
Chapter 105 - Small Five Elements Power Cloud Soaring Technique

  Lu Xuan left the Sinong Hall, looked around, and walked to a pile of spiritual cranes.

  The spiritual cranes were half a foot tall, with elegant and graceful postures. They occasionally spread their wings and flew at a very fast speed. They were spiritual birds specially cultivated by the Tianjian Sect to carry outer disciples.

  All you need to do is pay a spiritual stone and tell the spiritual crane the address, and it can carry the cultivator to the destination quickly, which is very convenient.

  Lu Xuan took out a spiritual stone, and more than ten spiritual cranes surrounded him, looking at the spiritual stone in his hand eagerly, but they were well-educated and did not stretch their mouths to fight for it.

  "In front of the spiritual stone, even the fairy-like spiritual cranes will fall."

  Lu Xuan looked at the more than ten spiritual cranes with familiar movements, sighed secretly, picked a spiritual crane that looked relatively tall, put the spiritual stone in a small bamboo tube tied to its heel, and climbed on it.

  "Scripture Pavilion."

  The spiritual crane made a crisp crane cry, spread its wings, rushed into the sky, and shuttled through the clouds at a high speed.

  In less than half a minute, it stopped in front of a tall building.

  The building is divided into seven floors, and the area of ​​each floor is getting smaller from bottom to top.

  There is a plaque in the middle, with three large characters of "Scripture Pavilion" written on it.

  Lu Xuan entered the first floor of the Sutra Pavilion. There was a simple ban at the door. He took out his identity nameplate and shook it in front of the ban. A small door that only allowed one person to pass through appeared in the ban.

  After successfully passing the ban, Lu Xuan found that the interior of the building was hollow, with two stone stairs winding up. There were many books, jade books, jade slips, etc. on the walls. Each floor had different bans. There was also a bright galaxy on the top, and countless light spots were running slowly according to a certain law.

  In the middle of the first floor, an old man with white hair and a childlike face was dozing off and resting with his eyes closed.

  Lu Xuan's spiritual consciousness swept over and found that the old man was a high-level Qi training cultivator.

  He wanted to call him senior brother, but he hesitated for a while and finally did not call him out.

  You know, there are too many legends about the Sutra Pavilion!

  The librarian in the real life of his previous life, as well as the various grandfathers hiding in the Sutra Pavilion in the novel, made him dare not treat them casually.

  "Daoyou?" After

  hesitating for a long time, he finally chose a universal title, but with a hint of respect in his tone.

  "Hmm?" The white-haired old man woke up and saw Lu Xuan beside him, rubbing his eyes.

  "Sorry, it's really boring to guard the Sutra Pavilion, and I ca

  n't help but feel sleepy." "Junior brother, there is no need to call me so distant. I am much older than you. Just call me senior brother."

  "Don't think too much. Before, many new junior brothers and sisters made random guesses about my cultivation strength and thought that I was not just as simple as I seemed. In fact, this is just an ordinary task. Although there are fewer sword seals, it is better to be idle."

  "I am just an ordinary cultivator on duty in the Sutra Pavilion."

  Hearing what the old man said, Lu Xuan's expression was solemn.

  You know, when he introduced himself to the outside world, he always called himself an ordinary spiritual plant master...

  Hiding this doubt deep in his heart, he said to the old man.

  "Brother, I came to the Sutra Library to choose a technique and two magics. This is my identity badge. Please take a look."

  The white-haired old man took Lu Xuan's identity badge and used some unknown method to peek. He immediately realized that what Lu Xuan said was true.

  "New disciples do have the right to choose their techniques. If you want to know what techniques you need or are suitable for you, you can ask me directly."

  "Although there won't be any high-grade techniques, they are pretty good for the Qi training stage. If you choose them properly, they can lay a good foundation for future practice."   

  "If you want to obtain skills and spells later, you need to consume sword seals to exchange for them."

  "Can sword seals be exchanged for the method of refining spirit seeds?"

  Lu Xuan asked curiously.

  "Of course you can. As far as I know, there are even methods to condense fifth-grade and sixth-grade spirit plants in the Sutra Library, provided that you have enough sword seals."

  The white-haired old man laughed, his thoughts were self-evident.

  He handed Lu Xuan a book, which recorded the specific skills and spells that Lu Xuan could obtain.

  Lu Xuan kept flipping through it, while thinking about which one he should choose. After

  weighing it again and again, he chose a skill called "Small Five Elements Skills".

  This skill can be practiced in various spiritual vein environments. It has strong adaptability, and its spiritual power is neutral. It can slightly improve the speed of practicing the five elements, and can be practiced all the way to the stage of forming a pill.

  The disadvantage is that the practice speed is relatively slow. The

  reason why Lu Xuan chose it is mainly to improve the speed of the five elements. After all, the cultivation of spiritual plants mainly relies on some basic five elements. After practicing this skill, it can help plant spiritual plants.

  In addition, the spiritual power cultivated by the "Small Five Elements Gong" is moderate and peaceful, and other exercises can be transferred to practice in the middle. Considering that he may get a reward for exercises in the future, Lu Xuan chose the "Small Five Elements Gong" with strong compatibility.

  As for the magic, he currently has the master level Gengjin Sword Art, the second-grade secret art Burning Blood Arrow, and the third-grade Xunlei Sword Pill. His offensive ability can be regarded as outstanding among the high-level cultivators of Qi training. In terms of

  defense, there are the first-grade wooden wall technique and the second-grade magic weapon Red Scale Armor.

  In addition, there are the third-grade Immaculate Jade that can avoid the invasion of evil spirits, and the third-grade magic weapon Hidden Spirit Cloak that can be invisible for a short time.

  The shortcoming is that there is no suitable body technique and escape technique. In addition, his own defense ability is also relatively ordinary.

  He found several light body techniques, compared them, and finally chose a second-grade light body technique called Yunteng Technique.

  Yunteng Technique has a very strong ability to move and shift in a small range, but it is relatively average in long-distance raids, but the second-grade light body technique is almost the same.

  The main reason why Lu Xuan chose it was that the spiritual power consumed when performing the Yunteng technique was very small, and it mainly relied on the cultivator's own physical strength and the changes in his steps.

  If it was combined with the Hidden Spirit Cloak, it would complement each other.

  In the invisible state, his spiritual power was consumed very quickly. If he used a light body technique that consumed a lot of spiritual power when escaping, it would likely expose his body.

  For another technique, he chose a second-grade body refining technique, the Barbarian Elephant Strength.

  After successful practice, it can improve the strength of muscles and bones throughout the body and strengthen one's own defense capabilities.

  "Brother, then I will choose the "Small Five Elements Gong" technique, as well as the "Yunteng Technique" and "Barbaric Elephant Strength" techniques. "The "

  Small Five Elements Gong" only provides the first two levels. After practicing to the foundation-building stage, the subsequent techniques can be obtained by entering the Sutra Pavilion."

  The white-haired old man said, and closed his eyes solemnly.

  In an instant, a light bird shuttled out from the top of the Sutra Pavilion, paused three times, and flew to the old man with three exquisite and small jade slips in its mouth.

  "This is the jade slip of the three techniques. Place it on your forehead and you will absorb the information in it. After the information is absorbed, it will be destroyed automatically. You should pay attention to this."

  Lu Xuan nodded to show that he understood.

  (End of this chapter)