
[GL] My Last Mission is Take Care of the Heroine's Child

In a world where reality and fiction mix, some people have systems and can experience priceless adventures while being broadcast live for anyone to see. This is what is called a Systems Plots! It doesn't have to be an actor or a celebrity, a random person will be chosen to live an adventure and have their life prepared for it. 'Unbreakable' is the System Plot of the year and critically acclaimed as a future classic and example to be followed, the story tells the difficult fate of Bella and Emil who stand out as the protagonists, against Irina the great villain to be stopped. After its smash hit it was successfully completed and now all the people involved could move on with their lives as it was before the start of all that or that's what everyone thought. 'Unbreakable' soon proved to be the killer System Weave that would take every award it competed for at the top awards of the year – Systems Plots Awards, SPA – , but what Irina didn't expect was to be warned by her system that a new story was about to come. Her mission was: Take Care of the Heroine's Child. Irina went from great villain to wealthy young woman who would strive to unconditionally care for a child. “Even if it is difficult, let me accompany this little child's every step.” Protagonists: Irina Cerdic, Amany Alsvi, Bella Opsahl (#Love triangle? Explanation below.) __________________ Support me and give me a gift! https://www.wishtender.com/moonsside __________________ I don't own the rights to the cover image, it's an image taken from the internet and I couldn't find the author to offer the due credits. ______________________ Well, it's a love triangle since it's a trisal. Three women together!

moonsside · Fantasy
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58 Chs

I do not understand too...

Bella wasn't going to sign, but she hoped she had some kind of support from Irina.

After all, we might someday be a real couple, right?!

But Bella also had a lot of thoughts about that at that moment, mainly because there was now Amany.

"Yes, apart from that it's impossible not to expose Amany or our relationship... I'm not interested in your brother, I never was... I've always liked you and it's true that I'm pregnant, but I don't consider it a mistake and I'm fine with that, I'll take care of the child even if you don't want anything to do with me."

Irina heard that and tried not to think too much about the last part... I want this child to have a family, I want you to feel comfortable with the pregnancy... I want you to understand that I want something with you, I just don't know express it yet.

Irina's reaction was to slightly ignore what Bella had said and she continued with the subject.

Irina especially feared what would happen if they completely disconnected from their Envoys, what could happen?!

Emil was the way he was, could that be why?!

She didn't know, but she also didn't know what she was supposed to believe. "Do you know what happened to Emil without his Envoy?"

Bella stopped looking at the sky and decided to focus her attention on Irina once more.

My heart breaks a little every time I see you sad about this matter, if I hugged you would you refuse?! I want to be able to do something for you, but I don't know if I should.

All Bella could do was simply accept that she still had her moment to deal with Irina the way she wanted.

One day I will be someone who can offer you some kind of comfort.

"I heard rumors that he was hanging out with some bad people and consuming some things that would do nothing but wreck his head...

When I saw him at the party, he was already without Envoy and all he would talk about was how it destroyed his life, I don't know much..."

Bella stared at Irina and felt her heart flutter, you are so beautiful.

I want to be able to protect her.

Sighed a little complicated and all she could do was offer some chocolate.

Even if things are difficult, I can sweeten your life a little.

She took the small chocolate and held it towards Irina's lips. "... Don't you want any chocolate?"

Irina looked at Bella's fingers and the delicate chocolate looked really appetizing, she definitely wanted to eat one of them. "Yes, give me a..."

Bella smiled slightly and didn't even think about it, of course I'll get one for you.

Bella reached out her hands and placed the chocolate on Irina's lips, taking advantage of the closeness she traced the soft lips with her fingertips.

I want to kiss her, I really want to kiss her.

I like you so much.

Bella felt her heart racing wildly, she wanted to close the distance between them more and more, but every time she had that impulse her heart faltered.

In front of you I'm always brave, but now I'm afraid of losing what little I've achieved.

Coming to her senses, she smiled slightly and took her fingers away from Irina's lips, she didn't even have the courage to look her in the eyes now. "Delicious?"

Her face was hot, very hot.

Irina who faintly noticed the blush across Bella's face, the red tips of her ears were really cute.

I... I really like you, thought Irina.

She felt happy, maybe Amany could read her very well, as much as she didn't admit it, she really liked Bella a lot. "Yes… delicious."

The two peacefully ate their chocolates when they saw Amany appear, she was finally leaving that studio.

Bella was starving, she really wanted to finally eat dinner and on that specific day she was especially in a good mood because she hadn't had a lot of nausea that day.

A good relationship with Irina was also certainly the highlight of her day, she was happy, very happy.

But only one thing could ruin her day: Sarah trying to play flirtatious on Amany.

Honestly, you're being far more annoying than I can handle.

She was jealous, much more jealous.

Irina looked at Bella beside her and felt especially funny, she had a very closed face, as if she was very angry.

Well, she was really angry. "You are jealous?"

Bella didn't answer, is it that obvious?!

She was very irritated, mainly knowing that she shouldn't open her mouth to say that she was in a romantic relationship with Amany.

Like simply saying that she was in a relationship with a celebrity... This celebrity was already dating another woman.

It bothered her, it bothered her a lot, especially because that idiot Sarah didn't respect a committed woman. "..."

Irina smiled slightly and offered Bella some more chocolates, eat something delicious and stop scolding her for it.

Bella sighed as she filled her mouth with chocolate.

Chocolates are sweet, so why do I feel so bitter?! "I'm jealous, how can she be so kind?"

Irina wasn't as jealous as Bella, but it was true that Amany was so kind that it made her a little uncomfortable.

Anyway, we think the same about it. "I do not understand too..."

Bella was excited and gesturing excitedly as she explained her point of view. "And on top of that she's beautiful like that… Irina… Imagine how many fans she'll have in the future who will be completely crazy about her… I already feel my head hurting from stress."

Irina nodded and followed the same train of thought as Bella. "She already has, have you looked at her profile? They call her wife..."

Bella hadn't done that, I'll definitely do that later.

Irina sometimes found herself looking at Amany's profiles simply to admire a little more, how could she be so beautiful?!

So it was impossible not to bump into a few thousand comments deifying and faithfully praising her.

Bella massaged her temples, she was really getting headaches, should I blame my hunger or my jealousy?! "I'm sour with jealousy..."

Bella and Irina looked at each other and after a few short moments of silence they smiled at each other.

Well, they were both jealous and for the first time they could both feel that they were somehow at peace and on the same page.

Amany really was what they needed to make it all work.