my cave to practice and rest?"

  "Of course there is no problem with this. After completing the daily cultivation task, Junior Brother Lu can live in the medicine garden or return to his cave to rest."

  "It takes about two to three hours a day to take care of the monkey-faced orchid, and the rest of the time can be spent on practicing skills and magic."

  "After all, practice is the right way. It is impossible to give up practice just because of cultivating spiritual plants."

  "That's right, Senior Sister."

  Lu Xuan nodded gently. He proposed to return to his cave not because he wanted to practice, but because he needed to spend time and energy to cultivate the spiritual plants in the spiritual field of the cave.

  He planned to relax the cultivation requirements for the two hundred spiritual fireflies and twenty-eight blood jade ginseng in the spiritual field, no longer to maximize the fine cultivation, and save some time to earn sword seals.

  However, the spiritual energy in the Tianjian Sect is so rich and pure that he guessed that this can completely offset his slight slackness and will not affect the quality of the spiritual fireflies and blood jade ginseng.

  "This is the spiritual field where the second-grade monkey orchid is planted."

  The beautiful woman brought Lu Xuan to a wide spiritual field.

  There are many strange spiritual plants growing in the spiritual field. Inside the petals of different colors, there is a pattern that looks like a monkey's face. The pattern is lifelike, just like a monkey hiding in the petals, looking up.

  The expression of each monkey face is also different. Some are smiling, some are solemn, some are furious, and some are cold and indifferent. All kinds of people can be seen in the second-grade spiritual plants.

  Lu Xuan walked between the ridges of the spiritual field. It seemed that there were natural expressions on both sides staring at him, which made him feel a little unnatural.

  "This monkey orchid is just a bluff. It is actually an ordinary spiritual plant. It can be cultivated on time."

  "If you see that the face in the petals of any monkey orchid seems to have changed, don't worry."

  "There is another person in the medicine garden, named Yan Ping, whose cultivation is equivalent to that of you, Junior Brother Lu. I will introduce you two to each other later."

  "Sorry to bother you, Senior Sister Yao."

  Lu Xuan said with a smile.

  (End of this chapter)