
[I Am No Weakling] Martial Art Reigns

Step into a different world full of Cultivation and Adventure made up of extraordinary things such as strong Cultivators, magic, beasts, ancient beasts as well as magic weapons and relics. A world governed by the strongest. In the Continent of Tianyuan, those with great abilities can move the mountains and the seas, tear the sky with a single punch and smash the earth with one foot! Ye Ming, a boy born out of an ordinary family, seeks revenge for the death of his parents. He constantly strives to strengthen himself and acquire great strength. Under these circumstances, he obtained the “Divine Treasure Cloak,” took the ‘Divine Foundation Building Pill,’ and studied the ‘Arts of repairing Meridians.’ With sincerity and ambition, he bravely forge ahead. On his path when seeking for strength and revenge, he finds love and make formidable friends that will help him achieve his goals. and whoever blocking his path and stopping him from reaching the peak of the martial arts cultivation will be destroyed with no mercy! The immortal Imperial Dynasties, the Great Religion of the ages, the gigantic demons of the Great Desolation, the hands of the Divine Devil, in the face of these deities that fill the whole sky, he has nothing to fear, *my life is not in the hands of the heavens!*

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Chapter 58: Worship Wuzong

Elder Han said at this time: "Head, I heard Su Lan said that Ye Ming had been out for a while, and maybe he would do that beast during that time, that is also possible."

Su Lan said: "Impossible! Ye Ming was going to take a bath at that time. It was only a quarter of an hour before and after. What can a quarter of an hour do?"

Elder Han didn't hesitate to Su Lan at all, but just looked at the host of Chiyang.

Chiyangmen seems to be more concerned about the details, and asked, "Ye Ming, you are deeper in the middle of the night, why take a bath?"

Ye Ming truthfully said: "The villain takes some refining elixir, and the body surface emits impurities, which are extremely dirty, so he must take a bath frequently."

The host of Chiyangmen praised: "The martial arts fighters rule out impurities, and they usually only pass urine. You can also exclude them through the skin, which shows that the refining is very deep and very good."

The crowd didn't understand what the Chiyang Gatekeeper was doing at this time, but no one dared to say more.

"Things are very clear." Chiyangmen main road, "Below, the head will be impartial and handle according to the rules of the door!"

"Wu Hanyu, as a disciple, framed the same door, shameless and chastity, abolished one's practice, and hit the mountain gate." The master of Chiyangmen said indifferently, but this made a lot of people stunned.

Wu Hanyu even screamed, "Head, I didn't lie. Ye Ming really insulted me ..."


For the first time, there was a chill on the face of the host of Chiyang. He said, "I asked if there was a man or a woman between Ye Ming and you. You said yes. But Ye Ming is clearly the body of a boy. What would you explain? "

If Wu Hanyu is struck by lightning, he has nothing to say. The master of the Chiyang gate is a big martial artist, and at a glance you can see if Ye Ming is the body of a boy. However, Ye Ming has been with Su Lan. Has nothing happened between them?

Elder Han's face was ugly, and Wu Hanyu's head was photographed with one palm. Wu Hanyu only felt that he was soft and drunk, and his veins were broken, his vitality was gone, and he became a waste.

"Pull out!" Elder Han said coldly.

Several law enforcement students came in and dragged away Wu Hanyu, who was ashamed. She opened her mouth and seemed to yell injustice, but unfortunately could not say a word.

Zhang Ping trembled, she suddenly knelt down and scratched her head again and again: "rare life, head of life, I'll be honest, I did not see anything, please ..."


Elder Han ignored her and killed him with a single palm. The power of the martial artist shattered her bones, the internal organs, and even her brain, and she could not die anymore.

Eradicate one and kill the other. Elder Han gave a deep gift to the host of Chiyangmen: "It was his subordinates who failed to find out the truth. Please take charge of it."

Chiyangmen said lightly: "Fortunately, Elder Han is very decent, and did not immediately dispose of Ye Ming. This punishment is not necessary. However, you have been concentrating on operating the Law Enforcement Hall over the years and have delayed a lot of practice time. Let Gongsun Yan take charge first. You take a break. "

"Thank you, Master, for your care, and my subordinates are grateful." Elder Han looked as usual.

At last, his eyes fell on Su Lan again, and smiled: "I didn't expect that two geniuses came to me at Chiyangmen this year. Su Lan, I gave Ye Ming a token, and you can use it too."

Su Lan quickly thanked her, but she didn't know what the token was yet.

Finally, the host of Chiyangmen asked Sun Guang with a smile: "Elder Sun, do you want to accept this disciple?"

Sun Guang hurriedly said, "The head is joking. There are a lot of disciples around me who ca n't be taught. How can they still accept the disciples? It 's the head that has never officially received the disciples. Congrats. "

Chiyangmen said: "In this case, I will not be polite with Elder Sun." He told Su Lan, "Would you like to worship me as a teacher?"

Su Lan froze? Isn't it Ye Ming? How did you become yourself? He looked at Ye Ming, who gave her an encouraging look.

"The disciple ca n't wait for it, thank you Master!" He knelt down after speaking.

Everyone stayed for a while, how did it happen? Isn't the head of the team going to collect Ye Ming? How did it become Su Lan?

Even Fu Biao and Ye Ming didn't understand. The host of Chiyangmen raised Su Lan and said with a smile, "Yes, yes, you are the first disciple of the teacher, so you must give a gift of meeting. It was originally intended to give you a space weapon. Just send something else. "

As he said, he took out a contribution card from his arms and laughed: "This is a contribution point that I have accumulated when I was a teacher or an inner disciple, and it has been useless. I remember, there seemed to be more than 3 million points. You use it first. You've run out of it, for the teacher. "

Ye Ming's eyes widened, okay! More than three million points! At least it is equivalent to four thousand Wujun coins. The head is indeed the head!

More than Ye Ming, even several of Sun Guang's hearts were beating, they suddenly remembered, when the head was young, but the fifth genius in Qianlong list! These contribution points are exactly what he earned in that year!

Su Lan was stunned, and the good things that fell from the sky made her overwhelmed and took the contribution card subconsciously.

The host of the Chiyang Gate smiled and said, "Remember, the name of the teacher is Zhong Shenxiu. Alright, let's step down first, and then officially teach you after you leave the teacher."

Elder Han and others also retreated, leaving Ye Ming alone. Facing the boss alone, it made him a little nervous.

"Are you strange, why did I waste so much energy, but confiscated you as an apprentice?" Chiyang Xiu Zhong Zhongxiu asked with a smile.

Ye Ming told the truth: "I don't know."

Zhong Shenxiu smiled: "It's not that I don't want your disciple, but there is an unreasonable person who has to grab an apprentice from me, but I can't rob him. Fortunately, Su Lan's qualifications should not be under you, I'm Nor do they suffer. "

Ye Ming stunned, grab the disciples with the head? Who?

"Speak less of Laozi's bad words!" A tall figure suddenly appeared in front of Ye Ming, as if it appeared out of thin air.

As soon as this person came out, Ye Ming felt a horrible pressure, more powerful than the pressure of Zhong Shenxiu, such as mountains and seas, and mountains and lakes. They were unfathomable and unattainable.

"Master, this person is Wu Zong, and is the superior Wu Zong." Bei Ming reminded.

Seeing Ye Ming's shocked expression, the tall figure seemed very satisfied. "Haha" laughed and said, "Good disciple, please call Master to listen."

Ye Ming was speechless for a while, and said in his heart that I recognize you as a master? He looked at the master of the Chiyang Gate, who showed a hint of helplessness, and introduced Ye Ming: "Ye Ming, this is my elder brother, Gao Fengxian. The elder brother later worshiped the Yin and Yang religion, and now he is an inside elder there. Of course Yes, my brother is also one of the elders of Chiyangmen. "

Ye Ming increasingly felt that the Chiyangmen Gate was unpredictable, and it seemed that the millennium accumulation was extraordinary, not what it was seen on the surface. What's left under the surface is absolutely invisible to outsiders.

Gao Fengxian's skeleton is extremely large, two meters away, like a humanoid beast, with imposing fierce momentum. However, his face was very handsome, and he looked even younger than Zhong Shenxiu. At this time, his face was full of smiles.

Ye Ming knew that the other party was waiting for him to be called Master, okay, this master should be fierce, and worshipping under his door shouldn't suffer? He immediately went to worship: "Ye Ming sees Master."

Gao Fengxian laughed and patted Ye Ming softly. This almost didn't let Ye Ming get down, he was surprised to see the strength of the other party.

"Well, for the teacher, I didn't expect to accept apprentices in the Yan Kingdom, and I didn't plan to meet. You can use this first." Then, give Ye Ming a storage treasure bag. Ye Ming took a look, good guy, he remembered that Duobaolou had sold such a treasure bag worth more than 700 Wujun coins, and just gave it to himself?

He didn't have time to see what's in the treasure bag. Gao Fengxian hastily said, "Master, help me look at this boy. For the brother who just received the letter, he must follow the traitors of the Yinyang religion. We will see you later." To Ye Ming said, "Good disciple, practice with your master and uncle, if you do n't become a samurai, look back, I'll pack you up."

After speaking, Gao Fengxian's figure flickered, and people disappeared.

Ye Ming was speechless for a while. This Master came fast, went faster, and left a fart job, too irresponsible?

Zhong Shenxiu smiled and said, "Ye Ming, you are very lucky. My brother and I haven't seen each other for ten years before he came. He met Fu Biao and came to me and told you something. My brother has never looked down on me. Disciple, but after he heard of you, he immediately fell in love and asked me to give you to him. "

Ye Ming said, "Uncle Master, is it appropriate for Master to worship me as a disciple since he has worshiped the Yin-Yang religion?" In his view, there should be a portal view among the schools, and it should not be so casual.

Zhong Shenxiu laughed: "It is really not appropriate if it is between sects and sects. However, the great religions of all parties have a history of 10,000 years and their accumulation is extremely magnificent. They are not comparable to sects. Most sects are willing to develop for themselves. Establish a relationship with the religion. The easiest way is to let the elite in your door worship the religion. "

"At that time, your master worshiped the yin and yang religion only when he was in charge of the predecessor. You also saw the benefits. In the future, if the chiyang gate encounters a major disaster, your master can mobilize the power of yin and yang religion Rescue. In fact, not only the Chiyang sect, but also many sects. Some great religions also sent their disciples to study in the nine holy places, five colleges, and even the four gods. "Zhong Shenxiu explained patiently.

Ye Ming suddenly realized, saying: "Master can worship the Yin and Yang religion, it is amazing!"

"Your Master's qualifications are far above me, otherwise the person who worships the yin and yang religion will be me, and you will know later. At that time, he was the first in the Qianlong list, and I was the fifth. At that time, she was afraid to shoot Yangzong. Oh, now I want to come, as if it happened yesterday. "Zhong Shenxiu waved his hand," Okay, you go back. You worship, do n't tell anyone, know ?"

Ye Ming quickly said, "Yes, the disciples understand."

As soon as he left the Presbyterian Hall, Ye Ming couldn't wait to return to the inner court, and then checked what was in the treasure bag. Just listening to the "wow," two books and a bunch of runes fell down, and there were still a few thin pieces of yellow paper.

He first read the book, which is a method of martial arts and a martial art. The method of martial arts is "Yin Yang Zhi Sheng Gong" and the martial arts is "Lianyi sword method". He immediately asked: "Beijing, how about this martial art?"

Beimingdao: "The master of the master should have a strong position in the teaching of Yin and Yang." Yin Yang Zhi Sheng Gong "and" Liang Yi Sword Technique "are both teachings of Yin and Yang, and only true core disciples are qualified to practice. . "

Ye Ming smiled suddenly and said, "It's the best, Master Niu, the apprentice is better off."