
[HP X DXD] Master of a Universe

[A Harry Potter X Highschool DXD Fanfic] A child beaten, broken, and abused arrives unexpectedly in the Underworld and gets a new chance at life. Death wasn't the end of his Journey. Where will his new life take him? Will he rise from the ashes and conquer these new challenges? How will Harry Potters life turn out after such major Changes? — DXD — DXD — DXD — DXD — DXD — For more advanced Chapters visit www.Patr*eon.com/Ashmodai Or just buy me a Coffee if you enjoy my work on k*o-fi.com/ashmodai Thank you for your Support — DXD — DXD — DXD — DXD — DXD — Disclaimer: The Wizarding World and the Universe of Highschool DXD are the property of their Creators. I only own my Original Plots and Characters.

Ashmodai · Book&Literature
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134 Chs

Chapter 121: Facing a Satan

Loud crashes resounded through the mansion, vibrating under each impact as Serafall Leviathan, one of the four Great Satans, broke through a wall directly into the room where the two peerages had watched the chess match between Sona and Harry.

Serafall is a very beautiful girl, her black hair tied into ponytails. She has a childlike body with huge breasts, wearing a pink Magical Girl costume. Usually, she is the personification of cheerfulness, cuteness, and happiness. But right now, she was the complete opposite, an aura of ice and death surrounded her.

The room temperature felt like it dropped several degrees from just her mere presence. "Who has taken my So-tan?" she asked in an ice-cold voice, making the room freeze. When her eyes landed on the chessboard in front of Sona and Harry, who still was confused about what is actually going on.

A few moments ago, there had been a clear blue light, indicating the activation of some kind of magic or contract. But Harry had just won a chess match, nothing more.

Deep coldness surrounded Harry suddenly, as a suffocating ice-cold pressure was pushing onto him, "Male So-tan, you have betrayed me…" Serafall said in a dead voice.

Cold sweat was running down Harry's face, "I just won a chess match, nothing more… It's not like Sona put a condition on her losing a chess match; that would be ridiculous." Harry muttered not noticing the blush deepening behind Sona's glasses.

"She did… And now you will have to die. I won't let you take So-tan from me." Serafall said in a voice devoid of all emotions as her demonic power began to overflow.

"Wait Sera-" Sona cried out but too late as a wave of ice spread from Serafall, freezing the room as the occupants had to dodge out of it. Harry had a hard time moving as the pure pressure that Serafall was emitting was keeping him in place. The ice crept closer and closer before in the last moment he managed to muster enough demonic power to apparate away.

He landed just outside of the beach house, but he didn't have any time to take a breath, only moments later he once again saw Serafall fly at him. A massive glacier above her falling directly at him, as Serafall was following closely behind it.

Harry was completely outclassed, be it in raw power, technique, or understanding of magic. Serafall's mastery over Ice Magic was worlds ahead of anything he could muster. Seeing that he had no chance with his regular abilities, he was ready to sacrifice more souls to enter his Chaos Ascendancy Balance Breaker.

Chaos Magic should be able to allow him to escape from this ruthless onslaught and give him the ability to defend against it. After all, the ability to bend reality was overpowered; it should give him at least a chance to survive a fight with a Satan.

There was no point in trying to apparate away; any form of dimensional magic left behind a ripple in the spacetime of reality which a powerful enough being can feel, locate, and even follow through. Even Harry had already learned to feel them and was now practicing to locate the target location.

The same problem existed with entering his Sacred Gear; of course, he could hide there from a being on the level of a house-elf like Dobby, who was weaker than himself. But entering the World of Innovate Clear, left behind a rift in the spacetime of reality, which a powerful existence like Serafall could push through and enter his Sacred Gear. The only thing hindering her from entering was his own power, which she dwarfed easily. Even with the full force of what he had and could create in his Sacred Gear, he wouldn't stand a chance.

This would just cost him a lot of resources he had collected until today and destroy a lot inside of it. When would he have the chance to gain a Philosopher's Stone again? As far as he knew, there existed only one in the history of mankind. At least no other creator besides Nicholas Flamel was known to him.

No, his library, farms, tower, creatures, and especially his Master Gate of Truth were simply too valuable to risk in such a pointless attempt at defense. Buying enough time to escape and hide or hope for someone saving him soon were the only possibilities to survive if Serafall was really serious about killing him.

He once again apparated away from the massive glacier flying at him. If it hit him, he would definitely be crushed by it and probably die, at least seriously injured.

Casting a massive Lumos to blind the enraged Satan, followed by a cloud of poisonous smoke, a spell that he had created based on the Fumos Charm and the different poisonous beings he possessed, he quickly dived into the ocean, to escape out of sight underwater.

But Harry quickly realized that this had been a massive mistake; the ocean began to freeze, spreading from above him. If he stayed here, he would become frozen to death in the middle of the ocean. With no way out in his direct vicinity, he used a modification of the Ascendio Spell, but instead of directly propelling himself into the air, he forced himself several hundred meters forward underwater, before ascending out of the freezing water into the air.

Pulling his wings out, he hovered in the air, but Harry had no chance to do anything else, Serafall was already in front of him, "Freeze to Death!" She said her hand outstretched in front of him, as he began to freeze. He tried his best to counteract this magic with his demonic power, and was about to go into Balance Breaker, when a bright red flash appeared.

All he saw were crimson red hair and grey hair appearing behind Serafall, before the ice that was attempting to freeze him stopped spreading over his body. The two newcomers were Sirzechs Lucifer and Grayfia Lucifuge, who had knocked Serafall out moments before he died.

"Are you okay Harry?" asked Sirzechs as he grabbed the unconscious Serafall out of the air.

"Okay, is different. But I will live. It's not every day one gets suddenly attacked by a Satan." He replied drily, doing his best to catch some air while pushing the cold out of his body with magic.

"Sorry for taking so long. This was quite unexpected." Chuckled Sirzechs, with Serafall in his hand, while Grayfia looked around inspecting the damage.

The whole coastline, including the ocean, had been frozen by Serafall's rampage. Harry had been extremely lucky to survive this long. If Serafall had actually been thinking clearly, he would have stood no chance. But this Serafall was clearly not in the right state of mind, which allowed him to survive for so long; if she had been more efficient and controlled, he would have died.

Grayfia began to clean up the mess which Serafall had caused in the area, while Sirzechs said, "Well, I didn't expect to have to say this so early to you, but congratulations on your engagement!"

— DXD — DXD — DXD — DXD —

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