
[HP X DXD] Master of a Universe

[A Harry Potter X Highschool DXD Fanfic] A child beaten, broken, and abused arrives unexpectedly in the Underworld and gets a new chance at life. Death wasn't the end of his Journey. Where will his new life take him? Will he rise from the ashes and conquer these new challenges? How will Harry Potters life turn out after such major Changes? — DXD — DXD — DXD — DXD — DXD — For more advanced Chapters visit www.Patr*eon.com/Ashmodai Or just buy me a Coffee if you enjoy my work on k*o-fi.com/ashmodai Thank you for your Support — DXD — DXD — DXD — DXD — DXD — Disclaimer: The Wizarding World and the Universe of Highschool DXD are the property of their Creators. I only own my Original Plots and Characters.

Ashmodai · Book&Literature
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134 Chs

Chapter 14: Eleventh Birthd

It turned out, Harry's analysis was true. Rias had no problem getting a copy of the Contract from her father, he had it already ready and was just waiting for her to ask for it. Once she returned with it, Harry carefully studied it.

Rias watched him anxiously as he read through the contract, "Hmm, I see." He muttered concentrated.

This was pretty much a standard Marriage Contract, overall straightforward. House Phenex has paid a pretty decent dowry since it was Riser who was marrying above his standing. Marrying the future head of any noble family as a third son is a pretty decent deal for any house.

There were multiple profitable Business Deals agreed upon this Contract, that would even remain if it was breached. Since this Contract was only formed as a sign of their agreement to binding the Houses even closer together and could be substituted.

The Interesting part and for Harry confirming this was a test for Rias, was that the date for the Marriage was based on a concession clause from House Phenex. They allowed Rias to finish University in the Human World, which isn't the standard for Devil Society. Some Marriages were consummated at 16, most at 18.

The Tricky part here was that House Phenex could change that part if they had a legitimate reason too. Like Rias or her peerage insulting or harming them in public. This was pretty much a trap for her if she acted bratty towards them because she didn't read that they could change the date.

Most importantly there was also a way to break it, any changes to the Contract or annulment had to be agreed upon by both involved parties. In this case not their Houses but Rias and Riser themselves, even their house heads can't change the Contract anymore. Any conflicts will be decided through a Rating game.

"Okay, I have bad news and good ones." Said Harry after finishing reading all the details of the Contracts.

"The bad first please." Requested Rias, as she nervously watched the raven-haired boy.

"You will have to act nice to Riser in public." Explained Harry seriously as this was very important.

"WHAT!? I will have to act like a good bride for him. Doing what he wants?" she cried out in despair.

"No, nothing like that. He can't force you to do anything. At least until the Marriage, then you have to try your best to get a Child with him to continue the Bloodline. After that, you even can live away from him. But we don't want to get it that far." Said Harry explaining in more detail, "You need to be polite to him and House Phenex, no Humiliating him in Public, no Insults and stuff like that. You still can tell him politely that you don't want to marry him, that's even required if we want to break the contract. But if you or the others act in any way harmful towards house Phenex they can cut the Marriage date short. And force you to already marry at 18."

"Oh." Muttered Rias as she realized how she would have harmed herself if she acted as she planned to in the future, "Thank you, Harry, if it weren't for you I would have acted like a fool. I am a failure as Heiress and King." She said with a small voice.

"Don't say anything like that. You are doing good in this test." Encouraged Harry her.

"But if it weren't for you. I wouldn't even have realized they were testing me and fail utterly." Replied Rias with tears in her eyes.

"Wrong. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses, nobody is perfect. And that's what a peerage is for. We balance each other out. Me figuring this ploy out, is part of our combined strength."

This small speech brought a smile and a blush to Rias beautiful face as she watched the boy, who just encouraged her. "Thank you, Harry. You are right. How do we break this Contract?"

"Well isn't that clear? We have to get stronger and beat Riser and his Peerage in a Rating Game before the Marriage." Answered Harry with a wolfish grin.

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On 31st July 2000, Harry entered the usual Dinner Room inside the Gremory Mansion, as the others were already there waiting for him at the prepared Breakfast table. The moment he passed through the Door and got spotted by the other members of the Peerage, they rushed to him.

"Good Morning, Harry! Happy Birthday!" greeted Rias him energetically.

"Nn, Happy Birthday." Added Koneko as she hugged the boy.

"From me also a Happy Birthday Harry." Wished Akeno him, with a smile.

"Thank you, everyone. Let's have some breakfast. Today's gonna be busy." Thanked Harry them with a warm feeling inside him.

This year was no surprise Party planned for him since he would already expected it. But still a regular one. Sona, Tsubaki, and two new members of her Peerage whom she met through family connections, accompanied by Sona's older Sister Serafall will come later for a small party. There will also be Rias Parents, Sirzechs, his Bishop and Harry'a´s Magic Teacher Macgregor Mathers will also be there. Greyfia won't be there since she is highly pregnant and soon due, Rias can't wait to meet her nephew.

Harry couldn't wait for his Party, he enjoyed his first party greatly last year, especially the gifts that let him learn more about his family and parents. Although he also really enjoyed the Anime and Books he got, they inspired him with his Sacred Gear and gave him many great ideas.

He also hoped that Rias would enjoy the more private setting, her own Birthday in April wasn't that great. It was in a public setting with many nobles attending including her Fiance Riser. The pervert first looked at Rias then at Lady Gremory's Chest and had instantly a perverted grin on his face. He even tried to force Rias to sit with him during the Celebration, which led to a small conflict between them.


"Ah, Rias come sit with Riser. So Riser can show the public Riser's Fiance." Said the 18-year-old Riser to the 11-year-old crimson-haired Girl as he grabbed her arm and pulled her to him, with a smug grin.

Rias was instantly pissed off and was about to punch Riser when Harry who was accompanying her with Akeno stepped in. Koneko wasn't present since she didn't feel well in the presence of so many people who wanted to execute her.

"Please, let go of Lady Rias arm." Said Harry with a cold but polite tone as he grabbed Risers' arm stopping him from pulling Rias while channeling demonic power into his muscles to strengthen them.

"Who do you think you are filthy Shrimp? How dare someone lowly as you to interfere in Riser's business!" he complained as his hand started to burn.

Although he already reached the level of High-class Devil his strength wasn't that great yet, since he focused more on pleasure than training. Riser relied mostly on his natural abilities of his phenex Bloodline.

Instantly Harry channeled Water energy from his Sacred Gear and combined it with a water spell protecting his Hand. Even though he only had regular water in his Sacred Gear with no special properties, it still raised the strength of his Spells a bit, since it wasn't only magically created Water.

As Riser's quickly created Phenex fire did no damage to Harry, the older boy wanted to create a fireball to burn the younger boy, but Harry interrupted him with a cold look, "Remember your Position. Rias has no obligation to follow any of your commands, even after your Marriage! You the third son of a Marquis ranked clan, are manhandling the next Head of the Gremory Clan a Duke ranked one, and trying to attack one of their retainers!"

Having enough common Sense and not disregarding his education, Riser realized how bad that Situation looked for him, and stopped, "Riser won't forget that, Commoner." He said before turning around and started walking away.

"You okay Rias?" asked Harry concerned.

"Yes, thank you, Harry." She replied still upset about what happened.

Her mood would only better later, when she got gifts from her Peerage after the official party. Especially the gift Harry prepared for her, Self-made figures from Dragonball that Harry created inside his Sacred Gears, with raw materials from the outside.

~Flashback end~

As Harry was remembering his first meeting with Riser while enjoying his breakfast, he suddenly smelled smoke. He wasn't the only one, the others also stopped their discussion and started looking for the Source. As suddenly in a gust of flames a burning bird appeared. It had crimson feathers and a golden tail as long as a peacock's, his claws and beak were also golden. A real Phoenix.

It landed in front of Harry and held a letter between its beak as the Phoenix held it out to him.

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AN: If you liked it, leave some Power Stones! Thanks!

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