
[I Am No Weakling] Martial Art Reigns

Step into a different world full of Cultivation and Adventure made up of extraordinary things such as strong Cultivators, magic, beasts, ancient beasts as well as magic weapons and relics. A world governed by the strongest. In the Continent of Tianyuan, those with great abilities can move the mountains and the seas, tear the sky with a single punch and smash the earth with one foot! Ye Ming, a boy born out of an ordinary family, seeks revenge for the death of his parents. He constantly strives to strengthen himself and acquire great strength. Under these circumstances, he obtained the “Divine Treasure Cloak,” took the ‘Divine Foundation Building Pill,’ and studied the ‘Arts of repairing Meridians.’ With sincerity and ambition, he bravely forge ahead. On his path when seeking for strength and revenge, he finds love and make formidable friends that will help him achieve his goals. and whoever blocking his path and stopping him from reaching the peak of the martial arts cultivation will be destroyed with no mercy! The immortal Imperial Dynasties, the Great Religion of the ages, the gigantic demons of the Great Desolation, the hands of the Divine Devil, in the face of these deities that fill the whole sky, he has nothing to fear, *my life is not in the hands of the heavens!*

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197 Chs

Chapter 38: Hiccup

One day, two days, three days.

With three days left to challenge Zhou Mang, Ye Ming finally mastered the third step. And because he practiced the third step of the instant step, his first and second steps reached Xiaocheng one after another! Nowadays the three instant steps are used together, even Chen Xing cannot see his shadow.

"Instantaneous steps are enough. In the remaining three days, I will practice the first three styles of Liuyun Sanshou, and practice to Xiaocheng!" Ye Ming set a plan for himself.

Three days later, Ye Ming walked out of the courtyard. He changed into a new dress, washed his face, and brushed his hair. Today is his day to challenge Zhou Kuang. He feels that Su Lan may go to watch the war, and it is necessary to maintain a bit of image. In the last three days of cultivation, he has already spread Liu Yun's first three exercises to Xiaocheng.

The six-strength bone refining of the warrior, Xiaocheng in short steps, Xiaocheng in Liuyun Sanshou, coupled with Jiulonglang's giant wave fist, he has 100% certainty and easily defeated Zhou Kuang!

Huantai is not far from the outer hall. It is an area delineated by Chiyangmen, dedicated to the challenge of Huantai competition. There are a total of twelve dais here, and when it is busy, there are people on each dai to accept the challenge. However, it seems that only Ye Ming and Zhou Kuang use the platform today.

When he came to the Ninth Platform, he was taken aback by the dark crowd.

"Are all outside students here?" He stunned.

At this time, thousands of eyes were shooting at Ye Ming, as if looking at a dead man. In the eyes of most people, he is a newcomer who dare to challenge the tenth weekly fanatic on the outside list.

"Hehe, this newcomer really dares to come! Alas, as soon as I started, I challenged the tenth place on the outside list. It is indeed a stupid pink newcomer!" Some people did not like Ye Ming and shook his head again and again.

"I heard a disciple named Ye from the outside said that this Ye Ming was very fierce in his hometown. Uncle Ye killed his brother. He did nothing wrong. Hey, it's a world-famous thing. This scum also paid homage to our Chiyangmen."

"An outsider who is exempt from the test. He is doing nothing like this. Let's watch the show. I bet he can't support three tricks under Zhou Kuang's hands."

Undoubtedly, most people are not optimistic about Ye Ming.

On the contrary, when Zhou Mang and Zhou Ba appeared, the crowd immediately burst into numerous applause.

"Zhou Kuang, play the newcomer! Don't let him die too fast!" Some even shouted maliciously, seemingly more excited than Zhou Kuang.

Zhou Kuang waved his hands proudly at everyone, and looked like he was holding a winning ticket. The Zhou Ba behind him was even more ostentatious, shaking his hands vigorously and loudly: "My brother will win! Ye Ming, you just wait to die!"

Ye Ming came to the ring, Chen Xing greeted him and whispered, "A lot of people bet on the outer door and the inner door, and 90% of you bet you lose."

When Ye Ming heard someone bet he lost, he suddenly thought of something, saying, "Brother, do me a favor. How many points do you contribute?"

Chen Xing: "More than 15,000, what's wrong?"

"Brother put your fifteen thousand points, and my three thousand contribution points, all betting me to win. In addition, I will give you another one thousand and two spirit stones, four Wujun coins, all betting me Victory, "Ye Ming said," if you make money, everyone makes a fortune together. "

Chen Xing shook him severely: "What? You bet so much?"

Ye Ming looked at him: "Brother, do you believe me?"

Chen Xing nodded vigorously: "Master, you are a real genius. I don't believe who you believe?"

"Let me hear the letter! This time, our brothers earn a fortune!" Ye Ming said fiercely.

Chen Xing went to make a bet, and Ye Ming stepped onto the ring. He glanced down, and found that in the corner, several elders such as Fu Biao were also there, all staring at the dais with scorching eyes, and there seemed to be hope in his eyes. In the other corner, he finally saw the person he wanted to see most, Su Lan.

Compared with yelling others, Su Lan just looked at him quietly, but in her eyes there was a silent encouragement.

Of course, Ye Ming also saw a few people who did not want to see it, the original Chiyang used Huang Yuandou and Zuo Qian, and Wu Hanyu, who had ordered a doll with him. They were all staring at the ring, and they seemed to want to know today's results.

In addition, there are several outside doors of the Ye family, and they all look at Ye Ming with complex expressions. A few days ago, Ye Zhenjiang took four Ye family children to prepare to get rid of him before he officially entered Chiyangmen. But it turned out that all five of the Ye family, together with a miscellaneous disciple, had died of their lives, and their bodies had been beaten up.

The Ye family did not participate in it at first, but it was not that they did not want to participate, but that Ye Zhenjiang felt that five people were enough, and too many people would be inconvenient. After thinking about it, they were all shocked and felt really lucky, thanks to not participating, otherwise they would be dead!

Now they see Ye Ming, who is also the Ye family, dare to challenge the tenth master of the outside door. They are very contradictory in their hearts. They hope that Ye Ming will be killed to eliminate the future problems for the Ye family. I also hope he can win and give Ye family a long face.

Zhou Kuang only enjoyed the cheers of his disciples. Ye Ming was the first one to board the platform without any attention. He was very upset. He immediately flew up and crossed the distance of tens of meters. Smashed on the ring, the dust was flying, and the momentum was brave.

"Okay!" There was another cheer from the audience.

Zhou Kuang smiled proudly. He held his head high and wanted to look down at Ye Ming. Unfortunately, his height is not dominant and he can look up at most.

"Boy! You are a newcomer who just dared to challenge me. I am so daring! I am stupid! Today, in front of all the disciples, I interrupt your limbs, abolish your meridians and dig Go to your eyes and let you die as soon as possible! "Zhou Kuang expresses a stunned expression. He has always been cruel to those who dare to challenge him. Someone challenged him at the beginning, but the end was extremely miserable.

Speaking of Ye Ming, Zhou Kuang can say "three major hates" to him. First of all, Zhou Ba's two younger brothers were killed by Ye Ming, which made him very shameless. The second is that the kid who didn't know the heights and heights dared to challenge him. He felt the majesty was insulted. There is a third point. He was about to attack Ye Ming that day and was beaten by Chen Xing.

Ye Ming looked calm, he said lightly: "Zhou Kuang, really crazy! The reason why I challenge you today, for no other reason, your brother called Zhou Ba is stupid and arrogant. He threatened me and said, if If I don't kneel down and lick his toes, he will let you kill me. "

"Ah, there is nothing I can do. I don't want to lick other people's toes or be killed by others. I want to go. Since Zhou Ba's reliance is on you, then I challenge you. When I take your place Shouldn't he be arrogant again? "Ye Ming calmly said the cause and effect of the challenge to Zhou Kuang.

As soon as the people on the stage heard this, they understood. As an outsider disciple, few people don't know the arrogance of Zhou Ba. No wonder this Ye Ming wants to challenge Zhou Kuang, because of such a reason. Many people suddenly had a little admiration and sympathy for Ye Ming.

Zhou Ba, who was on the stage, was so proud of himself, he shouted to Ye Ming, "boy, it's too late to lick my toes now, no one can save you!"

Ye Ming glanced down at him and said lightly, "Zhou Ba, you have to remember that you killed your brother."

Zhou Ba froze, and then exclaimed angrily, "Brother, pull his tongue first!"

Zhou Kuang grinned, his red tongue licked his lower lip, and he said in a vulgar voice: "Boy, your mouth is useless if it's so powerful, and I can't save you!"

"There is so much nonsense, let's do it." Ye Ming said with a look of coldness.

Zhou Kuang raised a layer of white vitality, half a finger thick, as if a layer of white flame enveloped him. Seeing this scene, many outside students in the audience exclaimed: "It's amazing to let our energy go out!"

"Ye Ming, you succeeded in angering me, and bear my anger below!" He stepped forward, pulled his bow, and rushed to Ye Ming in one fell swoop. What he performed was a set of eight martial arts skills in Chiyangmen, called the three quarters. Three bursts of punches can emit three layers of bursting vitality waves, which is very powerful.

Ye Ming responded quickly, and immediately a "jump shot on the shore" of Wu Zhonglang was sealed. The two palms collided, and the three overbearing spirits on the opposite side cascaded back and forth.

Five-time giant wave punched three quarters, and Ye Ming's first three waves successfully eliminated Zhou Kuang's three quarters. And the remaining two waves continued to relentlessly bombard the past.

Zhou Kuang felt that Ye Ming actually had more energy, and his face suddenly changed, and he had to step back quickly.

He retreated quickly and escaped from Ye Ming's attack. As he was about to breathe a sigh of relief, Ye Ming snorted suddenly, stepped on his feet for a short time, and once again approached Zhou Kuang. This time, he bombarded him with a ninefold wave.

His speed was too fast, Zhou Kuang couldn't avoid it completely, and at a critical moment, he yelled, and suddenly a layer of weird and arrogant strength suddenly emerged from his body, dispersing Ye Ming's ninefold vitality in one fell swoop.

"Silk! You see, Zhou Kuang is actually a tenacious concentration of the warrior!" The people on the stage exclaimed.

"This Ye Ming is so powerful, he actually drove Zhou Kuang to spur Yuan Jin. You must know that Yuan Jin at the samurai level is not perfect, it cannot be sustained when it is displayed, and it will not be easy to use until it is dangerous." Another said.

"Boy, there are two sons! Unfortunately, it's useless. I'm already a tenth-ranked martial arts player, and I've got Yuan Jin. In front of Yuan Jin, no matter how strong I am, I'm a chicken and dog, go to death!

Zhou Kuang was like a raging beast, splitting the air flow, slamming Ye Ming like lightning, punching his fists up and attacking Ye Ming. The momentum of this punch seems to be connected to the earth, indestructible and extremely stable.

"Look! Zhou Kuang will show his killing trick!" Many people shouted excitedly, "Ye Ming is finished."

His voice didn't fall, a loud noise was heard above the ring, and a deep pit was hit on the ground. But Ye Ming was unscathed. I don't know when he stood behind Zhou Kuang, his eyes were cold and his face was expressionless. At the very beginning, he performed the third step of the instant step and flashed behind the opponent.

Everyone in the audience saw the scores, they reacted faster than Zhou Kuang, especially Zhou Ba immediately screamed, "Brother be careful!"

Zhou Kuang missed, and realized that it was not good, he rushed forward. But at this moment, Ye Ming kicked out fiercely, under the help of strength, Zhou Kuang flew a few meters on the spot, lying on the ground with a dog shit.

"I'm going to kill you!" Zhou was so mad and angry that he jumped up and turned towards Ye Ming like a tiger.