
[Infinite Clone System]

“Speaking of which, you may not believe it, the apostle over there who wants to bring all things together and implement the human completion plan, the Great Demon King Piccolo who wants to rule the world, the Aizen who wants to become a transcendence to reach the realm of gods, and the one who claims to be The White King who ruled the age of the ninja world 10,000 years ago.... They are all my clones.” “Oh, of course, the same is true for the Avengers who fought against their Shichibukai.” “Uh, you said Fenris? He is too, but I haven’t decided whether it would be better to let him hunt Akatsuki organization or hunt the Mist Village.” To put it simply, this is a story of constantly opening vests in the ninja world. NOTE: (Not really translated, but just edited) (Cover photo are not mine) (If you want translated chapters, go to translatinotaku website, and the ch. 1-14 are from TranslatedOtaku, the chapter's there are translated unlike mine. And here is the continuity starting from ch. 15) (I'm doing this for free anyway, and no Patreon, I'll edit some chapter's in my spare time)

Reverse_9612 · Anime & Comics
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52 Chs

Chapter 52

[Chapter 34 Battle]

On the edge of the shore, Inabi was constantly dodging the spitting flames under the pursuit of the fire unicorn. His task was to delay the time as much as possible, so although he really wanted to fight this beast, he still chose to obey. This is an order!

As a ninja, make it your first priority to complete your mission!

He fled all the way, and soon got away from where Fugaku and the vampires were. Looking at the monster that was chasing after him, he jumped in his heart and jumped directly from the edge of the river bank.

Below is a turbulent river, and with the heavy rain from the sky, he wants to use these to wash away the flames on the unicorn.

But when he was halfway down, he suddenly felt that his body was light, and he felt as if he was floating in the air. Before he could react, he felt a strong force on his back, as if being hit by a As if the mountain was pressed against it, he spit out a mouthful of blood!

Under the influence of this terrifying force, his entire body fell more than ten times faster, and he was bombarded into the river almost in the blink of an eye.

With a bang, the river exploded, and the waves soaring to the sky were dozens of meters high, and then slapped the river with a louder roar.

Fortunately, Inabi's body had sunk to the bottom of the river, otherwise he would have to bear the second shock.

Before he jumped from a high cliff, he wanted to use chakra or water escape to soften the impact of entering the water, but he jumped into the air but was interrupted by the fire unicorn's ability to manipulate gravity, and he also applied a larger The force pulls the Inabi's body downward to accelerate the movement.

This causes the speed of the Inabi to be about 100 meters per second when it enters the water. Such a terrifying speed is even a little faster than a person jumping from a height of 10,000 meters. Even if it falls on the sea, it should definitely be It's dead right!

Don't think that those in the TV series fell from the cliff into the sea, and the whole person sank directly into it and nothing would happen.

In fact, sinking into the sea at such a terrifying speed, the pressure caused in an instant is about a hundred times the gravity. Even if Inabi is a Jōnin, he almost lost his consciousness for a long time under such a terrifying attack.

When he was choked by the sea water, he only felt that his whole body was about to be shattered, and there were scars everywhere on the skin. The huge vitality was constantly flowing out through these wounds, making him feel as if death was not far away. waiting for him.

But he was still a Jōnin after all, and even in such a desperate situation, he still did not give up hope.

He made a mark in the water with difficulty, and then slammed his palm down, suddenly a buoyancy rose, a large amount of river water gathered under him, turned into a water dragon and pushed him out of the sea.

Inabi turned over and jumped off the water dragon, barely standing on the water, and at the same time instructing the sea dragon to let out a huge roar, rushing towards the fire unicorn who was about to leave on the shore!

Fire Unicorn originally thought that he had solved his opponent, and was about to rush back leisurely, but was suddenly attracted by the roar behind him. He quickly turned his body and found the sea dragon that had just risen from the river.

Seemingly provoked, the fire unicorn also let out a roar, and then the flames around the body condensed frantically toward its mouth, forming an oversized fireball in the blink of an eye!

He saw the fire unicorn breathed, and the huge fireball greeted the water dragon. It was just a bang, and a dazzling light erupted in the sky. At this moment, the dazzling flame seemed to be the sun hanging in the sky, covering a radius of thousands of meters. All illuminated!


A large amount of sea water was sprinkled on its body. Although it had no power, it still made Huo Qilin furious. He rushed to the edge of the cliff again in two steps. Looking at the small human, a nameless fire suddenly rose. There was a roar, and then the huge body also jumped, heading straight for the Inabi!


and the other side

At this moment, the place where Fugaku and the blood-sucking monsters confronted no creatures except them.

It seemed that those animals instinctively felt that an extremely terrifying battle was about to break out here.

"You… who are you?"

Fugaku stared at the vampire, highly concentrated, always ready to deal with the next attack.

The Vampire Beast was very relaxed. He lightly patted his head with one hand and replied with a headache.

"In ten thousand years, has this world forgotten me?"

He showed a bloodthirsty smile, then spread his hands and laughed, "Then let you guys get to know me again, the name of my blood-sucking beast!"

"Ten thousand years…? What a joke… Would a ten thousand young monster use today's Language? You fiendish monster!"

"What?" he sighed in disappointment

"For us, it is possible to parse your language the moment we hear you speak. Maybe you are the only humans who can't do this."

"Then let's see what you are capable of, a vampire who thinks he is higher than humans…"

Fugaku suddenly disappeared, no, or the entire space suddenly changed.

The blood-sucking monster looked around and found that it was a white world.

"Is it illusion? I can't imagine that humans will only be able to use this kind of illusory thing in ten thousand years." Vampire Warcraft said easily

"Really? But in my opinion, you are nothing more than that." Fugaku's figure suddenly appeared behind the vampire beast, and his eyes had long since turned into kaleidoscopes. This illusion Space is naturally constructed by him.

"Then I want you to try it." The vampire beast turned his head and tilted his head curiously, "Why don't you attack? The moment you appeared just now, you really concealed my perception. It might hurt me."

Fugaku showed a confident smile, he suddenly stretched out his right hand, dragging a transparent ball of light on his hand, and inside the ball of light there was a small gas-like object that looked like the shape of a vampire beast.

He played with the light fairway in his hand, "Who said I didn't attack? I have already accepted your soul."


The vampire beast frowned, perhaps Fugaku's offensive made him a little confused.

"This is the ability of this eye of mine." Fu Yue covered his right eye with one hand and said at the same time.

"And my left eye… that is different from the other eye."

His exposed left eye suddenly glowed, and then Fugaku's figure began to change, and a dazzling light emanated from his body.

When the light dissipated, the vampire beast looked at Fugaku, who had transformed into a new form, and suddenly smiled.

"I thought it would be some kind of ability, but it turned out to be a fake replica…"

Yes, after the light disappeared, Uchiha Fugaku's appearance turned into a creature that was exactly the same as the vampire beast, and even the decorations on his body were exactly the same!

"Is it a fake replica…" The vampire beast that Fugaku turned into also smiled back, he shook his wrist, as if moving his body, and said coldly

"You'll know right away!"