
[HPxJJK] - Harry Potter and the Supremacy of Cursed Blood

After death, Adam found himself in a world where negative emotions spawned man-devouring monsters—a world governed by blood and power, where magic and horror intertwined in a complex struggle for supremacy. It was a world where evil and good clashed until a finale that promised to be apocalyptic.

MaliciousPrince · Anime & Comics
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183 Chs

Chapter 101 – Decision (3)

Asterion finally understood why France had sent such a sudden invitation to host a Triwizard Tournament. It was likely an excuse to create a coalition against Grindelwald. For this, England was essential, not just because of Dumbledore, but because of himself, recognized as a powerful wizard of special rank after killing Voldemort.

Displaying a malicious smile, Asterion had already thought of numerous ways to blackmail the French government—after all, if they wanted him to work, they had to pay, and pay very well. He was a lion, and France was a succulent steak ready to be devoured at any moment.

Seeing Asterion with a malicious smile, Narcissa rolled her eyes. Her dear cousin looked like a villain, orchestrating nefarious plans with that characteristic villainous grin.

"Stop smiling like that, you look like a villain." Playfully poking his cheek with her index finger, Narcissa chuckled and spoke in a teasing tone.

Asterion realized he wasn't alone and pretended to cough to cover up the embarrassment he was feeling.

"I haven't seen Dorea." Asterion skillfully changed the subject, shifting Narcissa's focus completely.

The woman's lips curved into a smile as she thought of her daughter. "She returned to the Malfoy Manor, but she'll be back for dinner with Draco." Narcissa replied happily and relievedly.

Asterion nodded and felt relieved that Narcissa didn't dwell on the embarrassing scene he had made earlier. As for Dorea, the girl had grown much closer to her mother after the civil war, where she saw all the dark sides while living at the Lestrange Manor, especially after Lucius Malfoy's imprisonment.

Even Draco had begun to draw closer to his mother, as his father languished in Azkaban prison—an outcome Asterion would ensure happened in a very painful manner. He hadn't forgotten the betrayal and pain that man had caused his cousin.

"That's good, I wanted to speak with Draco about his seat in Parliament." Asterion replied, rising from the sofa.

Narcissa nodded and said, "I'll talk to him about it. Now, go visit Arcturus, he's been waiting for your arrival."

Asterion sighed heavily at the mention of his great-grandfather. The man was deteriorating more with each passing day. At this point, Arcturus couldn't even get out of bed without assistance, and it was evident how much he was suffering from his condition.

Asterion had tried to heal his great-grandfather, but it was impossible. Even magical energy had its limits when manipulated by humans. As for using a cursed spirit, Asterion hadn't even considered that suicidal option. The negative energy of a cursed spirit was extremely corrosive; putting it inside someone's body was akin to cancer, slowly killing its host.

Humans weren't cursed spirits made of pure negative magical energy. While a cursed spirit could be virtually immortal as long as it had negative magical energy, humans were made of flesh, blood, and bones. Even with a great amount of magical energy, regeneration was impossible indefinitely.


Reverse Magical Energy also had its limitations. Even Asterion couldn't regenerate a limb if he were to lose one someday, let alone cure something that was killing cells in a person's body.

Giving Narcissa a kiss on the cheek, Asterion ascended the stairs to the upper floor. Upon reaching it, he walked to the door of the bedroom and stopped in front of it. Asterion knocked twice on the door before entering.

As soon as he entered the room, Asterion's gaze fell upon Arcturus lying in bed, calmly holding an old photo album. The elderly patriarch of the Black family looked much thinner than before; even healing potions couldn't strengthen the man's body at this point.

When the patriarch of the Black family saw Asterion entering, he smiled gently despite his extremely pale face. "How was your first parliamentary meeting?"

Sitting in the chair beside the bed, Asterion replied, looking at his great-grandfather. "Educational, to say the least."

Arcturus nodded satisfactorily at his response and spoke with a hoarse and tired voice. "Remember, Asterion. Don't trust those cunning foxes; they can act so well that many should be in Muggle movies."

He spoke each word with great difficulty, almost as if merely speaking brought agonizing pain to him. Which wasn't entirely untrue, as his lungs were beginning to fail.

Asterion didn't need Arcturus's words to know that parliament was a battlefield, where instead of spells, words and lies were used to wage war.

"Any important matters?" Flipping a page of the photo album, Arcturus asked, caressing a photo of his deceased wife.

"We're going to host an International Wizarding Tournament. Grindelwald's acolytes attacked the ministries of magic in several European countries." Asterion summed it up in a few words as he removed his jacket and draped it over his own thighs.

Arcturus stopped caressing the photo of his wife and turned his head so quickly that Asterion wondered if the man was truly ill.

"I don't think hosting a Wizarding Tournament is appropriate in such troubled times," he asked with a serious and exceedingly strong tone, at that moment reverting to the old Arcturus.

Displaying a malicious smile, Asterion replied, "France has requested to host the Triwizard Tournament."

His words caused Arcturus's lips to curl into a scornful smile. "Who would have expected that one day those arrogant French would seek help from us, the barbaric English. Just thinking about it, my day brightened with this news."

At nearly 94 years of age, Arcturus immediately sensed the intentions of the French Ministry of Magic. Asterion chuckled at his great-grandfather's reaction, knowing Arcturus also harbored dislike towards the French, especially after French wizards' involvement in the civil war six months prior.

The tense relationship between England and France had lasted for centuries, intensifying further during the Hundred Years' War. With current French actions, this relationship had become even more strained.

Arcturus's face then became exceptionally serious. He looked at his great-grandson and spoke with a concerned tone. "Be cautious with other countries; we may be isolated if a world war truly breaks out. Use this tournament to secure allies, even if it means sacrificing some interests. Being isolated in a war is dreadful, especially for us on an island; we could be surrounded from all sides."

Even in his final moments, Arcturus wanted to help Asterion. Even if it meant sacrificing his life to aid his great-grandson, he wouldn't hesitate.

"I understand, but I don't believe another magical world war will occur," Asterion replied. He could grasp Arcturus's concerns but didn't think this conflict would escalate into a world war.

"I will talk to other countries, especially the Nordic countries, to cover the North Sea," Asterion said seriously, even though he doubted such a large conflict would break out, he wanted to be prepared just in case.

A cautious man is a living man.


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Next Chapter Second Volume: Chapter 102 - The Black Sisters (1), Chapter 103 - The Black Sisters (2), Chapter 104 - Rose's Past (1), Chapter 105 - Arrival of Country Representatives (1), Chapter 106 - Arrival of Country Representatives (2), Chapter 107 - Arrival of Country Representatives (3), Chapter 108 – Party (1), Chapter 109 – Party (2), Chapter 110 - Back To Hogwarts (1), Chapter 111 - Back To Hogwarts (2), Chapter 112 – New Students (1), Chapter 113 – New Students (2), Chapter 114 – Ophelia (1), Chapter 115 – Ophelia (2), Chapter 116 – Doubts (1), Chapter 117 – Humbug (1), Chapter 118 - Ophelia's Mother (1), Chapter 119 - I Decided to Seduce Daphne (1), Chapter 120 - Arrival of the Twelve Schools of Witchcraft and Wizardry (1), Chapter 121 - Arrival of the Twelve Schools of Witchcraft and Wizardry (2).