
[I Am No Weakling] Martial Art Reigns

Step into a different world full of Cultivation and Adventure made up of extraordinary things such as strong Cultivators, magic, beasts, ancient beasts as well as magic weapons and relics. A world governed by the strongest. In the Continent of Tianyuan, those with great abilities can move the mountains and the seas, tear the sky with a single punch and smash the earth with one foot! Ye Ming, a boy born out of an ordinary family, seeks revenge for the death of his parents. He constantly strives to strengthen himself and acquire great strength. Under these circumstances, he obtained the “Divine Treasure Cloak,” took the ‘Divine Foundation Building Pill,’ and studied the ‘Arts of repairing Meridians.’ With sincerity and ambition, he bravely forge ahead. On his path when seeking for strength and revenge, he finds love and make formidable friends that will help him achieve his goals. and whoever blocking his path and stopping him from reaching the peak of the martial arts cultivation will be destroyed with no mercy! The immortal Imperial Dynasties, the Great Religion of the ages, the gigantic demons of the Great Desolation, the hands of the Divine Devil, in the face of these deities that fill the whole sky, he has nothing to fear, *my life is not in the hands of the heavens!*

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197 Chs

Chapter 60: Live in another hospital

After returning to Chiyangmen, an elder outside the door approached Su Lan and said that she was qualified to live in a high-ranking courtyard as a personal disciple in charge. The other courtyard is different from the other courtyard. The high-level courtyard is the most luxurious one. Only three of the elite disciples can live in this high-level courtyard.

Su Lan lived in another courtyard. Although Ye Ming didn't want to be separated, he couldn't keep the environment in good condition. He had to be squeezed into Sun Xing's inner courtyard. When Ye Ming moved Su Lan's last thing into another courtyard, he clapped his hands and left.

Su Lan stopped him and asked strangely, "Why don't you move?"

Ye Mingyi: "Your things have been moved. What else?"

"Fool, don't you need to move your things?" Su Lanqiao blushed slightly and said bluntly.

Ye Ming jumped up and laughed, "Yeah, I'll move it." Su Lan's meaning couldn't be more obvious. This is to ask him to move and move in.

Chen Xing watched Ye Mingxing move things cheerfully, he couldn't help but hate and said, "Master, can't you be so straightforward when you're infatuated? You are about to be separated from me right now, can't you be more sad?"

Ye Ming grinned and said, "Brother, I won't miss you, you will die that heart."

Chen Xing also laughed, but also helped Ye Ming move things. Ye Ming and Su Lan are as happy as they are today.

In the afternoon, Ye Ming invited guests, and the three went to Xiaozao for a meal. Coincidentally, the last time Lu Fei was also there, and he was sitting next to the window. Just last time, Lu Fei, the tenth insider, grabbed Chen Xing and Ye Ming's position very arrogantly.

When the three men came in, Lu Fei looked up, and his eyes actually dodged a little. Ye Ming today is in the limelight, and it is rumored that several inner disciples have died in his hands, and even Ren Shaojie, an elite disciple, cannot help him. Moreover, his woman, Su Lan, was actually taken over as a disciple by the head.

All this made the disciples inside the door very afraid of him. This Lu Fei is not a fool, he knows that there must be cows behind Ye Ming. The last time he thought about driving Ye Ming and Chen Xing away, he couldn't help but regret it secretly, and felt that offending Ye Ming was nothing good.


The restaurant door was pushed open, and a tall, thin young man came in, with a square face, big eyebrows, and strong momentum. The three moles on the corner of this person's mouth are particularly noticeable. As soon as he appeared, everyone who ate a little bowed his head and ate quietly. Even Lu Fei quickly turned his face, only when he didn't see it.

"Haha, Lu Fei, you are here too. You do n't even call a senior brother to eat a small stove. You are too boring." The young man came over and sat across from Lu Fei.

Seeing this scene, Chen Xing showed the expression "You deserve it". Ye Ming used his vitality to transmit his voice and asked him secretly: "Brother, who is this person? It looks like a famous person."

"Zhao Ritian, third in the Inner Doors list." Chen Xing looked weird.

Ye Ming was startled, some people dare to use such arrogance and arrogance to blast the name of the sky!

Chen Xing continued: "This Zhao Ritian loves to come to Xiaozao to eat rice. Every disciple in the door is afraid of him. It is said that he dare to fight even with the first and second rice on the list, nicknamed Zhao Ritian."

Ye Ming doesn't know what to say, it's really big in the world.

Lu Fei seemed to know that he had no choice, so he was helpless to order a few more dishes. However, Zhao Ritian won the menu and ordered ten more dishes and three soup dishes in one breath. This is the only way to say: "It's barely enough for us to eat. Lu Fei, don't be polite, try hard, and let's order again. . "

Lu Fei wanted to cry without tears. At least this meal would eat up his two months' income.

Zhao Ritian not only loves rice dumplings, but he also seems to love chatting. While holding the chicken legs of the flame chicken, he asked, "Master Brother Lu Fei, in two more months, the secret realm of Linghe will be opened. I do n't know this time Chiyang Gate Can go to a few people. "

When Lu Fei heard of the secret place of Linghe, he took a subconscious look at Ye Ming and Su Lan, and said, "The secret place of Linghe is too dangerous. If our Chiyang Gate is immersed in the light of the Yan Kingdom, I am afraid that even the people who entered There is no opportunity. I heard that more and more martial arts outside the Yan Kingdom will participate in the Linghe Mystery. This year, the number of martial arts may be over one hundred. "

Zhao Ritian "snapped" at the table and scolded: "The **** is raised! The Linghe mystery is opened once every thirty years, and it is only opened three times in total. For the first time, only three of the four kingdoms of the Yan Kingdom participated. The harvest at one time was really big, but there were also many dead people, and less than one-third could come back alive. At the second opening, the countries outside the Yan Kingdom suddenly came to more than thirty, and that competition was even more fierce. Dangerous. Four disciples sent a total of eighty disciples, but only seven of them came out alive. Especially our Chiyangmen, head and Gao Fengxian all returned safely. But this time it is good. Alas, I'm afraid we have no hope at Chiyangmen, whoever will die! "

Lu Feidan said: "It will only become more and more difficult to enter the Linghe hidden realm. The more benefits each gate obtains from it, the greater the influence of the Linghe hidden realm. I am afraid that the next time, there will be a large teaching level. The forces are involved. "

Zhao Ritian said fiercely: "Unfortunately, Zhao Ritian is no longer a warrior, otherwise I must go to the Linghe Secret! Let the foreign forces of Yan see that our Chiyangmen is not vegetarian!"

Looking at Zhao Ritian's coercion, Ye Ming suddenly admired him somewhat. At least, this Zhao Ritian went straight, without bowing his bowels. He suddenly beckoned and laughed, "Brother Zhao, can you come over and talk about the secret place of Linghe?"

Chen Xing was taken aback and said in his heart what did you provoke this guy to do?

Zhao Ritian was stunned, and since he had the good name of Wang Fanfan, no one had ever greeted him, so Ye Ming's greeting surprised him, and even said he was surprised. He suddenly laughed, "haha", and said, "Since my brother is so enthusiastic, then I am not polite!"

After speaking, he took the two dishes that Lu Fei called and sat directly opposite Ye Ming. Ye Ming smiled slightly, and actually called six more dishes, and they were all the most expensive.

Zhao Ritian's eyes were bright, watching Ye Ming becoming more and more pleasing to the eye, and said, "Master, you want to know about the secret place of Linghe. Ask me and I'll ask the right person."

Ye Ming poured wine for Zhao Ritian and said, "I also asked my brother for advice. Only then did the brother say that only warriors can enter the secret realm of Linghe. Why?"

"In fact, it is very simple. The mysterious realm of Linghe itself is a Dongfu space established by an ancient great force, the purpose is to train and train disciples. However, that ancient great force has been annihilated in the long river of history, and all that remains is This Linghe is a secret place. There is a ban in the cave, and only people at the military level are allowed to enter it. "Zhao Ritian said.

Having said that, Zhao Ritian lowered his voice and said, "But it is rumored that there should be more than one level in the secret realm of Linghe. If you can break through to the samurai level, you can break into the second space. Of course, this is just a legend. In this way, there is no way to know. "

"Since there are hundreds of enlightenment enlightenment this time, will the competition be very fierce?" Ye Ming said, "Does it affect our quota at Chiyangmen?"

"This is not the case. There is no limit to the number of people in Linghe. The more people go in, the more things everyone gets, and the more intense the competition." Zhao Ritian said unfazedly, "Unfortunately, regrettable, I failed to catch up, otherwise I will be able to lead Chiyangmen and achieve brilliant results! "

Ye Ming nodded quickly, then said, "This is indeed a great loss at Chiyangmen."

Zhao Ritian took a look at Ye Ming at this moment, and I was optimistic about your expression, saying, "Master. Linghe's secret place is very dangerous. If you want to go, you must consider it carefully. If you finally decide to go, you must consult Head. One of the seven Yan people who came out alive from the inside, he knew more.

Ye Ming said: "Thank you for your guidance."

After eating and drinking, Zhao Ritian waved his hands smartly and walked away. After he left, Lu Fei sat down with a smile and arched his hand to Ye Ming: "Brother, we met again."

Ye Ming sneered: "Brother, do you have to drive us away again?"

Lu Fei smiled awkwardly, and said, "My brother laughed and drank too much last time, no wonder. This time, my brother and I told you and my brother Chen to accompany me." He said, he toasted three glasses.

Reaching out without smiling, Ye Ming felt that Lu Fei was not simple. As an insider disciple, he was arrogant and arrogant, but the rare thing is that this person can flex and stretch, and has a deep understanding of the dark. He immediately said with a smile: "Brother is talking hard, Brother Chen and I didn't take it seriously."

Lu Fei said with a smile: "That's good." Then he mentioned the Linghe mystery again and said, "Listening to the brother who asked so much just now, it seems that he intends to enter the Linghe mystery?"

Ye Ming said: "I have an idea."

Lu Fei looked around and said secretly: "Master, I happen to have a map of the mysterious Linghe in my hand. I wonder if you are interested?"

Ye Mingyi: "What? Map of Linghe's mystery? Where did the brother come from?"

"It is said that those who came alive from the secret place of the Linghe River thirty years ago gathered together and made a map based on the memory of everyone. In the end, all the participants got a copy of the map. Said also Coincidentally, my brother's uncle was one of those who entered the secret realm of Linghe. "Lu Feidao.

Ye Ming became interested, and asked, "Is the brother's uncle, our elder at Chiyangmen?"

In the eyes of Lu Fei, the color of hatred was expressed, "This is not the case. My uncle was originally an elder of Sheyangzong in Four Doors and Three Schools. But ten years ago, he was shot by another elder of Sheyangzong. I'm planning to die. I will report this feud sooner or later. "

Ye Ming looked at him: "What does Brother mean? Want to sell me the map?"

Lu Fei said with a smile: "I'll see you when I say sell. I want to give the map to my younger brother."

Ye Ming looked weird, but he didn't think the friendship between the two parties was so good.

Lu Fei further said: "I just ask my master to help me get one thing after entering the mysterious area of ​​Linghe."

"Oh? Get something?" Ye Ming blinked. "Mr. Uncle Ling, hiding something in Linghe?"