
[I Am No Weakling] Martial Art Reigns

Step into a different world full of Cultivation and Adventure made up of extraordinary things such as strong Cultivators, magic, beasts, ancient beasts as well as magic weapons and relics. A world governed by the strongest. In the Continent of Tianyuan, those with great abilities can move the mountains and the seas, tear the sky with a single punch and smash the earth with one foot! Ye Ming, a boy born out of an ordinary family, seeks revenge for the death of his parents. He constantly strives to strengthen himself and acquire great strength. Under these circumstances, he obtained the “Divine Treasure Cloak,” took the ‘Divine Foundation Building Pill,’ and studied the ‘Arts of repairing Meridians.’ With sincerity and ambition, he bravely forge ahead. On his path when seeking for strength and revenge, he finds love and make formidable friends that will help him achieve his goals. and whoever blocking his path and stopping him from reaching the peak of the martial arts cultivation will be destroyed with no mercy! The immortal Imperial Dynasties, the Great Religion of the ages, the gigantic demons of the Great Desolation, the hands of the Divine Devil, in the face of these deities that fill the whole sky, he has nothing to fear, *my life is not in the hands of the heavens!*

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197 Chs

Chapter 92: Budo Stele Test

Outside the Fang's door, the two got on a luxurious big sedan. It is luxurious because it has not only tables and chairs in it, but also a lot of food. It is just a small mobile house. The people who carried the sedan were four eighth-level martial artists. The sedan took off and flew smoothly.

After only a few breaths, the sedan chair fell to the ground, and the two got off the car one after another. At this time, Ye Ming saw a huge square not far from the front. Many people gathered on the square, presumably the place to recruit guards.

Fang Yibai explained: "Brother Ye, this is the school grounds of Guyang City, with complete facilities, and the selection of guards is held here."

Two people came to the square and found that most of the warriors were on the square, but there were also a few warriors. In the middle of the square, a huge platform was set up, on which sat three middle-aged people with serious expressions.

Before long, the middle-aged man yelled, "The selection of the Houfu guards has officially started. All interested participants will stand in line to accept the election!"

Therefore, everyone interested in participating, Yuguan stage.

Ye Ming went up immediately without hesitation. He asked Fang Yibai: "What is this?"

Fang Yibai said: "These three are in charge of Hou's house. Their eyes are very poisonous. At a glance, you can see if the participants are eligible to enter Hou's house. If this round is brushed down, it will be completely out of play."

"How many rounds of selection?" Ye Ming asked.

"After this round, the second round is a test of martial arts qualifications with martial arts steles. As long as they meet the qualifications, they can enter the third round, which is the battle of Taiwan." Fang Yibaidao.

"The battle of Taiwan? The participants have different realms, strengths are strong or weak, isn't it fair? How can I fight, I ca n't fight a martial artist." Ye Ming said.

"It doesn't affect, because the third round of competition is to compete with the competition in the same realm. Each realm is divided into nine levels. The higher the level, the stronger the strength." Fang Yibai said, "So the three-round selection is absolutely Fair, you don't have to worry. "

Ye Ming put his heart down. In this case, he had confidence. After all, he is the treasure of Zhongpin Heaven and Earth, not weaker than anyone present.

When Ye Ming was about to pass, he saw a young man striding forward. When he saw the other party, his heart was moving. The young people also noticed Ye Ming. At the moment when the eyes of the two sides met, there was a flash of coldness in each other's eyes.

"Leaf Holy!" Ye Ming whispered softly.

The young man was Ye Sheng, who came to participate in the selection of the guards. He stared at Ye Ming and suddenly laughed, saying, "It's really breaking the iron shoes and finding nowhere. It takes no time to come. I'm looking for you. You run Come to Guyang City, okay, very good! "Then, as he approached Ye Ming, there was a layer of black killing surging all over his body, and the coldness caused the people nearby to avoid.

"Excessive! On the school field, who dares to use force?" On the stage, a clerk grunted coldly, sounding like a steel needle penetrated into Ye Shengsheng and Ye Ming's ears.

Ye Zisheng didn't dare to resist, and immediately stopped, Yin said: "Ye Ming, you are dead today!"

"Really?" Fang Yibai stepped forward without waiting for Ye Ming to speak, and several warriors behind him followed suit, forcing a terrible momentum towards Ye Shengsheng.

Ye Zisheng's face changed, and the others were all warriors. As a samurai, he was definitely not an opponent. He stepped back subconsciously and asked Shen: "Who are you? This is my grudge with others, why do you intervene? ? "

Fang Yibai snorted, "You should have heard of the Fang family in Guyang City? Ye Ming is a noble guest of our family. If you dare to be against him, Fang family will destroy you!"

The holy look of the leaves is constantly changing, how is it possible! How did Ye Ming climb this house? There was a moment of sorrow in his heart, but in the end he could only give Ye Ming a stern glance, and then boarded to accept the election.

Ye Ming didn't pay much attention to his heart, he saw that Ye Zisheng should condense and kill him soon. He could kill Huang Yuandou, so he was not afraid of Ye Shengsheng, so he followed suit.

In the first round of elections, most people were brushed down, and only 17 people could stay, which shows how harsh the selection of Hou Fu was. Of the seventeen people, there were four warriors. The rest were samurai, and most of them were high-ranking samurai. Ye Mingxiu was considered weak.

"Below, seventeen people who have passed the election will be tested by the Martial Stone Monument." A steward stood up, and as soon as he waved his sleeve, a three-meter-high black stone monument fell to the ground. Above the stele, singular runes are engraved, and there are patterns one by one throughout the entire stone, which looks simple and gloomy.

At this moment, Jinhu, Yi Zhongnan, Liu Fen and Liu Fang arrived. When they saw Ye Ming, they would test their qualifications. Jinhu laughed and said, "Catch up, and the results will be announced immediately." "

Fang Yibai has understood the meaning of Jin Hu, and he laughed: "Jin Hu, you're afraid to be disappointed, and you're ready to win."

When speaking emptyly, a martial artist walked to the Martial Stone Tablet and reached out and pressed on it. A mysterious force flowed into his body, and the next moment, the grid on the stele continued to light up, forming a square bright area densely. This bright area stopped at about three feet.

The steward who released the stele glanced at it and exclaimed: "Square, two hundred and eighty spirits, high-quality mortal body, low potential."

Ye Ming didn't quite understand what the potential means, and Bei Ming explained to him: "The martial arts stele can not only test a person's qualifications, but also test his potential. Potential can be classified as inferior, intermediate, superior, or inferior Waiting is the worst in the lower class. Potential is more important than qualifications. People with the same qualifications and great potentials have more room for improvement. "

"For example, both of them are inferior spirits, one with inferior potential and one with superior potential. Then people with inferior and inferior potential can only be inferior spirits in their lives, while those with superior and superior potential have There is a chance to be promoted from a sublime spirit body to a treasure body, a holy body, or even a **** body. The size of the potential will be expressed by the shape of the bright area on the stone tablet. "

At that potential, the martial artist suddenly looked dim, and seemed to know it was over.

The second-ranked samurai warrior was a fourth-grade samurai. When he pressed his hand on the martial arts stele, a rectangular bright area appeared, with a slightly higher height, which belonged to the potential of the lower class, but his qualifications were relatively high and he was a lower-ranking spirit. body.

The five people in the front were all inferior in potential. Ye Ming could not help asking: "Beijing, it seems that the majority of inferior potential?"

"Generally speaking, the vast majority of people are inferior in potential. People with medium potential are less than 1 in 10,000; as for superior potential, there are even fewer. One out of 100 million people may not be able to find one." Bei Ming Dao, "Such people generally come from various forces."

Ye Zisheng's turn, he strode to the stage, then confidently pressed the Zhongbudao stone stele. Suddenly, two bright areas of a rhombus appeared, and one tip of the rhombus was on the top, at least thousands of squares lit up.

"Rhombus, Lingge 1,183, Zhongpin spirit body, potential in the middle and lower." The steward announced.

There was a cry of envy from the audience, and Ye Zisheng's face also showed a proud look. He looked at Ye Ming coldly, and seemed to be saying: I have better qualifications than you!

"The qualifications of the middle and lower grades are already pretty good, which means that he may have a top-grade spirit body and even a lower-grade treasure body in the future." Jinhu nodded slightly. "Check the details of this person to see if it is usable."

The next one to step on the stage was Ye Ming. He came to the Martial Stone Monument and slowly pressed his palm up. In a short time, he felt something similar to the martial arts primordial spirit, poured into his body, and carefully examined his muscles and bones, blood and brain, vital energy tips, and so on.

When others test, it is extremely fast, and the result comes out as soon as the palm is pressed on the stone tablet. But Ye Ming pressed for a long time, but the stele did not respond. The three stewards all showed different colors. They looked at each other, and the steward responsible for the stele said, "Is there something wrong with the stele?"

Another supervisor stunned his beard and said, "Impossible, I have never heard of a problem with the Martial Stone Stele. Maybe there are too many things to be measured in the stele, resulting in a slow response."

"Are you kidding me, Pharaoh? Is he the potential to go up?" As soon as the third steward said something, the Martial Stone Monument responded.

The large grid lit up, forming a pointed inverted triangle, pointed down, and on top. The sides of the triangle have touched the top of Wu Shibei.

The steward's eyes stared round, and it took a long time to announce with a trembling voice: "Extreme three sides, unlimited potential! Linger 18,540, Zhongpin treasure body! The potential is up!"


The countless sounds of air-conditioning were weird, which sounded weird.

"My God! The quality of Chinese products? The potential is up? Are you right? This kind of genius will be two in our team?" Someone screamed with ecstasy, all over.

At this moment, Fang Yibai's eyes were clear and his breathing was short. He suddenly laughed and said, "Okay! That's great. It is worthy of our brother to worship!"

The Jinhu people were even more shocked, but after listening to Fang Yibai's words, they all rolled their eyes, and the old Fang family was really shameless! When did you worship and become brothers?

The most unbelievable thing is Ye Shengsheng. He is an inferior spiritual body. I thought he could be inferior to Ye Ming. I do n't know if he is a superior body in China. It must be that the Budo stone is wrong? At this moment, he was not even in the mood to hate and be jealous, because his heart was full of shock, and he could not bear the excess emotions at all.

The manager grabbed Ye Ming as if he was afraid he would run away, grinning and asking, "Little brother, what's your name?"

In the face of this result, Ye Ming was not surprised at all. He came along all the way and accumulated a lot. It would be strange if he didn't have the superior capital. He calmly said: "In Xia Yeming, disciple of Yanyang Chiyangmen."

"Oh, Chiyangmen, I've been waiting for a long time." The steward nodded again and again. "The brothers are very qualified, so they don't have to participate in the next selection. I'll take you to see Xiaohouye."

"See Xiaohouhou?" Ye Ming asked, "but the son of Dongqihou?"

Supervisor said: "It is exactly, Xiaohouye temporarily leads the Qinglong Dynasty to the fourth class, recruits talents, has 30,000 visitors, and the Qinglong Emperor is named as a valiant prince. The guards of Houfu are all in charge of Xiaohouye.

It was a good thing not to participate in the selection. Ye Ming did not refuse, immediately nodded, and said hello to Fang Yibai, and went with the affairs.

Fang Yibai frowned: "It's a mistake, forget the heroic heroes, Ye Ming will be recruited by him."

Jin Hu: "Well! I originally wanted to recruit him into my Jin family, and this is no good. Xianyong Hou holds several places in Qinglong College, which is too attractive."

Fang Yibai's eyes flashed and he didn't speak. He decided that when he saw Ye Ming again, he must find a way to worship him. In any case, he must tie such a talent with unlimited potential to Fang's family! Help him compete with the world!

The remaining people continued to participate in the selection, but the visitors were not much interested, and what Ye Ming showed had consumed all the excitement and emotions of everyone. Ye Zisheng's mood was extremely bad. He suddenly felt a sense of urgency. He had to get rid of Ye Ming as soon as possible. Over time, the ghost knew how far he would grow.