What happens when some random guy gets the chance to go to a fictional world with 2 wishes? Well interesting things happen. *NO HAREM. *KINDA OP MC. *FUNNY MOMENTS. *HERO MC BUT IS NOT A PUSS PUSS.
I stood and waited in the quirk assessment field while the rest of the girls filled into the field, As I was standing I kinda zoned out, Is Gunther okay? I still have to send in that request to bring him as my support, He kinda helps me when I'm in my Crown State so it's better to have an invincible penguin then to not have a invincible penguin. Anyway I was also thinking about what I wanted my beard to look lily when it's fully grown, I want it to be like Chris Hemsworths beard. Not lumberjack level but still clean and noticeable.-
As my thoughts ended, everyone had arrived and waited on Aizawa's instructions, I however started to get excited. I am quite the quiet person but there is one trait I have kept even from my past life (Not that my personality changed I just became more happier), I like attention, I love being acknowledged, completed.. I was quite average in my past life, I had no talent in anything particular. So when I got good at something I showed off. And revelled in the reactions of people who were impressed by my show of said hardwork.-
So I'm an attention seeker, call me whatever you like, I like my own shit if you don't like that. Then was there ever a reason for you to seek me out? That's what I think, if someone can't accept you for who you are then they don't deserve your attention.-
So I'm going to show this class why I got first place, why I won't be the end rival of the story who ends up out shadowed by the protagonist. Maybe I will naver be overpoweringly stronger then Izuku but I will be better, stronger then him.-
Enough with my monologue, Aizawa just called out my name, "What?" I said and he sighed and repeated what he previously said, "What was your previous Softball throw record in middle school?" He asked, "71 meters?" I said unsure it was about that if I remember correctly.-
|AN- heads up, I'm a dumbass so don't expect me to know if that was a reasonable number haha.|
"Okay, Now do it with your Quirk." He said tossing a softball to be which I caught, thank god I caught that it would have been hella embarrassing otherwise.-
I walked up to the position I was supposed to throw the ball and closed my eyes confusing the people watching.-
A crown materialised on my head getting a surprised gasp from some of the people watching, and then my transformation started.-
My nose got slightly longer and pointed, my Hair turned white and my skin turned light blue, my teeth sharpened and my eyes took a slight blue tint, people stared at me with fascination, Izuku was currently writing something down on a journey, how did he get that?! Whatever.-
My face distorted into a mad grin and my glasses moved to the base of my nose revealing my slightly mad eyes darting all over the place, "HAHA!" My mad chuckle made a couple people flinch in surprise.-
I suddenly looked over at the slightly intrigued Todoroki, and pointed at him getting some glances between us by the other students, Shoto looked at me with a raised I brow.-
"I'm the True Ice King hair, remember that! HAHA!" I said and Aizawa huffed in annoyance, "Hurry up and throw the damn ball, you crazy problem Child.." he mumbled that last part to himself but I heard him nonetheless, my senses were slightly enhanced with the crown on all my physical capabilities were.-
|AN- Simon could lift an Ice block and fling it with super strength, I am giving Kori all of ice kings ability's when he wears the crown.|
"Okay, Okay don't get your panties in a twist Emo-Man." I said getting a taken aback look from Aizawa and a couple laughs from the students.-
I turned to the pitch and drew my arm back, suddenly my entire arm began sparking with Ice energy, this made the entire area around me cold, I lashed my hand forward and a giant gale of Snow and Ice blasting out of my palm sending the ball into the Sky.-
The entire area around me was now covered in snow, I looked at the annoyed Aizawa and clicked my fingers making all the snow around me gather into a giant snow, said Snow shape into a Giant Snow-Hawk and flew off into the area the ball went too.
The hawk caught the ball when it seemed like it wasn't going to go up anymore and flew as high as it could before finally melting frost how fast it was leaving the atmosphere.-
Aizawa brung up the little Device that showed how high the ball went and it said, 2419 Meters |Remember smart people, I'm dumb lazy and can't be bothered to look up math shit at 00:27.|.-
Everyone looked at the Device and Mina exclaimed, "We get to show off our Quirks?! This is going to be so fun." Aizawa smiled like he was about to win the lottery, but his face paused when my hand landed on his shoulder.-
He looked up at me, I was 5 inches taller the. Him he 6'0 and I am 6'5 so I was looking down at him, "HAHA! Your totally going to shatter these poor, poor souls hopes for a fun Hero education." He went back to smiling and brushed my hand off his shoulder, "So you think this is fun? Well, how about I add something to entice you, anyone who gets last place get expelled." That got a shock la gasp from everyone.-
"Ohhh~ that's cold Sensei, HAHA! Get it Cold?!" That got a tiny snort from Todoroki but he pretended he didn't do it.-
"Go back to the other student you crazy brat.." he said and I picked his forehead and the letters EMO were written out in Ice he rubbed his head in irritation and I cackle and my Crown disappears.-
I stare at the angered Aizawa with embarrassment, "Sorry, I kinda lose myself when I go into my Crown State." I said and he finally got all the ice of his head, "it's okay, I read your quirk file, but don't do that again or I'll give you detention." He warned and I nodded curtly and went to the other students.-
Uraraka found her voice apparently because she decided to say Aizawa couldn't expel them on the first day.-
Oh sweet, Sweet naive girl.-
Take another chapter because I'm good person, yeah! Praise me! Hahaha.
I also wanted to add an other chapter because I can't be arsed doing it later when I finish my last day of college this week and get home prepared to relax and having to do a chapter because I felt bad for not doing so. But I'm doing it now so I don't have to and I can relax when I get home.
Au revoir!