
Chapter 5: Meeting Rick

I was currently walking towards the County Sheriff's Office. I couldn't stay in the house anymore cause the door was fucked and It just felt depressing so I decided to set up base elsewhere.

I remember Rick and the black father and son whose names I can't remember went there after he met them and got hot showers. I know that the electricity is still up right now so I figured I'd get situated first for the foreseeable future. Even if I miss Rick waking up, If nothing changes he would still end up there either way so it was fine.

I get there and I see that the Office has already been abandoned with Walkers crawling all outside of it but they couldn't get it. The last person who left had the sense to close the gate so the building was still untouched. I wouldn't mind just summoning the axe and going to town on these Walkers but they weren't going anywhere and I had an objective right now so I decided to deal with them later.

I got inside and saw papers scattered all over the ground, mixed with trash from the knocked over rubbish bins. The receptionist phone was hanging and all I could hear was the dial tone. The scene and the noise made the building 10x creepier than it was in the show. I put the phone back on and walkes around the office, looking for other people while also taking note of supplies. The whole place was empty and it looks like the officers left in a hurry because there were still a few duffle bags packed but unzipped and the lockers were open with belongings still inside.

I checked the showers to see if the hot water was still running and thankfully, it was. The armory was unlocked and apart from a few missing hand guns, everything else was accounted for. Probably the guns that the officers had with them when they went out on patrol on the day of the outbreak. Still can't believe they left behind a fully stocked armory and just left, Tsk....idiots.

I gathered all the supplies I took note of and started rationing my meals. I saw that I had a week's worth of food here in the form of snacks and instant noodles and coffee. I wasn't expecting gourmet shit but this is sad.

Seeing that I was good to go, I went to the armoury, grabbed all the guns and ammo and put it into my inventory but I left out a Glock 22 loaded with 9mm rounds. The armoury had the .40 calibre ammunition. I wasn't trying to blow someone's face off but it was readily available in case the situation need a bit more...oomph

I smelled myself and frowned when realized I hadn't showered in three days so I went into the showers and took a one. I changed out of my clothes and found a black hoodie and a pair of jeans in one of the lockers. I wore a pair of combat boots since my other shoes were caked in Walker blood and strapped a side holster I found in the lockers, to my right hip and put the gun there.

I was ready so I walked out of the Sheriff's Office and started moving towards the hospital. I summoned my axe and did a few practice swings while moving with difficulty and hit two Walkers who were unfortunate enough to come close to me while I was moving.

[You Killed a Walker] x2

Now all I needed was 5 more kills and I'd level up. I wasn't to bothered levelling up since it was going to happen naturally but I was curious about. The fourth Tab in the system was locked for some reason so I think I must not be high level enough or I needed to do something to unlock it.

The EP instead of MP did confuse me for a bit but I concluded that since this world doesn't have magic or mana, the system must've been customized for me but I still don't know how it works since it hasn't gone down since I got the system but I would figure it out eventually.

I arrived at the Hospital shortly afterwards and just stood outside while looking in. I could see Walkers through the windows walking around inside. I realized that I didn't see any levels or details above the Walker's head. Maybe my system doesn't do that or it didn't work on them since they only had 4 stages and they don't need to level up or get stronger. Every other story said that the MC would get the system and instinctually now how to use it but I didn't get that DLC so it was trial and error

I always wondered why hospital was empty in the show because when Rick woke up from his coma. The hospital was pretty clear and all the remaining Walkers were behind the chained door with 'DONT OPEN, DEAD INSIDE' painted on the front. Either someone cleared it out or they led the Walkers inside that corridor and locked it off. I wanted to hide nearby and wait for them to do it so I could recruit them because it took guts to do both but I needed to make sure Rick remained safe and I wasn't willing to leave it up to fate

I tightened my grip on the axe and I could already feel my right arm growing numb. I needed an ambidextrous skill so I could swap hands when one gets tired or get stronger. I would deal with it later but for now, I needed to clear the hospital so I grabbed the axe with both hands and walked in.

The Hospital's ground floor was clear and there was some growls coming from behind a few doors that were locked but I didn't bother with them and continued. They must've found their way outside or something. I proceeded to the second floor and counted 15 Walkers. This would be too difficult to face head on so I decided to attract them one by one and finish them off slowly. I crouch down and pick up a piece of paper and scrunched it into a ball before throwing it at the nearest Walker

The paper ball did it's job but a bit too well because the Walker's movement alerted two other Walkers near it and they all moved towards me. I wasn't confident because unlike before, I was in a narrow hallway and I could only move forward and backwards. I decide to employ guerilla tactics and kill one before moving backwards, rinse and repeat.

So I move close to the first Walker and swing my axe with both hands at it's head. It's brain matter splashes out after his skull decimated and some of it gets on my hoodie. I hear the system chimes but I dismiss it and get ready for the next one. I take a step back and raise the axe over my head and swing it down on the second Walker that lunged at me and my axe goes through his head and body before stopping below it's stomach.

I put my foot against the Walker's stomach and push off as I pull my axe out. The body hits the third Walker and it stumbles to the ground so I move forward and bring my axe down on it's head. The axe goes through it's head and hits the concrete floor. I forgot about that and the sound that it makes attracts the rest of the zombies. Fuck sakes, just what I didn't want to happen.

I try to pull my axe out but it's lodged in the ground. The zombies are getting closer and I need to run but the axe isn't budging. It put both my hands on the axe handle and pull up with everything I got and it dislodged but it sent me barrelling towards the ground.

By the time I get back to the my feet, the Walkers are already on top of me so I decide to fight since escape is impossible. The two walkers in front of me are close to each other so I try to swing my axe with everything I got to take them both out in one swing. The axe goes through them but it still had a bit of momentum and I realized that if I just pulled back now, the momentum would make my arms would hurt even more so I see the next Walker close and turn my body while swinging and hit it as well before the I came to a stop.

The move I just did gave me an idea, using the momentum to carry the axe swings and making the most of it, made handling the axe and fighting much easier. No better time to learn than the present so I move forward and try it again. The axe movement seemed to flow and it became so simple and easy that I flew through the hallway, decapitating the remaining Walkers. I was unconsciously repositioning the angle of my axe for the best results.

I didn't realize that I had lost track of time and and I forgot about the hospital and the noise around me died out. I felt like the axe had become part of my body and my whole body was focused on killing the Walkers. It wasn't until I was at the other end of the hallway when I snapped out of it and looked around confused. All the Walkers were on the ground with their heads either smashed in or detached.

I don't know what just happened so I check the system to see if I can find an answer.

[You Killed a Walker] x4

[You have Levelled Up]

[You Killed a Walker] x11

(New!) [Flow State (Active) Lv1/10:

- Optimal State of human consciousness. Total Absorption, Concentration and Selflessness. Commonly referred to as 'Entering the zone'. Full human potential. Costs 100 EP. Duration: 3 mins

*Your perception of time slows down

*Heightened State of being

*You become one with your action and require no conscious effort

*'Calm Effect'- Mind becomes clear and all sense of frustration and struggle vanish

*'Paradox of Control'- Sense of complete control over any situation.

Skill Cooldown: 24 Hours]



Name: Matt Hardy

Class: The Gamer

Level: 2 (55%)

HP: 100/100 -> 110/110

EP: 140/140 -> 50/150 (1 EP/min; Full in 1 hour 40 mins)


STR: 20 -> 21

VIT: 10 -> 11

DEX : 14 -> 15

INT: 16 -> 17

WIS:17 -> 18

LUK: 5

Point: o -> 10

Money: 0


Flow state huh. I have heard of athletes entering the zone and the only time I could remember seeing it was in Kuroko no Basket but I thought that shit only happens in movies. I guess my situation ain't exactly logical but the cooldown pisses me off. I would be broken if there was no cooldown timer but I just accepted. It'll be too easy if they just gave me that

I think my previous life memories are rubbing off on me now and I've started to find enjoyment in fighting and I get excited when I see a Walker. I don't know if it's good or bad but it's who I am so it doesn't matter. Surviving 10 Walkers at once gave me a confidence boost but also made me want to test my limits and see how far I could go.

Killing ten Walkers before was enough to make me level up but now, it only filled up my EXP bar halfway. I guess the number is going to keep going up and up until finally, I'll need to kill a shit ton for a single level. While I'm in my thoughts, I kept moving and I appear outside Rick's room.

The flowers in the vase are still okay and there he is, Rick Grimes, sleeping in the bed with the machine occasionally beeping. He has a bunch of wires connected to him and I don't know shit about medical stuff so I just leave him be. I know the electricity will go out soon but I knew he'd survive so I don't need the machine. I remember that reading and studying books could increased my INT and help me learn skills so I'll look for a medical book later.

I still couldn't figure out how he survived in the show but I think my presence here became a plot point. I walked back out the door and the hallway now looks like it did in the show except for the bodies and when I had arrived earlier, the back of the hospital was clear and there were no bodies lined up on the ground, covered in white cloths.

I turn to the other side and the door is open with dozens of Walkers in that hallway, just walking around but there is a chain and a lock on the ground next to it. I bet my all my chromosomes that I'd find a can of black spray paint somewhere on this floor.

I walk over and close the door before I wrap the chain through and around the handles and lock it shut. Lo and Behold, on the last shelf of the tool closet, there was a can of spray paint. I walk back to the door and paint 'DONT OPEN DEAD INSIDE' on the doors before I throw the can away and go back to Rick

He seems fine for now and the bag with liquid that goes into his arm is still full so I think he'll be alright. I close the door to his room and make sure to lock it in case a Walker manages to make it up the stairs and wants a snack. It was getting dark outside and I had spent a lot more time than I realized here so I made a few traps leading to his room to deter people and Walkers from trying anything funny

After making sure he's safe, I leave the hospital and go back to the Sheriff's Office to turn in for the night.