
[I Am No Weakling] Martial Art Reigns

Step into a different world full of Cultivation and Adventure made up of extraordinary things such as strong Cultivators, magic, beasts, ancient beasts as well as magic weapons and relics. A world governed by the strongest. In the Continent of Tianyuan, those with great abilities can move the mountains and the seas, tear the sky with a single punch and smash the earth with one foot! Ye Ming, a boy born out of an ordinary family, seeks revenge for the death of his parents. He constantly strives to strengthen himself and acquire great strength. Under these circumstances, he obtained the “Divine Treasure Cloak,” took the ‘Divine Foundation Building Pill,’ and studied the ‘Arts of repairing Meridians.’ With sincerity and ambition, he bravely forge ahead. On his path when seeking for strength and revenge, he finds love and make formidable friends that will help him achieve his goals. and whoever blocking his path and stopping him from reaching the peak of the martial arts cultivation will be destroyed with no mercy! The immortal Imperial Dynasties, the Great Religion of the ages, the gigantic demons of the Great Desolation, the hands of the Divine Devil, in the face of these deities that fill the whole sky, he has nothing to fear, *my life is not in the hands of the heavens!*

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197 Chs

Chapter 112: Sun Guang's Palace

"Is the Blue Dragon Code? Yes, what does Brother Ye want it to do?" Then he patted his head. "Yes, Brother Ye is now catching the head, naturally it is necessary to understand the law. But ordinary patrols will not look at this. . The law is what it looks like. Who will obey it? "

Ye Ming said: "Although a person with a hard fist is justified, but as a patrol leader, I must know the law and understand the law, otherwise why do I convince people?"

Zhou Hao nodded, asking someone to bring up a thick big book, writing the four characters of the Qinglong Code, revealing a few words of majesty.

Ye Ming hastily ate and began to look at the Qinglong Code. At this point, he couldn't help frowning, because he found that the content of the code was very detailed, such as no matter whether the strength or status, high or low, must not kill people for no reason, otherwise they would lose their lives. For another example, family and martial arts disciples will also be severely punished if they violate common people.

But he knew that no one in the world obeyed these laws. Strong people dare to kill others casually, and no one holds them accountable. These codes are like empty papers in the world, and few people obey them.

Bei Ming said: "The master, the emergence of the Blue Dragon Code was the lesson of the Qing Dynasty when it learned the demise of the Five Elements. At the beginning of the dynasty, it was prepared to establish the country by law. However, few people followed the code and it was almost forgotten by the world."

Ye Ming turned around page by page, writing down every word in the code in his mind. He doesn't care if others obey or not. He is the patrol leader of Yan County and Jiupin Tianhun. Whoever commits the crime will be punished according to law!

As soon as this idea moved, he felt that the merit monument shook a bit, and it seemed to be clearer and firmer. He couldn't help but think that the so-called lifted head has a deity, and that he knows it, that's about it.

During a meal, Ye Ming remembered the Qinglong Code. Zhou Hao was boring by himself, and said, "Brother Ye, can I take you out in the afternoon?"

Ye Ming shook his head: "Forget it, let me have time to say it again, I have something to do." He stood up after speaking, and left.

Zhou Hao did not force him, and reluctantly sent him away.

Ye Ming came out of the county guard house and went directly to Duobaolou. If he wants to train his momentum, he must perform the magic act, which will consume a lot of spirits, and he will buy some now.

When he came to Duobaolou, Ye Ming asked the price of Divine Soul Pill. Each of the three hundred and fifty Wujun coins, he thought about it and took out all the Wujun coins on his teeth. At a discounted price, I bought two hundred twenty-two soul spirits. This time he not only spent nearly 50,000 Wujun coins, but also spent Wuzun coins and spirit stones.

After receiving Shen Dan, Ye Ming understood why Bei Ming said that the cost of the samurai stage was greater. At this moment he couldn't help but ask: "Beijing, at the martial arts stage, wouldn't my expenses be more scary?"

Bei Ming: "Yes, the genius must not only have talent, but also resources. If the owner is a god, these resources are naturally easy to obtain. Unfortunately, the owner is not, so he can only buy it by himself."

After buying Shenhun Dan, Ye Ming took the flying sedan to return to Chiyangmen. Chiyangmen has been very busy recently. The disciples and elders of Zixumen, Fengleimen, Miaoshuzong and Xizong often come to visit.

Ye Ming returned to the other hospital, but did not see Su Lan. He asked the prostitute disciple, saying that Su Lan had been called by the head, and had not returned for three days. He was curious and wondered what happened, so he asked Chen Xing.

Chen Xing was practicing in the hospital. When he saw Ye Ming, he quickly said, "Ye Ming, you're finally back." Then he pointed to the backyard. Settle out. "

It turned out that Ye Xiaobao and others came to Ye Ming for help last time, and Ye Ming kept them and stayed here temporarily.

Ye Ming nodded: "I will deal with it. Brother, do you know what the head asked Su Lan to do?"

Chen Xing sighed: "Elder Sun Guang is back. He has received most of the elders' support. He wants to fight for the position with the head, and it is said that even the old lady has shaken.

Ye Ming was startled: "What? Where did Sun Guang come from? Why do the elders support him?"

Chen Xing smiled bitterly: "The water is deep inside. If you really want to know, ask Elder Fu."

Ye Ming frowned, Chiyangmen saw the situation was good, but this Sun Guang ran out to pick peaches, really not a kind man. However, he couldn't help this matter, so he could only rush. He came to the backyard and found that Ye Xiaobao was playing with stones on the ground, and a group of young and old were preparing meals.

Seeing Ye Ming, Ye Xiaobao immediately jumped up and asked loudly, "Brother Ye Ming, did you drive Ye Sheng away?"

Ye Ming didn't know how to answer. He was silent for a long time, and then sighed, saying, "Little treasure, go play first, I have something to tell your family."

Ye Xiaobao nodded, and ran obediently while playing. Several adults came out to greet Ye Ming. Although they begged Ye Ming, they were in awe of him in their hearts, and all bowed their heads.

Ye Ming told the truth, saying: "The Wu family and the Huang family joined forces to slaughter the Ye family, and now only a few of you are alive."

Several of them stayed for a while, and then they burst into tears. Only a few days later, the family was dead.

There is an old man, Ye Ming should call him Grandpa Six. He knelt down and even scratched his head, scratching his scalp, and wept, "Ye Ming, please avenge them!"

Ye Ming lifted him up and said, "Just rest assured, Huang Family, Wu Family, and Ye Zisheng, I will not let them go!"

In fact, the missions published on the merit tablet included the names of Wu and Huang's families and Ye Zisheng. They killed too many people, and even Haotian can perceive them and record their sins.

After waiting for a few people to cry, Ye Ming said, "I sent someone in a town under the mountain to buy some properties for you, and you will live there. There are not many people alive in the Ye family, so pass the salary on. . "

After a few people heard it, they thanked them in a row, naturally there was no reason to disagree. .

Ye Ming had no time to split up, so he found an outside disciple and let him do it. He is now in a very high position in the door. Outsiders have no chance to try to seduce him, and they are naturally willing to help.

After arranging a group of Ye Xiaobao, he went to see Fu Biao. Fu Biao was practicing martial arts. When he saw Ye Ming's visit, he called Ye Ming into the study.

Ye Ming asked: "Elder Fu, I heard that Sun Guang is fighting for the position of head. Why is this? Why did the head call Su Lan?"

Fu Biao signaled Ye Ming to sit down and gave him a glass of water first. Then he said, "Ye Ming, this is a long story. Sun Guang is much older than his head and Brother Gao Fengxian. He used to be the head of his position. The hot candidate is also the most talented disciple in the door. When Gao Fengxian was a disciple outside, he was already an elite disciple. "

"Sun Guang is good at drilling camps and buying people's hearts, and many people in the door are more optimistic about him. However, with the opening of the Linghe mystery, Brother Gao Fengxian and his head were born, and his light was covered up. Later, more It was a rapid advance, winning the ranking on the Qianlong list, and trembling the kingdom of Yan. Brother Gao finally relied on the Yin and Yang religion with his extraordinary qualifications and was accepted as a personal disciple by a highly respected elder elder from Yin and Yang.

"During the predecessor's fiat, the fierce competition between the chief and Sun Guang, and Sun Guang even once gained an advantage. But at a critical moment, Brother Gao appeared and supported the head with high profile. In this way, the elders considered Chiyang The door's attachment to the yin and yang religion eventually chose Zhong Shenxiu to head it. However, Sun Guang has been reconciled. He has been associating with external forces over the years, colluding with retired elders, and even the old lady valued him. This time by Yan Guo The royal battle, he wanted to make a comeback, forced the leader to give way. But the sky did not agree, Yan Guo became Yan Jun, his hard work before suddenly disappeared. This Sun Guang was also forced to rush , Simply battling openly for the position of head, and also said that if he could not achieve his goal, he would lead a senior elder to run away from Chiyangmen. Many elders who were willing to follow him accounted for half of our Chiyangmen. In case If he really runs away, the loss will be too great. It is not what we can afford. "

"Sun Guang is very ambitious. He not only wants to be in charge, but also wants to force him to surrender Su Lan to his disciple. He said that Su Lan's qualifications are very good, and only he is qualified to teach her. The boss naturally disagrees. The two sides are still deadlocked. "When speaking of this, Fu Biao was also angry." This Sun Guang is really nothing! Chiyangmen has a bright future, and he has to make such a decent thing. "

"Can the elders of Chiyangmen not see this? Do they have to support him?" Ye Ming was puzzled.

Fu Biao said: "Zhong's head is impartial and selfless, Sun Guang is biased, and some love to take advantage of small ones, naturally he is willing to support Sun Guang. Once Sun Guang becomes the head, they can gain greater benefits. You also see , Our Chiyangmen has great potential in the future. Following Sun Guang's words, they will get huge returns in the future. "

Ye Ming frowned: "Is there any way to cope?"

"It's difficult." Fu Biao sighed. "Sun Guang came prepared. Most retired elders and even elite disciples supported him. What's more troublesome is that his son returned and put pressure on Chiyangmen together."

"His son?" Ye Ming asked, "Who?"

Fu Biao said: "Sun Guang has a son, named Sun Bohu, who is only twenty years old this year, but he is already an inside disciple of Jianchi Holy Land and has a master martial arts practice. Some people say that he is a popular candidate to compete for the Son. Once he becomes a holy son, he is afraid that Sun Guang will become even more lawless. "

Having said that, he kept talking, but after thinking about it, he still said to Ye Ming: "Fu Biao wants to accept Su Lan as an apprentice, in fact, he wants to assign it to his son Sun Bohu."

Ye Mingteng stood up and sneered: "Want to dye Su Lan? Don't even think about it!" After that, he went straight to Chiyang Hall. Fu Biao stopped without stopping, but could only follow behind.

Halfway through the road, Ye Ming took a charm from the storage ring and entered the vitality and said loudly: "Master, your apprentice has been bullied!"

This is a musical note, Gao Fengxian left a lot, Ye Ming still reuse it.