
[GL] Aurore

Between heaven and earth there is much more than humans can imagine. The gods take advantage of myths to act and rule over everyone without raising suspicion. Immersed in their desires and luxuries they survive amid the misery and bankruptcy of the kingdom of men. Hela is the goddess of the Dead, tired of seeing the living frightened by death and especially withering away in life. She firmly believes that the gods have forgotten their true purpose in the universe. After being betrayed, she was humiliated, imprisoned and sentenced to marry Ina and live with her for a thousand years in exile in the kingdom of darkness. Ina, the holder of the secret of eternal life and the key to paradise, was punished by all the gods after they felt disrespected in the face of the possibility of the finitude of their own powers. The two accepted their intertwined fates and lived together for a thousand years until they realized that they had ambitions to live together for all eternity. When the thousand years finally ended, one of them would be able to return to her life in the Kingdom of the Dead, while the other would remain imprisoned in the realm of darkness as a mere mortal ready to die at any moment. A countdown began with Hela desperately looking for a way to make Ina immortal once more, without any concern if she would be forced to fight or kill whether they were men or gods, no one would disturb her again. Only one thing was certain: Hela would not fail a second time. __________________ Support me and give me a gift! https://throne.com/moonssiide __________________ I don't own the rights to the cover image, it's an image taken from the internet and I couldn't find the author to offer the due credits.

moonsside · Fantasy
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106 Chs

[Bonus chapter] Love is usurper of its own existence.

Amid the darkness of the room, the silence of a peaceful sleep filled the environment.

Hela had Ina in her arms.

Quiet and peaceful, they held each other's arms.

After a comfortable late night, a nice dinner and some silly banter with Garm accompanied by subtle laughter.

The young couple retreated to the bedroom and now, after a few hours, Ina was sleeping comfortably while being embraced by Hela.

Hela made her feel protected and it was easy for Ina to close her eyes and fall asleep, the bed was warm and the hug was gentle.

But despite the darkness of the room Hela could not sleep, she remained restless and thoughtful.

She didn't want to disturb her wife's sleep, but she didn't have much need for sleep either, nor did she even want it.

She could close her eyes and think that falling asleep would be comfortable, but she couldn't.

So, all that was left was to think tirelessly about her current mission.

The silence of the environment made her reflective and she took advantage of the situation to think about everything she had seen during the day with Lauren.

She could remember every map and every document perfectly.

Methodically plot a beginning and an end.

But she felt that something was missing, there was something that Lauren hadn't found or simply that Hela hadn't been aware of.

But what would it be? Something was missing in all that development that would make it have complete logic.

After visiting Lauren it became very obvious that Hela hadn't given much thought to the whole story behind the Holy Grail, humans had their own stories and by now she should fully understand them.

Simply make that story an opportunity to walk in the footsteps of the characters.

Hela reviewed all these thoughts in her mind over and over again, until the day finally broke and a little light came in through the windows.

She gently got out of bed and just watched Ina sleeping soundly.

Ina even seemed to realize that Hela was no longer keeping her warm and when she was about to wake up, Hela was quicker to wrap her up with several pillows.

Smiling when facing the peaceful and serene face, and it became impossible not to approach and offer a light kiss in the middle of the soft perfumed hair.

Ina was the love of her life and all the others that could come.

There would only be the two of them and tirelessly they would stay together until the end.

After making sure that the curtains were tightly closed and that Ina wouldn't wake up simply by missing her, Hela cleaned up and left the room.

Garm was obediently waiting for her in the living room, he was making his bed on the couch.

Hela watching the dog made a brief gesture of silence and Garm despite wanting to bark, just wagged his tail showing his excitement.

She thought briefly that a bed was in order for Garm, although the sofa looked comfortable it didn't seem quite right to her eyes.

Anyway leave that for later, she smiled and lightly stroked the animal's head and finally explained. "Ina is sleeping, let's fix you something to eat and later we'll go out to buy you some things..."

The dog seemed excited and followed Hela everywhere she went, he was hungry, but luckily his more 'normal' appearance made him spend much less energy and it wouldn't be necessary to eat half a dozen whole oxen.

A few pieces were enough.

Hela opened the fridge and stared briefly at the meat she had set aside for Garm. "Do you prefer raw meat or do you want me to cook it?"

Garm shook his head in complete confusion, is there more than one option?!

He didn't understand that food could be burnt and have a new taste, he just understood that food was food.

Put it in your mouth and chew it, if it's delicious it's like a blessing.

He had never been treated in a domestic way and although Hela always appeared before him to pet him when they were in the midst of Niflheim and even spent good hours playing.

He had never received as much attention as he was getting in the few hours he was in the new house.

It was the kind of attention he didn't know about but enjoyed.

Garm obediently lifted one of his paws and Hela felt the light touch on her thigh.

That small gesture was enough for the animal to communicate that he would like to eat the meat the way it was.

He was a wild animal.

Garm was equal to Odin when compared to other wolves and dogs.

His sovereignty was indisputable.

He hunted for his own food and did not depend on anyone to feed himself, which was not possible to do so easily in that world, especially in the middle of an urban center.

Hela carefully cut the meat into several pieces, mainly to avoid too much mess in the middle of the kitchen.

Garm was really polite, but he was still a dog and he would get messy easily.

Hela spoke to Garm softly as the animal patiently waited for his breakfast, there was an overwhelming sense of companionship between them. "Right... I heard that humans have dog food, let's get it for you to try."

Garm didn't know what to expect from that kind of food, but he expected it to be delicious.

Was ready-made food better than hunted? So he would like to be able to try it out.

When Hela finally placed a small bowl on the floor and allowed Garm to eat she walked over to her office and picked up her computer.

"Good boy, eat well..."

Hela could see Garm munching peacefully and he looked very satisfied with what he had in his bowl.

She smiled in satisfaction.

She walked to the sofa in the living room carrying her computer and a cup of coffee in her arms.

Ina was still sleeping and she still didn't have classes to teach so there was plenty of time left to study about the Holy Grail.

Hela should have a lot of free time and taking advantage of her opportunity as a professor at a university, she used her registration to search for books.

It was really convenient to have a library at her disposal.

And since she was forced to study, she would definitely do it.

Hela out of curiosity looked up Galahad.

Galahad was one of King Arthur's knights, son of Lancelot and Helena, and the only one capable of sitting on the Seat of Danger.

Known for his purity and courage, he was one of three knights to reach the Holy Grail.

Well, the information was few, but even in a small amount there was still the question of how they could help her?!

She was especially curious about what she was ignoring.

This intrigued her deeply.

She spent the better part of her morning reading all that literature and trying to piece all the facts together.

Always using the newly acquired knowledge with Lauren and the knowledge she was building.

But at a certain moment she heard the brief footsteps of her wife, Ina had woken up.

She stretched her arms and legs, realizing that she had been in the same position for many hours, her body had a slight fatigue.

Hela smiled at the sight of Ina's sleepy face and walked over to her wife to kiss her. "Did you sleep well?"

Ina nodded and wrapped her arms around Hela for a comfortable hug. "Yes, I woke up looking for you..."

Hela, feeling satisfied, brought her face closer to Ina's and started a row of kisses all over that beautiful face of hers.

Ina had just washed her face, her skin was still damp and cold.

Her freshly brushed teeth were full of mint.

Hela never got tired of that routine.

"I was studying a little about the Holy Grail… What do you want to eat?"

Ina smiled with the kisses and she quickly felt a small canine presence next to them, Garme was standing next to them as if asking to be hugged.

"I want pancakes... Garm, how was your first night here?"

"Holf! Holf!"

Garm barked excitedly and ran through the house to throw himself on the sofa.

He was like a child who wanted to show his mother how well he slept alone.

Ina was amused by the situation and patted him on the head as if she were praising him.

Garm was a good boy.

Hela walked smoothly into the kitchen and began sorting out the ingredients while Ina kept busy with Garm.

Ina, who still felt sleepy, walked softly over to the couch and quickly activated her third eye so she could watch Garm play.

Maybe that way she would wake up quickly.

And for the first time she saw little Garm's aura.

He had a special aura and when looking at him with her third eye she could see as if berries were growing inside him.

He had a sweet and wild nature.

This became very clear when one realized that he only obeyed Hela and was extremely loving with her.

As a result, he would also be kind to Ina.

Despite being an animal, he was intelligent and full of will.

Garm was like a god within his own nature.

He wasn't just anyone.

Ina caressed the affectionate Garm's face while Hela kept busy preparing the food.

She glanced briefly at the computer running next to the couch and it seemed impossible not to stare at the screen, Hela didn't seem to be making much progress with her research. "Having difficulties with the Holy Grail?"

Hela nodded a little wistfully. "Yes, I don't know what's missing..."

Hela was still wondering what it was she wasn't seeing, which made it all the more uncomfortable and troublesome.

It was an endless cycle where the beginning was exactly like the end.

Ina smiled sweetly and walked over to Hela to hug her from behind. "So tell me, maybe I can help you..."

Hela nodded and slowly told about everything she knew about Arthur, the Holy Grail and Galahad.

Not forgetting to mention the Dangerous Seat and Galahad's purity.

Ina listened carefully and quickly made up her own assumptions about the matter.

For her it didn't make sense for Galahad to simply be immortal, it would make more sense if he really was associated with a condition.

Legend and myths always had their own but if rules were broken they were cruelly punished.

They were proof of that.

Simply being immortal does not justify in Ina's thoughts why Galahad is committed to that cause.

There must be something more.

Besides, purity was romantic in itself as a plot.

It sounded good enough to be true.

The time it took Hela to tell the story was enough time for the pancakes to be ready and they could start eating a delicious breakfast.

Ina gently drizzled honey over her pancakes as she gestured and explained her thoughts on the matter. "I see… Well, it doesn't make sense… If he's pure how are there descendants? Does Lancelot have other children?"

Hela paused briefly to reflect and she remembered perfectly about the genealogical line shown by Lauren.

Lancelot had grandchildren and even great-grandchildren, but not more than one son. "No... Really, you're right it's just Galahad..."

Ina pointed at Hela as if they were in the midst of a great discovery. "So if purity really is chastity, he can't have kids or even have a girlfriend."

Hela nodded understanding the thought and it made sense, right?! "So the descendants Lauren has on record who could they be?"

Ina thought for a few seconds and quickly deduced. "If he is immortal people who know about him will one day die and he could be his own offspring just change his name and live in different places... He could just lie about having children and a wife."

That made Hela finally understand what was missing. "My wife is the best!"

It seemed inevitable not to feel warm from the compliment.

She smiled a little embarrassed and questioned. "Yes, but you have a problem, how are you going to find those descendants?"

Hela grinned and took a small sip of her coffee.

Searching thousands of people was difficult, but one was easy.

When Hela read about the Holy Grail she really felt curious about something.

Galahad's mother was Helena, the daughter of a king who used magic to be able to deceive Lancelot and from that incident came the boy.

Helena was usually used as a puppet and a disguise for a specific goddess to act.

Helena was Venus or simply Aphrodite.

Hela smiled sweetly at her wife and stroked her cheek. "Maybe I need to go to Olympus."

I apologize for the delay in this chapter, I've been going through a little creative crisis, I couldn't feel satisfied with the path the chapter was taking, but I finally got something I appreciate. But I took advantage of the time here to write my other stories, and they all already have chapters prepared for February, so be sure to read Marked Bullet and The Princess Fall In Love With The Omega Queen, February 6th is my birthday and I want gifts and congratulations haha. Well, I want you to comment on something important: should Garm sleep on the couch or have his dog bed? It's up to you to decide, don't forget to talk in the comments and I would really appreciate it if you leave reviews.The story is now under contract, be sure to support it however you can. It helps a lot this Brazilian girl in a Brazil in crisis.

moonssidecreators' thoughts