
Bite Markings !

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[ *Story Time*

// The Red and The Blue Ogre //

Once upon a time, in a far away land there was a very cheerful village in the

middle of nowhere in particular, but was still very innocent.

No wars, extreme poverty, or Hatred. The weather always seemed like the Beautiful Season of Autumn. The children played peacefully with excitement. No one was left out, everyone of course, except the Red Ogre.The Red Ogre wasn't rude or mean, he just seemed that way.

Maybe it wasthe crooked teeth, or the horn on the top of his head. Maybe it was his long nails, or Maybe it was because he was Red. He thought this because their was his twin, the Blue Ogre, who sat, playing with the other children.

He would watch, and watch but always wondered why they never cared for him. He sat their lonely, and pitifully as he cried to himself, hoping someone would help

him. And yes someone did, The Blue Ogre.

The Blue Ogre always shared the sorrow other people felt. He simply would not just watch the Red Ogre sit there by himself. After all they were always close. So that night, he spent time thinking of a plan, to help him in his time of need.

The next day, he told his brother that he would soon cause havoc

upon the children and he would heroically fight him and win. Than all the

children would want very much to be his friend.

The Red Ogre thought of this as a good plan and decided to go along with it.

The time had come shortly after, and as planned the Blue Ogre had run into

group of Friends with a twig in his hand, with a face of rage.

He whacked the boy closest to him and he cried. Then suddenly the Red Ogre appeared and pushed aside the Blue Ogre with all his might. He than fail face first, Crawled forward and ran as far as he could. Of course the Red Ogre was to full of

happiness to notice.

The Blue Ogre had ran away, crying. For the course of a year, the Red Ogre had livid a joyful life with no sorrow. He had finally had all he wanted, friends. He would play with them for hours each and every day.

Never had he had more fun in his life. It was obvious he loved every second of it. But than he realised the Blue Ogre had vanished. The new priority was to find the Blue Ogre. He knew he livid in the forest, so that was where he searched first.

It didn't take long, his memories were coming back to him. He had played with the Blue Ogre before in the house he was now looking for. Once he had found it, he barged in side without a warning. He would see nothing. The house was empty.

All he found was a note that read as followed "If you're reading this that means that you must have found new friends. I hope you enjoy.Sorry I would not join you, if they were to see me, they would think badly of you. After all it was me who hit that poor boy.

So I have left far away from here to insure the plan works. I hope

you have found happiness. From your Friend The Blue Ogre." Once he was

done reading the note, The Red Ogre Cried. How Ironic.


"Hey please let me say the moral of this story" Een said to Leoness and Leoness said " okay , you may say." The Een said "The moral of this story is no matter what , you and I won't be separated from each other even if it means living without avenging my father."

After hearing that Leoness smiled a little and told Een to turn around to her face to face and when Een turned around leoness kissed her on the forehead and said "here is the kiss what you wanted earlier."

"We should do something that will make our bondings even more strong , and even If our face changes then we could recognise each other." Een said to Leoness. ]

"We should do something that will make our bondings even more strong , and even If our face changes then we will still have the sense to recognise each other." Een said to Leoness.

"What about bite markings ?" Leoness asked to Een. " Then where should we do that ? " Een asked Leoness and then Leoness replied " Then how abou the right side of the abdomen."

"That sounds nice to me" Een said to Leoness. Then they bit each other to the right side of the abdomen and marked.

*Another morning*

" Its time for us to go to the camp , let's go " they said and gone to the school and arrived.