
[I Am No Weakling] Martial Art Reigns

Step into a different world full of Cultivation and Adventure made up of extraordinary things such as strong Cultivators, magic, beasts, ancient beasts as well as magic weapons and relics. A world governed by the strongest. In the Continent of Tianyuan, those with great abilities can move the mountains and the seas, tear the sky with a single punch and smash the earth with one foot! Ye Ming, a boy born out of an ordinary family, seeks revenge for the death of his parents. He constantly strives to strengthen himself and acquire great strength. Under these circumstances, he obtained the “Divine Treasure Cloak,” took the ‘Divine Foundation Building Pill,’ and studied the ‘Arts of repairing Meridians.’ With sincerity and ambition, he bravely forge ahead. On his path when seeking for strength and revenge, he finds love and make formidable friends that will help him achieve his goals. and whoever blocking his path and stopping him from reaching the peak of the martial arts cultivation will be destroyed with no mercy! The immortal Imperial Dynasties, the Great Religion of the ages, the gigantic demons of the Great Desolation, the hands of the Divine Devil, in the face of these deities that fill the whole sky, he has nothing to fear, *my life is not in the hands of the heavens!*

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197 Chs

Chapter 40: Goodbye pearl

"Does Ye Ming know about this?"

"Of course, he knows that the scandal came out of him. The Ye family heard it on the day the Ye family hit the stage."

Matt nodded and no longer asked, he had already figured it out.

That night, when the night was quiet, several brothers of Ye Wansheng were drinking. Ye Wansheng's complexion was not very good-looking. He seemed to be experiencing some annoyance. The wine glass came to his mouth and stopped. He asked, "Wan Zhong, what's wrong with the Blood Clothing Tower?"

Ye Wanzhong said, "Big brother, rest assured that the Blood Clothing Tower has already taken over the task, but it costs a lot, and it requires a thousand and two spirit stones."

Ye Wansheng had a painful body, Ye family was a small force, and the one thousand two-spirit stone was struggling to take it. He sighed and said, "It's good to pick it up. I've been to the Huang family, but the Huang family doesn't seem to care much. After all The Huang family is a large family of Maple Leaf City. There are also many children in Chiyangmen. It seems that they have heard some wind and will not take measures against Ye Ming. However, as Ye Ming's strength increases, the Huang family will definitely sit Can't live. "

Ye Wanzhong resentfully said, "Hmm! There is a son of Saint, our Ye family will soon become the family of the Huang family, and they will wait and see!"

Ye Wansheng nodded slowly and said, "Hope it can. I am most worried now that Ye Ming's small animal grows too fast. The Chiyang messenger of the day clearly targeted him, but he was forcibly defeated by him. That kind of potential, really It's scary. "

As soon as the Ye family was working, they sighed in annoyance and couldn't help asking themselves, why did they use Ye Hui to commit sin? Why not find someone similar to Ye Zihui's back? In that case, Ye Ming is now the genius of the Ye family! They will also benefit.

Unfortunately, history cannot assume that they can only regret and hate it.

Outside the window, Matte quietly left, and with the strength of the Ye family, she never realized he had been there.

"Ye Ming must report to kill his father and his mother. I still don't want to get involved." After much thought, Matte decided not to take any action. He already knew two things. First, the Ye family was working against Ye Ming. Second, the Chiyang messengers who went to Ye's house were also hostile to Ye Ming.

"A group of things that don't know how to live or die, it's not bad to give them hands to Ye Ming." Ma Tai said intently, and then left Shanshui Town overnight. Ye Ming's situation has been figured out, he need not stay.

Maple Leaf City, Ming Family.

When he came to the house of Ming Family, Ye Ming saw two big stone lions standing in front of the gate, which was very prestigious. The door of Zhu Qi was bright, and four powerful doormen of Kong Wu stood on both sides. It can be seen that the Ming family should be a big family in Maple City.

When the brothers and sisters of the Ming family broke up, the other party left their address, and Ye Ming soon found the place. He doesn't have many friends, and the Ming family is one of them. This time, he deliberately went to tell the story.

When Menzi saw a visitor, he went to pass immediately. A moment later, Mingtai and Mingzhu greeted side by side. The former had a bandage on his arm and laughed from a distance: "Brother Ye, I didn't expect you to come, I'm so happy!"

Ye Ming was originally smiling, but when he saw Mingtai's injury, he quickly asked: "Brother Ming, what's wrong with you?"

Mingtai smiled reluctantly, and said, "Nothing. I was slightly injured by competing with others." Then he looked at Chen Xing, "Brother, is this?"

"Oh, he is my elder brother Chen Xing. We went to Wangdu to play together, so we came together." Ye Ming introduced.

Mingtai said happily: "It was also a friend of Chiyangmen, Ming is not welcome, please come in!"

After entering the courtyard two times, Ye Ming was invited to take a seat in a hall. This made him feel a little weird. According to the reason, he should enter hospitals in the first courtyard, and the third courtyard is generally used by his family. What made him even more puzzled was that Mingtai hurriedly left after a few words.

Chen Xing's face was a little unpleasant. They were also guests, but the brothers and sisters of Ming family were obviously not so enthusiastic. But Ye Ming didn't speak, so he didn't squeak.

Ye Ming looked at Mingzhu and said, "Sister Ming, although we haven't known each other for a long time, we have killed the pirates together. It's a life-and-death relationship, right? You tell me, what happened? What did Ming brother do? "

Mingzhu listened, and suddenly her eyes were red and she cried. "Brother, I don't hide it. My Ming family is in big trouble. A group of people are waiting in the courtyard. My brother is going to entertain them."

"Sister Ming, what happened, slowly say that the brothers can help, they must do their best. If they can't help, they can think of a way for you and come up with an idea." Ye Ming said calmly, Wen Sheng said.

Chen Xing also said, "My brother-in-law said, Miss Ming just talk."

Mingzhu sighed softly, and she said the cause and effect. It turned out that the brothers and sisters of the Ming family took a trip to transport medicines some time ago. The owner was the Tu family in Maple City. When the brothers and sisters of the Ming family sent the medicinal herbs to their destination, the people who checked the goods said that the goods had been changed.

Brothers and sisters of the Ming family remembered clearly that they were transporting gold and silver grass, but the receiver did not say that it should have been star grass. Star grass is more than five times more valuable than honeysuckle. A boat of star grass, worth ten thousand two-level spirit stone.

The Tu family identified the Ming family as a patron, and the Ming family refused to acknowledge it. They insisted that the original shipment was gold and silver grass. The two sides were deadlocked, and finally the Tu family took the lead in sending out an attack. They sent a master to injure Mingtai and threatened that if the Ming family did not compensate them for their losses, the Tu family would settle the Ming family.

Today, the Tu family is still waiting in the front yard. If the Ming family does not give a clear answer today, the Tu family will take further action.

Ye Ming heard the process, and frowned, "Everyone with a good eye knows that the Tu family is blackmailing you."

Chen Xing also said: "If my expectations are not bad, the power of your Ming family should be far worse than the Tu family, otherwise the other party will not be so aggressive."

Mingzhu smiled bitterly: "Although our Tu family is a big family, there is still a big gap compared to the Tu family. Moreover, the Tu family has an in-laws with the Huang family, one of the three major families in Maple City, and it is not something we can provoke."

Ye Ming touched his chin and said, "There is no truth in this matter. The Tu family is trying to ridicule you. It is useless to talk to them. There is only one way to solve this problem. It is Ming family. The fist is harder than Tu. "

Ming Zhu shook her head again and again: "The Tu family has a samurai sitting there. Where is my Ming family comparable, we are not opponents at all."

After a moment of silence, Ye Ming asked again, "Sister Ming, do you have the ability to pay the ten thousand amphibious stones now?"

Mingzhu frowned: "Yes, yes, but once the Tu family is given, we will not have much working capital."

Ye Ming said: "It's okay, give them first, leave the rest to me." Then he stood up and deliberately loudly, "Then I won't bother, and I'll pay a visit when you are busy with this."

Mingzhu didn't know what medicine was sold in Ye Ming's stomach, so he had to send him out. Ye Ming didn't even wait for Mingtai to show up, so he pulled Chen Xing away.

When people came out, Chen Xing asked, "Master, what do you want to do? This bureau can't be broken at all, we are not good at intervening."

Ye Ming said: "That's why I left the Ming family and helped them secretly. Isn't the Tu family embarrassing? He doesn't make sense, so let's not make sense."

"What does Brother Shi mean?" Chen Xing asked. .

"It's very simple, bet!" Ye Ming sneered, "It's a coincidence that I happen to know a surnamed Tu, and the other party likes to bet."

It turned out that Ye Ming suddenly remembered that he was cheated into a casino by an iron dog when he was in Maple Leaf last time. At that time, there was a young man with a surname of Tu on the gambling table. The other side lost a lot that day. It can be seen that the person should be a frequent visitor. In this case, as long as he waits outside the casino for a few days, he will be able to wait for his appearance.

Chen Xing disagreed with Ye Ming's practice of guarding the rabbits, but he had no other choice but to agree. So they rented a house just opposite the casino. Ye Ming secretly ordered Bei Ming to let him stare, and notify him as soon as possible.


In the rented courtyard, Ye Ming turned into a phantom, constantly shaking in Teng Nao, blowing a gust of wind. But it didn't take long for him to stop, his face was red, his heartbeat accelerated, and his heart seemed to explode when he walked. It turned out that he was testing the limits of instantaneous steps.

"My current limit is that if I perform twenty instant steps in one breath, I should still be able to improve." He said to himself, after a quarter of an hour break, he started practicing twice.

Once Ye Ming cultivated, he didn't look at the time at all, and the sky was bright before he knew it. He also made great progress. After a day of training, the golden blood exploded into the blood vessels of the whole body explosively. In this way, the release of the golden light in Jiuzhuan Jidan was accelerated, and it was improved by dozens of times at once! The blood vessels, muscles, bones, and internal organs of his whole body are metamorphosing and sublimating.

When he completed the last instant step, he was already able to walk twenty-three in one breath, a huge improvement!

"After Longjin's snowfall, the improvement of light power is really great. My instant step has made a rapid progress." Ye Ming was very satisfied with the result.

Unconsciously, two days passed and Chen Xing was not idle. He practiced meditation every day. But at noon on that day, Bei Ming suddenly said, "Master, that person appeared."

Ye Ming opened his eyes immediately: "Brother is waiting for me here, I will come and go."

Chen Xing nodded: "Teacher beware."

When Ye Ming came to that courtyard, he just saw the young man named Tu. The young man surnamed Tu was followed by another young man, full of arrogance and an air of air. Ye Ming immediately arched his hand from a distance: "Brother Tu, did you come to play today?"

As soon as the young man with the surname Tu was surprised, he looked at Ye Ming up and down, but he didn't recognize it. However, people who often come out to play will inevitably encounter this situation, so they also arched their hands: "Yeah, brothers come to play too?"

Ye Ming nodded: "Since coming together, let's go in together."

The young man named Tu had no objection, so the three of them went into the courtyard together. As last time, someone came out to greet them and then introduced them to the casino.

As soon as Ye Ming appeared, he was noticed by the casino. Casino owner Zhou Hua actually came out to greet him with a smile: "Brother Huang, Brother Tu, Brother Ye, come together?"

Seeing that Zhou Hualong also knew Ye Ming, Brother Tu laughed and said, "Yes, come together."

Zhou Hualong glanced at Ye Ming and said, "Since this is the case, I will accompany the three myself." Then he beckoned, and immediately someone put an extra gambling table.

Ye Ming felt that Zhou Hualong should watch out for him. But it doesn't matter, this time he came only for the surname Tu, so that Zhou Hualong could eat meat together.