
[EXPERIMENTAL]Light Novel - "Reincarnated again but on Another World?"

**WARNING** This is entirely experimental meaning many things will change throughout writing this volume so be warned. Also this might have mature content depending if I will add it or not. This is also in webnovel, I post my content there and here. Illustrations, I don't know if I'll add them or can add them, I suck at drawing so it might take a while or if I have enough money, I might hire someone to draw. Kazumi, a "normal" teenager, had already lived two lifetimes and was in the midst of his third when he and his friends were killed in a plane crash. When he awoke, he learned he had been reincarnated once more, but this time into a fantasy world full of magic, skills, and weaponry, rather than his own. He's determined to explore and live his life to the fullest and reunite with his friends, but there's a catch: instead of being born into a normal family, he's born into a royal family, and he'll have to figure out how to live his life as an adventurer rather than being royal. We'll follow his journey from royalty to adventurer to student and more!

Night_Frost_3836 · Fantasy
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51 Chs

Chapter 49 - This guy was the one who made the staff?!

This old man is weird. A tan and masculine body that is just the same height as I was carrying a peculiar-looking green bag while screaming. Normally we would just easily make him leave since he is bothering us but I don't know. Something about him tells me to not make him angry or to pick a fight with him.

Though, he is annoying to deal with. What should I-

"You asses! Where the hell is that brat, Tomo?!"

Eh? Tomo? Does he know him? How does Tomo know this guy? Let me contact him…

'Hey, Tomo, there is an old man looking for you here, can you come back?'

'I'll be right there! Just tell him these exact words…'

'What?! Are you crazy?!'

'Just say that and he will calm down, for now.'

'...Ok, if you say so…'

Is he crazy?! I'm supposed to say those words to calm him down?! Is he trying to get me killed or something? So Tomo does know this old man. Oh well, here it goes.

I walked towards the old man who then gave me a weird expression before saying:

"What are you looking at, you brat?"

"I'm here to relay a message from my younger brother, Tomo Tsukuyomi."

"What is it?"

"... You better calm the f*ck down, you old geezer. Why the h*ll did you leave your own f*ckin place without telling me? You better stay put or I'm going to not only make sure that you can't get any high-grade materials but I'll also burn all of your private poss-"

"Oh, you better not touch my collection!"

"Then stay put sir, please."

"Argh, alright. I'll wait until that brat comes back."

Wait, that worked?! How?! And also, where the hell did Tomo learn how to curse?! Who's the f*cker that taught my little brother how to curse?!

"....Wait, was that really His Highness Tomo-sama's words? Why…"

"... I know right?..."

The knights around us started to whisper about Tomo's message. They immediately stopped as soon as they saw me glaring at them.

"Never speak about this event, alright? I will make sure that those who talk about this event would be…"

They gulped. I think they understood my words. I hope so because this kind of behavior should not get out of the palace. Though, I could just silence them the moment even a word about this gets out so it shouldn't be too hard. Oh well, let's just wait for Tomo, I guess.






'Tomo, can't you just teleport there? Why do you need to run?'

"Well, if I came there early then there won't be any drama happening so I'll just run there instead."

'Wait, didn't you hate drama? Plus, it's about yourself. After all, your messages were filled with curses.'

"Normally yeah, but my brother would have dealt with all of that by now."

'Then what kind of drama are we talking about then?'


'What? What do you mean?'

"If my guess is right, there should be-"

Crash! A loud sound echoed throughout the capital though it seems that the people weren't affected by it. Of course, they wouldn't, after all, it is coming from the palace. Only those who live there would be able to hear this. Lucky for the people here that they didn't hear that.

There is a barrier surrounding the palace area where you need a special key to enter, however, if you were given access by the keyholder, you would be able to go in and out of the barrier without problems. Anyone who doesn't have access will not be able to go to the palace and simply just get teleported to the opposite side of the direction you went in.

This barrier does a lot of other things as well, which include making sure that any sound or explosions made in the palace would not only be unheard of by the citizens in the capital but also get any physical damage due to the force of the explosions.

Reasons being why it has that function is that one day in the past, my sister accidentally made an explosion too large and exploded on the palace grounds which was so loud that it echoed throughout the capital and due to the force of the explosion, many buildings got cracked and almost fell.

Luckily it was quickly fixed up and then we made this function on the barrier to not let something like this happen, to the citizens at least. Because for people like me that live there, we can still hear what is happening in there and if you live there for so long, you would even be able to see the palace even though it is invisible to others.

Quite the cool function of the palace, I wonder if I could make one as well… Oh well, I'll worry about that later. Right now, I should hurry up before too much chaos happens.

And to those who didn't know what that sound was, it was Kai placing his smithery to the ground. I know how loud it gets since I've already experienced something similar to it in the past three years. Goodness, hopefully, they won't be killing each other for that.

I ran as fast as I could and finally reached the palace where I saw Kai, just hammering away in his smithery that he plopped in the middle of the knights' training ground while knights frantically surrounded him carrying tools, shields, armor, and so on.

'Damn, there wasn't any infighting in here. Quite the contrary, it seems the knights have already started to admire him. I wonder why…'

'I mean anybody who sees Kai working would be amazed, don't you think?'

'You got a point there.'

She's right. Kai working gives off a vibe that draws you in and gets you focused on everything he does. Kai said it is part of his skill and finds that bothering but it does help with efficiency, don't know how though. Wait, isn't that my brother over there as well? Guess even he got drawn in as well.

I walked towards the smithery and a few knights noticed me and started shouting to the other knights to line up and make a formation. God, I forgot that they do this kind of stuff. They bowed down to me and I just said that it was fine for them to not do this right now but they insisted.

No, I don't think they are doing this mostly for knightly sake, rather it seems they are scared of something. What could- Oh, that's why.

I looked around to find out what was making the knights scared and saw my brother glaring at them with fierce eyes, ready to kill somebody. Yeah, no shit, if I were any of these knights right now, I would have pissed my pants the moment he started glaring. He was emitting some aura that is going to be very intimidating to these knights, though it seems like Kai wasn't bothered by it.

"Aniki, stop doing that."

"... Ah- eh? What? What did you say?"

"I said calm down, you are scaring our knights here."

"Oh, that's right, haha. Sorry, didn't notice what I was doing."

Sorry my ass, you clearly were doing it intentionally. Whatever, it was for my sake so I'm not too mad but doing this thing to our knights would greatly impact them, maybe negatively if we do it wrong.

My brother approached me before asking:

"Hey, Tomo, how did you find this guy? He looks like a very capable blacksmith, even better than those hot-shot blacksmiths in the capital. Who is he?"

"Oh, this is the guy who made Nee-san's gift three years ago."

"Wait, that staff?!"

He was shocked. Of course, he would. He already knew how strong and absurd the staff was because I showed him how strong it was. So him finding out that this is the guy who made the staff is making him squeal in excitement.

"R-Really?! He's the one?!"


"S-So cool! I might be able to get a cool sword then!"

What is this guy saying?! He already has a pretty cool and powerful magical sword already and he still wants to have another one?!

"I don't think he will make you one. Sorry."

He suddenly became sad and was about to ask why but I just shut him up by covering his mouth. After this, I went to Kai and smacked his head.

"Hey! What you do that for?!"

"That's for you disappearing all of the sudden. Anyways, teach me how to be a blacksmith."
