
Chapter 202 - Dragon Race (8)

"Expelliarmus (Eks-peh-ree-ah-muhs)." Asterion heard a Chinese voice speak in English and a blue flash flew towards him extremely quickly.

[Note: according to the GPT chat, this is how a Chinese Asian speaks in English with a Chinese accent. If, for some reason or miracle, I have a Chinese reader, talk to me and I'll correct it right away].

Rebounding an Expelliarmus back at the Chinese witch, Asterion felt Ancalagon spin in the air, gracefully turning around and colliding head-on with the Chinese Fireball. The incessant shaking from the collision of both magical creatures didn't make his figure sway, the Patriarch of House Black was standing firmly in his cell in place without moving.

The red and gold dragon collided with the black dragon with reddish scales biting and clawing at each other in the air as they fought in the purest form of violence invented. Body against body!

Ancalagon opened his mouth and bit into the Chinese Fireball's neck, driving his teeth into the magical creature's scales and tearing a large chunk out of the beautiful red and gold dragon's neck.

The Chinese Fireball didn't let the attack go by itself, it opened its mouth and unleashed a dragon's deadliest weapon. The breath of fire in the shape of a fireball heated up the surroundings and flew towards Ancalagon.

The Black Dragon showed no fear and unleashed its own flames, jets of powerful and extremely destructive black flames.

Both flaming blasts collided in the air, scattering flames across the sky, but the victor proved victorious within a few seconds of collision. The black flames consumed the orange flames of the red dragon and engulfed the dragon and its rider without any mercy.

An animalistic cry sounded from the red dragon now burning in flames in the air.

As black sparks flew around him, Asterion watched the burning dragon and its rider with a calm gaze.

Suddenly, a large amount of water gathered and fell on top of the still burning dragon, extinguishing the fire almost immediately, revealing the figure of the dragon and his rider.

Asterion knew that if Ancalagon were an adult, it wouldn't be so easy to put out his flames; unfortunately, his little fifteen-meter dragon was less than a week old. He was still a child and needed time to grow to maturity.

Clicking his tongue, Asterion observed the rider of the Chinese Fireball, the young Asian woman had burns of varying degrees on her body, especially on the young Chinese woman's arms.

The dragon beneath the young Chinese woman was even more miserable than she herself, its red scales were blackened and melted, painful roars came from Ancalagon's torn throat.

The Chinese Fireball didn't look well at all and its flight stability was severely weakened, it was a miracle that the dragon was still able to fly in such conditions, where the wing membrane was full of holes and missing parts.

Asterion looked at the others and noticed that all three of them had their wands pointed at him; it was obvious that the three of them had saved the young woman from the Chinese team.

Ancalagon abruptly descended, dropping altitude suddenly while the enemy dragons quickly followed behind without any delay.

Asterion, although surprised by the dragon's movements, began to personally control the dragon while dodging the spells being cast at him.


An electric bolt of magical energy tore through the air with an electric sound and passed over Asterion, almost hitting him by a few meters. Obviously it wasn't so easy to hit a spell while riding a dragon when the target was also riding a dragon.

Asterion closed the dragon's wings and dived into freefall while slowing down, allowing the four dragons to pass him, leaving his enemies surprised by the sudden maneuver.

Patriarch Black narrowed his eyes as his hair fluttered violently in the extremely strong wind.

As they passed right by him, Asterion spread Ancalagon's wings again and was pulled back by the air current, but the wand in his hand moved precisely at the enemies' weakest link.

The young Chinese girl is injured along with the Chinese Fireball.


A red beam emerged from the tip of Asterion's wand and almost immediately hit the young woman with a loud, deafening bang.

What happens to the human body when a grenade is detonated near it? It basically destroys the body most of the time.

Fortunately for young Ling Zhang, Asterion had aimed at the dragon, not the knight himself, or the story would have been completely different from what happened the instant after the bomb hit the dragon.

Blood splashed into the air as a trill full of pain and agony sounded in the sky while the red dragon itself began to plunge towards the ground in an extremely tragic and sad scene.

Asterion swung his wand again and applied a levitation spell to the girl, preventing her from falling to her death when she came into contact with the ground.

But unlike the girl, the dragon fell to the ground, crashing into a sand dune and splashing the golden sands everywhere.

Asterion suddenly raised his head and a black dragon appeared before him, its glowing yellow eyes staring with a bestial fury without any sanity. A flame fifteen meters long gushed from the beast's mouth, an extremely hot flame that made the cold desert air warm up in mere moments.

Asterion just leaned back as he watched the flame pass about twenty feelings from his face. The intense heat turned the patriarch Black's naturally pale face slightly red.

At the same time, Asterion felt the Hungarian Horntail collide with Ancalagon violently, the two dragons becoming entangled in the air as a brutal and vicious fight unfolded with the purest violence imaginable.


Although the Hungarian Horntail was only nine meters long, the dragon was worthy of being the most dangerous dragon in the wizarding world, and told everyone that size did not make ability.

"RHUAGGRRRRR!!!" The Hungarian Horntail exchanged bites with Ancalagon while unleashing his flames directly onto the dragon's scales.

Ancalagon responded with his flames while using his powerful legs to leave a brutal tear in the dragon's chest.

The two flames mixed and clashed against each other, one tried to push the other away while trying to win the duel and it was Ancalagon who emerged victorious. The Hungarian Horntail's flame ran out and the dragon's mouth was flooded with black flames.

Asterion seized the moment and pointed his wand towards the rider of the Hungarian Horntail, who was the young Russian woman called Anastasia Romanova.

With a quick twist of his wrist, a blue spell emerged from the wand, hitting the young woman who was off balance and barely holding herself in the cell as both dragons fought.


Luckily for her, the dragon below her moved away slightly, but that movement was enough to knock Anastasia off Expelliarmus' collision course.

Just as Asterion was about to unleash another spell, his body was violently shaken again.

Another dragon had collided with Ancalagon and entered the brutal fray.

Asterion looked to his left and saw a fat green dragon, the dragon's golden horn resembling a bull embedded in Ancalagon's scales and flesh.

His rider was David Williams from the American team and the young man didn't look happy at all, on the contrary, his gaze showed anger and hatred towards Asterion,


It was the first time Ancalagon had been wounded in the fight and in his life, although it was a minor injury, he was still hurt. This completely irritated the huge black dragon with reddish scales.

Ancalagon, under Asterion's surprised eyes, ignored Hungarian Horntail and focused entirely on Romanian Longhorn. Ancalagon used his body to push Romanian Longhorn away and opened his mouth, biting cruelly into the neck of the green dragon with golden horns.

The black dragon bit down so hard that the Romanian Longhorn's one-third neck was torn straight off amid a painful trill from the green dragon. Vast quantities of blood fell from the sky and stained the sand dunes with dragon's blood.

Ancalagon didn't stop there, in the midst of the freefall, the black dragon forced the dragon onto its stomach as it fell and tore the dragon apart with the claws of its feet, first ripping off the green dragon's wing and then tearing another chunk out of the magical beast's neck with one bite.

The dragon cried out and struggled in the air. At that moment, the Romanian Longhorn's cell had broken because of Ancalagon's bite, which hit the ropes on the green dragon's neck.

David, his eyes filled with horror, began a free fall towards the ground.

Curiously enough, the speed at which you fall is not important and it doesn't even matter, what kills a person in free fall is the sudden stop.

Any sudden acceleration or deceleration is fatal. If an airplane accelerates too quickly, the pilots could pass out and if an airplane brakes suddenly, the passengers won't have a good day.

Fortunately for David, Asterion didn't want to be disqualified and cast a levitation spell on the young man, but unfortunately Romanian Longhorn had a different fate.

Due to the enormous loss of blood and the lack of a wing, when the dragon collided with the ground, it died at the same moment as the collision, killing the beautiful magical creature.


Author's thoughts:

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Next Chapter Second Volume: Chapter 202 - Dragon Race (8), Chapter 203 - Golden Path (1), Chapter 204 - Golden Path (2), Chapter 205 - Golden Path (3), Chapter 206 - Battle in Desert City (1), Chapter 207 - Battle in Desert City (2), Chapter 208 - On the Night of the Storm (1), Chapter 209 - On the Night of the Storm (2), Chapter 210 - On the Night of the Storm (3), Chapter 211 - On the Night of the Storm (4), Chapter 212 - On the Night of the Storm (5), Chapter 213 -At the Highest Point of Heaven (END Dragon Race), Chapter 214 - The Spark of Chaos (1), Chapter 215 - The Spark of Chaos (2), Chapter 216 - The Spark of Chaos (3), Chapter 217 - The Spark of Chaos (4), Chapter 218 - Ancient Artifact (1), Chapter 219 - Ancient Artifact (2).