
[HPxJJK] - Harry Potter and the Supremacy of Cursed Blood

After death, Adam found himself in a world where negative emotions spawned man-devouring monsters—a world governed by blood and power, where magic and horror intertwined in a complex struggle for supremacy. It was a world where evil and good clashed until a finale that promised to be apocalyptic.

MaliciousPrince · Anime & Comics
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160 Chs

Chapter 116 – Doubts (1)

Watching Ophelia practically bouncing with joy as she headed towards the girls' dormitory, Asterion narrowed his eyes and displayed a thoughtful expression.

Throughout the entire conversation he had with the girl, he had been looking for any sign of pretense or lies on her part. After all, she was Voldemort's daughter, a man who had raised her in secret, and he didn't want to risk being stabbed in the back when he least expected it.

Asterion had orchestrated Voldemort's own downfall; it would be poetically ironic if the daughter of the man he had killed did something similar to him. That was an experience he definitely did not want to have in his life.

But if Ophelia had been pretending to be someone else the whole time during their conversation, Asterion assumed she should have gone to the United States, where she would have made a great career as an actress. She would definitely win a golden Oscar statue.

Raising a hand to his forehead, Asterion couldn't help but think how things got more complicated when his family was involved. He couldn't simply kill Ophelia, not when she was possibly Bellatrix's daughter.

Although Asterion didn't doubt for a second that Bellatrix would agree to kill Ophelia if he ordered it. His cousin was a fanatic lunatic who placed him on a pedestal on the same level as God.

For a moment, Asterion felt a bit sorry for Ophelia. The girl didn't yet know that both her parents were, in a way, crazy in their own ways, especially her mother, who was completely insane.

Suddenly, Asterion's shadow rippled, and a small dog with hundreds of eyes emerged from it, jumping into his lap. It rubbed against him affectionately while looking at him with its many eyes.

A hint of amusement flashed in Asterion's eyes as he slowly petted his faithful companion.

Holding Baskerville in his arms, Asterion rose from his seat and headed towards the boys' dormitory. He needed a drink to relax a bit.


In his room, Asterion was shirtless, sitting in his armchair, holding a glass of whiskey with ice. Curiously, he didn't like magical drinks full of bubbles and too much sparkle. He preferred Muggle alcoholic beverages; they were not only tastier but also much easier to obtain.

Baskerville lay next to the armchair, its hundreds of eyes roaming the room, ready to ensure its master's safety at any moment.

Suddenly, the door to the room opened, and Daphne entered, dressed in classic Slytherin attire: a green skirt, a white blouse with the Slytherin crest, and a green tie.

Technically, the doors to all the rooms at Hogwarts were magically protected with powerful spells; only the owners had permission to open and close them, something Asterion had given to Daphne.

Seeing her fiancé shirtless and drinking slowly in the armchair, Daphne's eyes wandered first over his abdomen, and her gaze slowly rose.

She approached with quick steps and sat on the armrest of the chair, looking at her fiancé with a smile on her lips.

"So, what did you want to tell me?" she asked in a calm voice, her eyes shining with curiosity.

Rolling his eyes, Asterion pulled Daphne into his arms, making her sit on his lap facing him. Holding her waist firmly, he kissed her chin while locking eyes with her.

"Apparently, your father never told you Voldemort's real name," he said between the kisses he placed on her neck and face, leaving slightly red marks on her skin with his actions. His hands sank even deeper into the flesh of her waist.

"Hmm~~" Daphne only let out a muffled sound, agreeing with his words, her eyes closed, enjoying the gentle caresses on her skin. She moved her neck to the side, giving him more space to do as he pleased.

Daphne could imagine that the hickeys and kisses would leave marks on her skin the next morning. Although it would be a bit embarrassing to be seen with something like this, it would be interesting to see Rose's face.

"Before assuming his name as Voldemort, he was known as Tom Marvolo Riddle. The son of Merope Gaunt and Tom Riddle, a Muggle whom Merope fell in love with and used some questionable means to make him fall in love with her," Asterion said, looking into Daphne's eyes. He could see her face was slightly red, and she was breathing heavily. The desire in her eyes was as clear as knowing the sun would rise the next day.

Daphne's desire-filled eyes widened, recalling Ophelia's surname. She quickly connected the dots and understood the core of the matter.

Remembering the girl's appearance, the image of Bellatrix came to her mind. After all, she was the only woman from the House of Black who had been with Voldemort during his reign thirteen years ago.

"Bellatrix and Voldemort," Daphne murmured to herself, looking at Asterion with curiosity.

Asterion nodded and claimed Daphne's lips in an enveloping kiss.

Daphne's thoughts almost immediately focused on Asterion, feeling the touch of his lips. She set aside any shocking news like this and fully surrendered to the kiss.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and gently ground her hips on his lap. She could feel something hard growing beneath her, and it made her happy; at least she was attractive in his eyes.

"Asterion, I think I'm ready." Breaking the kiss, Daphne, who was extremely close to Asterion's lips, whispered breathlessly, her eyes burning with desire.

Asterion nodded and caught his breath from the prolonged kiss. "How about I prepare a special night for us?"

Daphne felt her heart submerge in an ocean of sweetness hearing that. Any other man would have jumped at her after hearing her previous words, but her fiancé wanted to prepare a special night for her. This only made the love she felt for him grow even more, if that was possible in her mind.

"No, let me prepare our night. If I leave it to you, you might decorate the entire mansion with silly flowers." Letting out a low laugh, Daphne smiled and spoke, pressing her forehead against his.

Thinking about the idea, Daphne couldn't help but laugh again as her hands caressed his visibly defined chest. No matter how much she touched, she never got tired of those beautiful muscles.

Asterion rolled his eyes at her words; he wouldn't do something as tacky as putting flowers on the bed. He was a much simpler and more elegant man; a candlelit dinner was enough in his eyes.

But Asterion didn't retort Daphne's words at that moment, not when she returned to kissing him again with even greater intensity. Honestly, he admired his own self-control; otherwise, he would already be in bed with Daphne, making her a real woman at this moment.


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Next Chapter Second Volume: Chapter 117 – Humbug (1), Chapter 118 - Ophelia's Mother (1), Chapter 119 - I Decided to Seduce Daphne (1), Chapter 120 - Arrival of the Twelve Schools of Witchcraft and Wizardry (1), Chapter 121 - Arrival of the Twelve Schools of Witchcraft and Wizardry (2), Chapter 122 - Arrival of the Twelve Schools of Witchcraft and Wizardry (3), Chapter 123 - Arrival of the Twelve Schools of Witchcraft and Wizardry (4), Chapter 124 - Conspiracy In Progress (1), Chapter 125 - Conspiracy In Progress (2), Chapter 126 - Ophelia, Narcissa And Andromeda (1), Chapter 127 - Ophelia, Narcissa And Andromeda (2), Chapter 128 - The Four Representatives of Hogwarts (1), Chapter 129 - The Four Representatives of Hogwarts (2), Chapter 130 - The Four Hogwarts Representatives (3), Chapter 131 - The First Trial (1), Chapter 132 - The First Trial (2), Chapter 133 - King's Game (1), Chapter 134 - King's Game (2), Chapter 135 - King's Game (3), Chapter 136 - King's Game (4).